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Archive through December 28, 1999

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Noble Member
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AAS We do believe in GOD AND JESUS CHRIST not allah. We have a right to defend our own.Russian flag flying in Grozny airport. Also I do not think Chechen deserve referendum because they had independece of sorts and screwed up. It will be a long time coming.

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you're way off, buddy, I am just getting rid off the trash from this board..and that would be.....Yes you guessed it - it is YOU ;-((

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YAHOO news for YAHOO's BOSNA I saw Russian flag flying in bremya,didn't read it on intertrash or yahooo

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YAHOO news for YAHOO's BOSNA I saw Russian flag flying in bremya,didn't read it on intertrash or yahooo

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Tell me, why did Russia invade Chechnya?

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with bitterness I admit that the years of communist rule turned a lot of my compatriots to vulgar materialists. But the substitute of spirituality which you use certainly would only mislead any follower. Again, look at the deeds of these follower, just turn on your TV tonight and watch. Promises of Heaven (and virgins :o)) for murder of kafirs? Please..

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I agree with George D Silver about saving Muslims.
This conflict in Russia is presented by Muslims as religious war on Muslim people which it is not and has never been. And the sooner it is recognized the better. Would save a lot of blood on both sides.

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Mr Silver Russia invaded because of lawlessness,kidnapping(1500people),harassing ethnic Russians(same as KOSOVO),radicals proclaiming Dagestan Islamic Republic, heroin manifacturing in cahoots with Taleban. Ithink that is enough reasons. Checkout It will show you what these animals are about and why if I was there I would punish these bastards even harder. I live in a Muslim area and they have made all the non muslims leave through their actions I myself have 105 days left before I leave and then it will be payback time because they only feel brave in large groups but when I come back I will catch them in small groups and I will beat the snot out of them .4 or 5 at a time is ok with me.

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my SOB won't fit in your mouth. Now, - on the count of 1 - remove the Russian ****from your chicken butt.....

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Maybe Chechnya is a Russian territory after all, George. Chechnya has a good chance to be independent and it blew it. Pirates can survive but for how long? If not Russia, then US or NATO will bomb it one sunny day.

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And we will help Armenia too when the time comes .I have lots of Armenian friends and they say if not for Russia they would be swallowed upby Muslims.

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George D Silver:
When Russia invaded what is now known as Chechnya it was the time when wars for the territory were the most commonplace throughout the world. Almost every country has changed their boundaries since then - and not through peaceful processes. However the territorial integrity is a cornerstone of the modern politics and it is absolutely essential that it be preserved - if only for the sake of stability. And the only way to preserve this stability in that region is to keep Chechnya within Russian Federation, i.e. under control.
FYI - there has never been a country called Chechnya, as far as I know with any distinct boundaries to cross.

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If what you want to do is to protect the Russian citizens from Chechen criminal elements then the best way to do it, is to let them go. Provided of course that Russia takes appropriate measures to protect itself. A buffer zone, a strict embargo on all weapons in the region would be a good start. Just think, if Chechnya becomes an integral part of Russia, then these criminal elements will have the opportunity to fan out across your country and then there will be absolutely nothing that you could do about it. It's really better for everyone. You might want to pray that if there is a referendum that they choose independence.

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The very same bastards if not finished off now will eventually crawl into Nagorni Karabakh (not sure if it means anything to western participant of the board) to fight against Armenia as they already promised. The consequences could be totally unpredictable. No doubt the mad dogs should be stopped right now.

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Why should we let them go ,we will just get rid of them .Did you see website Why doesn't US give up Texas and Hawaii or California

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