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Archive through December 28, 1999

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dear fellow human beings,
i've read quite a load of crap on this board...
Simon & Garfunkel were singing about people who were "hearing without listenin'....." and it clearly seems lots of people around here not only DO NOT hear, but they do not listen either.....
How come terrorism often strikes against the U.S. ? Answer is simple : because the U.S. are the Empire, and the Empire is Evil. How come you do not understand that by bombing, massacring, destroying innocent lives, the U.S. are causing deep reaction and trouble all over the world against -often- innocent civilians ? How come, when "mistakes" happen, the U.S. army, navy, etc. do not APOLOGIZE with their innocent victims ?
How come we have been hit, here in Europe, by a tornado of terrorist attacks which have crippled our civil aviation (Italy), our beef industry (UK & Ireland), our wine production (France & Hungary), and so on and then an entire people is left dying because the U.S. have to respect an ally in a troubled zone (I'm talking of Chechnya, but also of Afghanistan, Kurdistan, etc.)?
Please do think about it, american brothers, and start praying that somebody will come by you and change your bad habits....Apocalypse is not now, but it may well come soon.....

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dear fellow human beings,
Simon & Garfunkel were singing about people who were "hearing without
listenin'....." and it clearly seems lots of people around here not only DO NOT hear,
but they do not listen either.....
How come terrorism often strikes against the U.S. ? Answer is simple : because the
U.S. are the Empire, and the Empire is Evil. How come you do not understand that
by bombing, massacring, destroying innocent lives, the U.S. are causing deep
reaction and trouble all over the world against -often- innocent civilians ? How
come, when "mistakes" happen, the U.S. army, navy, etc. do not APOLOGIZE with
their innocent victims ?
How come we have been hit, here in Europe, by a tornado of terrorist attacks which
have crippled our civil aviation (Italy), our beef industry (UK & Ireland), our wine
production (France & Hungary), and so on and then an entire people is left dying
because the U.S. have to respect an ally in a troubled zone (I'm talking of Chechnya,
but also of Afghanistan, Kurdistan, etc.)?
hink about it, american brothers, and start praying that somebody will come by you
and change your bad habits....Apocalypse is not now, but it may well come soon.....

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Muslim Your prayers are being answered the bandits are going to paradise. Why do you support these bandits,they are not for the most part from Chechnya or are you supporting them just because they are Muslim?

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There is a saying in America - Don't throw rocks if you are living in a glass house. Now you are claiming that Israel is attacking America. This grew out of your attacks on Turkish people. But now you opened up yourself to arguments that you cannot possibly win. The fact is that Americans remember who hijacked American planes and ships, who butchered and kidnapped Americans across the world. Who regularly burns American flag while screaming death to America. And don't get me started on Bin Laden!

Hey Moslem are you really stupid enough to start that line of argument? O by the way would you condemn Chechens for killing Muslims in Daegestan?

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To muni56

What ya been smoking?!? Sounds like bitchin stuff.

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The Mujahideen are from all over the world. God
is waking all the Muslims up, giving us reasons
to ask Him for help, so that we can with ONLY
His help, liberate man from worshipping other men
to worship the One True God.

Thus it is only those who obey God, - whether they
were from the Jewish prophets or peoples, who are
actually considered by Muslims to be the first
"Muslims",(i.e. those who submit themselves to God)
should be encouraged. As the Bible says
the meek (i.e. submissive TO GOD) will inherit
the earth - this is why Islam is growing so fast.

Why are they Bandits, just because the Russian
Authorities call them so? Do you have no power
to see that these lands were stolen from the
Muslims centuries ago, when the Muslims stopped
listening to God? and now, when we go back to
obeying God, we will, with His Help, dominate
throughout the earth, with His Permission Only.

This is God's Promise in all His Books, including
the Bible...

A Muslim

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a muslim,

Damn it, you sneaky bastard, you've changed the subject again;(the usual?)What did your reply had to do with my point? As per your reply I am aware of bombing of an american ship. Guess what, though - you just proved my point. Government is not the same as person. You, with your "you guys" are going a bit national-socialistic(yavol, mine Furer)The most rediculous thing in the dispute is to attack person because "his" government of 80years ago killed millions of people. I have Arminian friends and no Turkish ones, but what a non-sense to hear things like that from someone who claimes to be an 'intellegent' person

P.S. If interested I'll be mo'than GLAD to discuss Israeli-Arab coflict long as you don't start twisting my points, quoting Quran(very boring when someone here does this,since it has NOTHING to do with the subject),etc.

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Muslim Now I know where you are coming from. If thats the case Russians came from Vikings . Does that mean all of Europe should be returned to us.What about Roman and Greek empires? I guess the Jews should have all the Palestinian lands.And what about Egyptians and Incas .I think you get the drift. As far as calling them bandits ,what else do you call assholes who cut off kids fingers,kill Red Cross workers and SELL HEROIN.There is no convicing you .I hope for you and all your brothers a nice trip to PARADISE.

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"...drunk of vodka and drugs, russian terrorists have shot 70 civilians...". Cool stuff! Why don't they just nuke the place! Russia can use some nukes just to test the aging weapons. It would be decent enough. What do you think, mujihids? 🙂

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It feels good to belong to the great nation. Stupid motherfucker you paid to Russia and you will continue to pay because you are bunch of pussies. About begging i wouldn’t know I have four houses and 3 cars, sorry. You want to tell me about your begging experience?

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Can't wait to read about the "strategic retreat" from Grozny of brave mujahideen fighters.

P.S. I heard Khattab suddenly decided to help mujahideen fighters in Afghanistan. I wonder why..

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Blea teba xyi poimesh, nedelu nazad ti bil vrode za nas seichas ya smotru nachel tormozit'. Ti blea ne obizjaisea ny ti kak prostitytka u svoun u chyzjim. Mozjet y teba razdvoenie lichnosti?

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Diman zdorovo kak idet voina s otmorozkami? 🙂

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"The [Russian] Forces yesterday entered the village Bainoi, which follows the Kayoroti district, and that was after the betrayal from Mufti Ahmad Qaadiryov, and the governor Sulim. Fierce battles occurred between the Mujahideen and the Russians and those who are with them from the betrayers, to put pressure on the Mujahideen, from the north and the south."

Lately, I've been reading about many traitors and betrayals. Basayev called every citizen of Gudermes a traitor, all 35,000(?) of them. I can't recall other places that were "officially" announced as traitors. But sounds as if about 90% of Chechen population are traitors.

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I hate to gang up on someone but why don't you answer my question Moslem? Is it because in the case of Chechens and Russians it makes you feel all grand and powerful? Poor little Chechen Davids attacking the Russian Goliath. Who cares about the little details that they murder, rape, and kidnap. Who cares if their principal victims are other Muslims. These little details are not important to you. What is important is right now they are fighting the infidel and that gives you goose bumps and make you feel noble.

Well let me tell you something Muslim. If I were you I would not go into a Mosque in Dagestan. The Muslims there might appreciate your noble adherence to the faith. I don't care what your religion is, but you cannot deny that when a murderer, a rapist, a kidnapper, stands before heavenly judgement he will go to hell even if he is a Muslim. If you tell me otherwise then I will radically alter my opinion of your culture!

Grow up!

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