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Archive through December 28, 1999

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The cow***ard russina's ran like puss**cat

The Russian Forces set out with a powerful and a fierce attack on the city of Serzhen-Yurt, seeking to control over it. As this used to be a place for the training of Mujahideen, as well as Islamic educational institutes, so that they may make apparent to Information that they were able to take control over an important stronghold of the Mujahideen - in order to gain the aid of general Russian opinion. After a very fierce battle, the Mujahideen were able to give the Russian Forces the worst of destruction. The Mujahideen mentioned that the Russian Forces stepped forward with very huge numbers, accompanied with convoys of machineries

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Fill in or correct information.

1. Aslan Maskhadov - prez of Chechnya (duh)
2. Aslanbek Ismailov - deputy military commander?
3. Aidamir Abalayev - minister of militia?
4. Lyoma Usmanov - ex-ambassador to the US, what does he do now?
5. Mumadi Saidaiv - ???
6. Shamil Basayev - field commander (duh)
7. Ruslan Gelayev - field commander
8. Vakha Arsanov - field commander, vice prez?
9. Akhmad Zakhayev - minister of culture, field commander?
10. Isa Munayev - military commandant
11. ibn Khattab - field commander of foreign mercinaries (duh)
12. Baudi Bakuyev - field commander
13. Khosh-Akhmad Yarikhanov - ???
14. Selim Abdulmuslimov - spokesman for prez, field commander?
15. Movladi Udugov - storyteller, Chechen spkesman?
16. Abdul Malik - ???
17. Abdul Rakhman - ???
18. Arbi Barayev - ???
19. Mairbek Vachagaev - press secretary of the prez, field commander?
20. Nazhmudin Uvaisayev - chairman of the nat'l bank, field commander?
21. Sultan Sutayev - ???
22. Kazbek Makashyev - something to do with militia?
23. Khabib - Khattab's right hand, field commander?
24. Salman Raduyev - ???
25. Others. Who did I miss?

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Mr Silver love your answer .I was wondering why Muslim did not respond yet.Seems like a lot of them think that way(Ahmed from the last few days). On KAVKAZ... I noticed that the Russians had lost 2 more helicopters than they originally had. If any one else posts that site you are a mongoloid.

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Zdorov, naparnickek 😉 , kak dela, bratuxa? Bez teb'ia tyt nemnogo stixlo, no sevodn'a poiavils'a petyshok matthesson..ny ia vizhy ti ego tozhe primetil - on, sychenok tryslivii mne ne otvechaet, tol'ko s Igorem gavkaets'a..ny nichevo, skoro dogavkaets'a :-)))

Mne seichas nuzhno soiti s Interneta , tak chto "yvidims'a" cherez chas-poltora:)

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Speak of the idiot and he shows up HEY ABDU. Ready to bang your face off the screen. ahahahaha

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George D. Silver (

Look, Islam denounce aggression and all kind of
immoral thinks. Look no one like saddam hossian, because he is doing against Islam. So those people blow up and killed innocent people they are not among us. But same time you can not label all other good muslmis as terrorist because there are few bad apples. Do you ever heard about Irish terroist, or Christian TERRORIST? Answer is no, you see it is a double standard. Today's world is full of unjustice.

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Very soon russia will ask the west for body bags

At the Dagestani border, in the city called Najirot, the fierce operations resulted with more than 192 from the Russian soldiers killed, and the Mujahideen destroyed 9 machineries. Likewise, the Mujahideen shot down two helicopters, one near Khanti, and the other above the capital.

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yes boy, I am back, your worst nightmare.



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How do you explain -2 helicopters from your good sources you moron.I have to tell you that it is idiots like you that make people hate all of you Muslims.

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YOu all pro russians read the real news from GROZNY

Around Grozny, in the district of Dari-ishtawi the leader ‘Abdul-Malik lead a masterpiece of a massacre. The daring brothers stood firm, with all true bravery and qualities of Jihad and sacrifice. With a small number and little equipment, they were able to, by the success granted by Allah, kill more than 174 soldiers and capture many weapons and equipment, and the counting of their bodies could not be finished after the operation, as they are thrown to the ground in every valley and behind every rock,

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I found very interesting what you were saying about the false prophet Mahomet...I would like to have more details of the live of this man...if it is possible.Thank you.

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Earlier Balalaika accused me of being you. I didn't fully realize how much she insulted me.

Abdulah, I never accused all Muslims of being terrorists. Is that some sort of a subconscious thing on your part? I didn't even accuse all Chechens of being terrorists. And I did hear plenty of Irish terrorists and Catholic terrorists, and Protestant terrorists.

But I agree with you that there is a double standard. And it comes from people like yourself who are willing to white wash any crime if the criminals are fighting the infidels.


I agree with your one word post

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This is nice. Two more choppers, ah? I guess there are only -3 (minus 3) left. Poor Russians should ask for military help soon. This is not even funny, stupdullah-lah-lah-lah! You better go back to school to study some arithmetics, ••••!

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y igorE,


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