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Archive through December 28, 1999

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Caucasian -

Keep your friends close to yourself and your enemies even closer.

I do not disagree with what you said, but that should of been done in 1991.. before Chechens expelled almost everybody who was not one.

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Veritas, veux-tu que je traduise ca?

If Veritas doesn't mind I'll be happy to do so.

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Why don't the ****'in Russians make up their mind?

1) Russian General ("Grozny will fall in one day")
2) NTV- "Grozny will fall by Monday."
3) "Grozny will fall by the New Year."

As Field Commander Isa Manuyev best put it, "The real battle lies ahead."

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Certainement...avec plaisir.

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Chechen fighter -

Funny, all of the sources you provided said that there's no specific date. Anyway, why are you in such hurry?

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I am from St.Petersburg, Russia. Now I live in New York. You?

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VÉRITAS said: "To all Russians,
congratulations on this brilliant victory which is shaping out from the news little by little. You carried out with courage a great military campaign without massive loss of lives of civilians (as oppose to bombardment of Dresden and Vietnam campaign). Unfortunately you were unable to avoid this war but History will prove that you have stopped the terrible plague of terrorism and muslim fanatism. You are the heroes who stand strong for the entire Humanity as oppose to America who is only preoccupied with the finances. In coming peaceful times I hope you will civilize Chechnya. Congratulations and good luck.

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Chechen fighter,
And one more thing, if you are indeed chechen fighter, shouldn't you be fighting right now instead of serfing the internet?

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I meant to say "surfing" of course..

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Igor and Caucasian

Thank you Caucasian for agreeing to the veracity
of my statement.

Well - it's nice to give you a basic lesson in
Islamic toilette etiquette:

You clean yourself with your left hand.
With water please.

You shake hands and eat with your right hand
Again - always wash your hands before eating
- try that and see how much less colds
and influenza you get!!!

D - U - H ! We'll civilize you lot yet!!!
(God Willing)

A Muslim

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"Chechen television said a Russian helicopter had been shot down, and the eight crew taken prisoner in the southeastern district of Nozhai-Yurt."

oops!! Again, with all the russian bombarment from the air and ground and the fire bombs, the chechans still have their own tv broacasting!!!
Where the hell the russians are bombing??? i am afraid they might be russia places but they are unaware....hehehehehehe

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Thanx for translation, Caucasian 🙂

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I rest my case LOL!

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Dmitri, no problem buddy..

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The Grozny meat grinder is already in action. Rotting corpses of Russian soldiers litter the streets. No need for more fighters. Besided who will shut you up here for your foolish rhetoric about your "brave" generals who are getting medals from Yeltsin for What? I have not yet seen Russian Flag. I can bet you sooner or later a flag will be raised somewhere near Mosdok and generals will claim capture of Grozny.

Ivano, this time there are not even dogs left in Grozny to devour the cadavars. All Russian generals including Putin must be shot by firing squad for commiting war crimes.

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