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Archive through December 28, 1999

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How ingenious of you to inform this board about the next Russian chopper. Now Russians have -4 choppers in Chechnya.
Chechen TV yeah!

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muslim = civilized world???!!! Damn it, boy, you aren't even worth conversating with after you say something like that...hmmm...religion in general and islam in particular pull the civilized world back..facto..why do you think all the Russians call chechens "chernozjopaya obez'ana" - blackassed monkey - cuz most likely(in my vivid imagination) you wipe those dirty asses of yours with the rugs you pray on.."civilized" this, chmo..(thranslation of "chmo" will come in my next posting to your blackassed-self)... you wipe that dirty ass of yours, boy 😉

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Thank you and have a good day.I can't stay because i have to wook now. A bientot...

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A bientot Véritas..

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bosna said:
"Where the hell the russians are bombing??? i am afraid they might be russia places but they are unaware....hehehehehehe"

coughing problems? Didn't I tell ya not to swollow that Russian cum..but I guess you just couldn't help it, could ya..oooh, poor cock-sucker, slurp-slurp..

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bosna?c'mon,little "chmo", talk to ME

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Same here, only living in Minnesota

where did you get your information? I mean I would like to read the chechen tv stuff.


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Chechen figter:
I do not think anyone can put down the date. The fact of the matter is that Grozny will be liberated, it is just matter of time. It is just impossible for 2-4000 people to withstand overhelming attack by more powerfull force. South mountains are more strategic to terrorists than grozny. This city just have moral/propoganda value on both sides.


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from what I have read the other day the Chechen TV did work, only on and off but that was before this final attack. I doubt that it is working now.

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To muni56

Hey Mun thanks for telling me what ya been smoking, dude. Why don't you try some acid, man. It's really far out. You'll see some strange lights, it'll be beautiful. Some dudes claim that they even saw that American government is run by extra-terrestrials from the planet Vega.

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To Abdulah 2

And I say 2 because this was the work of a different Abdulah. First off all Abdulah let me state one of the differences between us. I have stated before numerous times and I will state it again I do not agree with everything that American government does, You on the other hand see all Muslims as pure Angels as long as they are fighting the Infidel.

You have raised many issues in your long post that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic. This is a cheap diversionary trick and I'm not going to fall for it. But I just can't help myself, I have to reply to the most ludicrous charge. You stated:

"And in the case of the Iraq sanctions, what kind
of sick inhumanity does it take to wipe out kids
by the millions, all in the name of fighting one

You know, even Saddam does not claim that Iraqi children are being wiped out by the millions. I don't even think there are millions of children in Iraq. We are talking about Iraq not China. Next, America fought a war with Iraq because Iraq attacked an American ally, Kuwait, a Muslim country mind you. We did not seek territory we did not even seek to topple Saddam. We liberated Kuwait and having accomplished that goal we left! And the sanctions, o give me a break, you know the truth, Iraq is allowed to sell enough oil to take care of its citizens. And the only reason that they are still in place is because this guy is still trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction. And we know what will happen if he succeeds, those weapons will be used against us or against our allies. Do not expect us to sit quietly and wait for that to happen. If Saddam complies with the requirements for lifting the sanctions there will be no sanctions. He has such an easy way out. But he is deliberately torturing his people for cheap propaganda purposes.

Christianity teaches us to love our enemies. I think that is a noble principal that unfortunately was not always followed. But I individually will state that I would condemn anyone whether Christian, Jew or Muslim that takes a delight in misfortunes of others. This does not mean that I'm a complete pacifist, I do believe that violence is sometimes necessary, but it must be used when there are no other options available. And even if you do employ violence, it should be done only for the sake of an objective. And after that objective has been reached you must help your enemy get back on his feet.

One other thing, I did not say that anyone was cutting off the fingers of children. Please in the future if you are going to claim that I said something copy and paste what I wrote as evidence.

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To Muslim

You said:

"If the Mujahid then takes out a FLANK of
russians, it is a "massacre" in the sense
of a brilliant victory that stands out of
proportion to the sizes of the combatants
just as in sports reporting, a routing of
the opposite team is called a massacre."

A "massacre" is not a "brilliant victory". A massacre is a wholesale slaughter. You have to admit that was a bit of a stretch on your part. But a nice try. We both know what Abdulah meant. I'm sorry if I appeared kind of harsh with him but I was shocked.

A bit of advice. Precious few situations are Black and White. Consider this, had Russia not invaded, how many Muslims in the Caucuses would have died in Chechen hands? Lets not forget that Basayev promised to expand the war to the entire region. Now imagine some powerful Western nation invades Afghanistan and completely wipes out the Taliban, now imagine this happened 5 years ago. How many Afghani Muslims would have been saved? Precious few situations are Black and White.

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No... very is no little green man. Otherwise, Molder would have prove it by now. ( X-files :)))) love this show.

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SOB you are not worth talking to. you are trash and people do not talk to trash. GOT IT????

it was a part of yahoo news updates.

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AAS said:
"Russians are ignorant on the spiritual side. They are materialistic. So please try to help them."


You know something - hypocracy(fake preaching) is a very common practice here but I still get surprised everytime a honey-mouthed hypocrite enters this board. What can YOU possibly know about Russian spirituality?Nothing? Or nothing?I thought so..and PLEASE spaer me your Quran teachings..just because you have a slave mentality(yes, you are a slave of allah, since this is one of the forms of mindslavery)doesn't mean I should be just as closed-minded person you seem to appear. Free you mind - it's a beautiful thing


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