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Archive through December 28, 1999

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good point, one of the cowards(bosna) is already about to disappear..but there are, of course people here with "hotter" heads and less tollerance toward the cow-ards 🙂

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Drake -

Russia has enough resources, just a little too much corruption and too many loans (think credit cards and their huge APRs). After most of the terrorists are out of Chechnya, Russian special and militia forces should do an anticrime sweep across the country and then start on rebuilding.

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"...anticrime sweep across the country and then start on rebuilding..."

I am sure that's the plan. But I am not sure whether it's possible to come up with a plan for this:

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I understand/know that Russia is rich with natural resources, nevertheless by resources i mean the cash needed to improve the situation (bring food, jobs, etc)

The long term presence of military force is not a solution. I am not sure if military (goverment) have enough cash to do that. The people need to want to stay and cooperate (like dagestan). In order for them to do that economical solution must be found.

Although I agree with you on many points, I still believe that your last statement about "never learn from thier history" is oversimplification. There are many factors why people (nation) would want or do not want to stay (nationalism is one of them)in the federation.


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You are right, something must be done about those bastards.
(And I do mean bastards because they are still in Grozny, which means their fathers are either dead or will be killed soon).

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I am afraid the other Russian participants of the board will strongly disapprove what I am about to say but that's what seems to me the only decision here:
- The military campaign should be completed;
- After a period of rebuilding (tentatively 1 - 2 years) a referendum in Chechnya should decide whether to stay or too leave;
- After they (hopefully) decide to leave, Russian army should establish a buffer zone north of Terek. A heavy duty one, with mine fields and barb wire.

Fellow Russians, ask yourselves: do you want to live with them in the same country?

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If Russia really wants something it can do it even at high cost. The history of the country is the proof of that. And Russia is usually successful.
The problems it faces now will pass.

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"...would want or do not want to stay ..."

I certainly agree with that, but what I really meant by saying about inability to learn from history is that they always turn to violence for resolution of any issue. Even among themselves, the tribes (families). Never mind all their neighbors - Dagestanians, Ossetians, Cossacs..

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A tous les russes...

Félécitation pour cette belle et brillante victoire qui s'annonce de plus en plus.Vous avez su avec courage et brio mener une grande campagne militaire en évitant les grands massacres civils (contrairement aux américains a Dresde ou au Vietnam avec des centaines de milliers de civils morts inutilement.)Vous avez ,en autant que la situation le permettait,agis en personnes civilisés...Malheureusement ,il vous a été impossible d'éviter cette guerre et l'Histoire retiendra que vous avez mis un frein a l'expantion du terrible fléau qu'est le terrorisme et le fanatisme des islamistes. Vous ete de véritables héros qui agissez pour le bien de toute l'humanité contrairement aux américains qui ne pense qu'a leur bas intérets financiers...Durant la paix qui viendra,espérons qu'il vous sera possible de ramener la Tchétchénie au sein des peuples civilisés.Félécitation et bonne chance.

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would you be kind enough to write your messages in English? I also want to know what you wrote there.
Thank you.

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I agree with you. I only think that rebuilding period would take longer than 1-2 years, than maybe not


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Salut Veritas,
finalment tu est la! ça va bien?

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Veritas, mon cher

Unfortunately, except for Caucasian no one else seems to speak French here, so please express you feelings in English so we ca all understand...that is unless my friend Caucasian would be kind enought to translate for us 🙂

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You are right, the problem will pass. The price is a question. Sometimes high price is too much for the people to handle proper.

Also, if you do not mind the private question: what part of usa you are from?


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Je suis désolé car je m'exprime tres mal en anglais:je n'ai jamais eu besoin de l'anglais pour vivre ou me cultiver...Cela a eu l'avantage que j'échappe a la dite culture amé a la mentalité de ce sinistre pays qui se croit le centre du monde alors qu'il n'est que le centre de l'argent du monde...Malgré tout je vais essayer...

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