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Archive through December 27, 1999

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The sooner Islam and Christianity cease to exist, the better it is for world peace, freedom, democracy, brotherhood and harmony.

Ichthyosaurus: (noun) An giant marine lizard extinct 500 million years ago..

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Hey Ichthyosaurus are you Jewish? Aren't you forgetting that it was Jews who started Christianity? That Jesus, Mary, and all 12 apostles were Jewish. What about the fact that the Church of Jerusalem (the founding Church) was run by Jews?

Do you think that you could impress people with your vile hate? I have to tell you I was personally offended by your comments. Remember this is a small world and we all have to find a way to share it without killing each other. Your views have no place in a civilized discussion.

By the way I wrote this before I read your last post. But I still decided to post this. Please think before you do this again.

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Balalaika, I think the G*y Mahomet and the Nazarene "Jesus" are scr*wing each other up the
a*ses, because they haven't had it so good for thousands of years!


I think we should let these pesky terrorists , i.e. the Chechens, die in Grozny and other parts of Chechnya.

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Mr. Silver
What I meant is that we must form coalitions against the syphllitic rhetoric that plague this medium of communication. I believe we have found a President for the opposition (Derelicts United in Misguided Discussion)It is none other than Ichthyosaurus! By the way, this fictitious organization's acronym is D.U.M.B.
I share your feeling in regards to the reference material pertaining to religion on this board. The religious jargon (usually evident through morbidly lengthy passages) is presented in the same manner advertisements are. Should religion be transmitted in this manner? I choose to ignore such efforts to unite one's mind with the "truth". It is my belief that relgion, for the most part, is good. However, it remains true that man, in his responsiblity to carry a divine message, has distorted various aspects of religion for the purpose of establishing and reinforcing alterior agendas. Most of these agendas are goals of a personal nature. So let's not blasphemize Gods or prophets. The focus of blame should be emphasized on the people who misconstrue the original religious messages into goals of self-interest.

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Bravo, Suleyman..I could not put it more precisely myself(that is if I HAD to try:))

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No Sir! I am not Jewish! But I believe that Judaism is the least of the three evils or troika of Semitic "religions". At least the Jews do not believe in World Domination, like their other Semitic counterparts. Any draconian ideology based
on dictatorship is bound to collapse like a pack of cards.

Christianity started collapsing in the 11th century, when two incidents took place : Orthodox Christians separated from the Roman Catholic Church and the brave Richard of England, even though he defeated Saladin in the Crusades, was unable to prevent the eventual defeat of the Christians at the hands of Saladin's Islamic forces.

Then the 16th century separation of the Protestant Church from the Roman Catholic Church marked the beginning of the end. The biggest blow to Christianity came from fellow Christian scientists, who disproved the hogwash and mumbo- jumbo of the Bible in almost complete totality.

The 20th century has been the greatest leveller. By the end of the 21st century, Christianity will be a museum piece.

Islam will definitely follow, though it may take a few hundred years more for it to collapse under it's own sh*t.

Judaism will also cease to exist, if the Jews do not change their narrow minded ways about the Falashas and "Gentiles".

I did not mean to offend you, Sir. I was just being upfront about the Semitic faiths.

Chechens must be contained and Chechnya must come
under Russian control.

God bless the Russians.

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See, Ichthio's long post of 03:41p. (all but the last sentence) has a big grain of truth.
P.S. You're the sanest resident on-board, so You can be nominated a President of the opposition to the opposition.:o)

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What's "syphllitic rhetoric"?

If I understand you correctly you are saying that religion is positive but its message has been distorted by insincere people. If that is correct I agree with you. However I think we should concentrate on the situation at hand and not resort to name calling.

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2 Suleyman

You are D.U.M.B. idiot, I HAVE to say.

The acronym for "Derelicts United in Misguided Discussion" is D.U.M.D., so why do not you use instead "Derelicts United in Misguided BESEDA"
which is a Russian word for discussion, if you want to insist on ... D.U.M.B.

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Mr. Suleyman, thanks for the nice feelings you have expressed. Thanks for the compliments.

If speaking the truth about the Semitic "faiths" and exposing them for the bigoted ideologies that they are, then I am ready for taking the brickbats with the bouquets.

I believe in the Truth. World history is witness
to the atrocities that have been committed in the name of Islam and Christianity and have found sanction in the Quran and the Bible.

Chechenya belongs to Russia and that is final. No power on earth can ever separate Chechnya from Russia.

God bless the Russians. May God spare the innocent
Chechen and Russian children.

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Only 300 Albanians killed in KOSOVO (U.N) figures so why was Serbia bombed.There was no genocide because of 2000 or so people only 300 Albanians, the rest were Serbs or Gypsies So before you idiots defend Nato actions look at the facts. The only Chechens getting killed are relatives of bandits so who really gives a shite if they die . Kill them all. MATTHESSON you invited me to Arizona I need your address so I can visit you and get some hospitality.

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Thank you, Mr. Kissie, for being fair to me. I am grateful to God that at least one person here has seen the positive side to what I have been reiterating all this while.

God bless you, Sir. I hope that Mr. Suleyman and Mr. Dimitri also perceive my statements in the same light as you.

The only way out of the Chechen imbroglio is that the Chechen terrorists should be disarmed and neutralised completely, before they destroy the Caucasian region (especially Dagestan, Ossetia and Ingushetia) of Russia, Europe and the rest of the world. Please see the light, ooh citizens of the world.

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that last one's just loose and absolutely unbecoming.

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Igor, I could not agree more with you, brother. May God give the Serbs, Russians and other Slavic
peoples the strength to withstand and fight the onslaught of the Islamic terrorists and nihilists.

More power to Russia.

Smash these Chechen pests. Send them to the Hellhole of Islamic sh*t in Saudi Arabia.

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Please Consider,

Chechens are fighting for a just cause of self determination. Every nation has right to live FREE & according to its rules. In this war , Brave Chechens has gave a message to International Community & Russian People that they DO NOT WANT TO LIVE WITH RUSSIA. They want Independence.

Whats it is too strange ? If Former States of Russia can have independence, If East Timur has got it through Referundum, WHY NOT CHECHENS. Arent they are human beings.

WHY US / UN & UK bombing innocent civilians in IRAQ. Cant they play an active role in Chechnya conflict. Cant they threat Russia, cit aid & bomb at Russian forces using Chemical & all kind of warfare against Chechens. Why US only took action in Iraq, in Haitee, In East Timor, In Afghanistan ?????

Shame on all Countries. 3 months or so have gone & world is only watching the slaghter of people by Russian forces. We all are offering ONLY Lip Service. Shame on UN 7 OIC. These bodies have proved from there acts that they are meant for colonial benifits of ONLY big nations. They can only take action , when a big nation want. There is no room for smaller & weeker ones like CHECHENS.

Long Live Chechnya. We all prey for its independence.

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