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Archive through December 27, 1999

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O yasumi nasai to everybody. And long live the bloody Russia (aikawarazu...)

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I believe that the Chechens are just a bunch of brigands, nothing less, nothing more.

I think the Russians should pulverise these mad Islamic fanatics, who want nothing but the destruction of Russia and the rest of the non-Muslim world.

Destroy the Chechens , before they destroy you and the world, my Russian brothers and sisters.

Death to Islam and Chechens.


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Muhammed must have lived on Pig Schit and Urine, when he created his fantasy, the Quran

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Balalaika:"And long live the bloody Russia "

It sure will. Whether your sarcastic ass preaches about it or not.

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please, don't turn it into another "whose-religion-worse-or-better" pissing contest! It'll lead nowhere. Use facts for G-d's sake.

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Regarding R's post of 01:47p. I agree - attitudes shifted 1800 (too much of

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I think both the Quran and the Bible are Pig Sh*t and Urine.

Christianity was born of that Nazarene A-hole (if the crucified mother fuc**r ever existed), and Islam was born from the left test**le of Allah.

Both Islam and Christianity are intolerant and draconian ideologies , or rather ALCATRAZES of
mad and frothing fanatics.

The sooner Islam and Christianity cease to exist, the better it is for world peace, freedom, democracy, brotherhood and harmony.

May God bring his wrath upon the Islamic and Christian priests and leaders , who are nothing but Hitlers, Stalins and Taimur-Laines in the guise of "pious" and "righteous" people.

Death to Chechens, Islam and Christianity.


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To Ichthyosaurus and WASP

I really hate it when a person's only argument is an insult. Please everyone lets get a hold of ourselves. How about saying lets combat the Chechen criminal element. Why do we have resort to genocide? I know you guys don't really mean it that way. The best solution is a logical solution that is carried out in a controlled and methodical fashion. Lets not turn ourselves into lunatics.

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2 Kissie,

>>> too much of

In fact, the opposite - not enough of yet ...

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I believe in the scorched earth method. Burn Gronzy, Burn.

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I wonder if we may expect the phophet Mohammed tonight...

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And I thought it was boring here over the weekend, when certain indies were posting Quran and inverted Bible chapters! Blah, blah, blah..

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I've never been to that site. But search and ye shall find.

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The russians are using weapons that are banned internationally. You can read that in the BBC. A russian general says that they are using these weapons only against the rebels. I JUST LIKE TO SAY, THAT THIS IS THE WAY OF COWARD AND BEASTES.

who are the real terroists, those who are using banned weapons or those who want to free their lands from the garabage ?

Sooner or later, the russians will pay a high price for that. They paid it before in 1996, and they paid it too in Afganistan.

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Please forgive me, everybody. I got a little carried away. I am only human, ladies and gentlemen.

I agree with Mr. Silver. Let us get on with the facts.

The Chechens have been stoking the fires of terrorist activities in Moscow, Dagestan , Chechenya, Ingushetia and other parts of the world, like Afghanistan and India's Kashmir province.

Chechenya is an integral part of Russia, just as
Texas, California and New Mexico are a part of the US. Would the US ever return these states to Mexico, if Mexico demanded their return? Wouldn't the US resort to brute force, if these states attempted to secede from the US?

Why are the Americans using two yardsticks--
one for their country's problems and the other for other countries' problems? The US government is

I believe the world community should haul the Chechens up first! Look what happened in Kosovo!
NATO bombed Serb positions in Kosovo and other parts of Yugoslavia, when the Kosovars were supposedly being "butchered" by the Serb forces!
Why did the US and it's western NATO allies sit back watch the massacre of the Serbs in Kosovo?

What answer does the "moral policeman of the World" the US have for this?

The Chechen pestilence has to be contained, before they spread their filthy terrorism around the world and Talibanise Europe!!

Death to the Chechens, Islam and Christianity.

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