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Archive through December 28, 1999

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The new millenium is around the corner, Just look back to the Y1K millenium when Muslims were masters of the civilized world. Turkey with immense resources and strategic location could have been the country to look for salavation of mankind. Alas, the Young Turks found it inappropriate to rediscover Islam and started aping the decadent West. It was the fault of ignorant followers that paved the downfall of the great Ottoman Empire. And you saw the result.

As the world enters new millenium it loks like Chechnya will be the watershed for the resurgence of Islam. As one of my friends who stayed in Russia for long time predicted that the way Muslims were brutaized they will stage a spectacular comeback . Chechnya is just tip of the iceburg.

================================================== REMEMBERING Y1K

In the 10th century AD., Muslim Spain was the most advanced, the richest and most powerful country in Europe. Its capital, Cordova, only rivaled by Baghdad, had a population of one million literate

Miles of streets of Cordoba were paved and brightly lit. Sewers carried away the refuse and well kept parks dotted the city.-this at the time when the largest city in Europe had a population of 10,000 with no sewers or lights and the only streets were padded earth.

The heart of this fabulous city was its Great Mosque that was built in 785 C.E., and by the year 1000 C.E., it was considered to be one of the wonders of the medieval world. Historian have written that its harmony of lines and accuracy of details were unmatched in any structure of that age.
It even influenced the architecture of Christian churches.

Muslim Spain ("Al-Andalus" in arabic) became a remarkable
country for its age. Her schools, the best in the world of that age, were open to students from every corner of the globe. Education was almost universal, with the vast majority of men and women being able to read and write.

Learning was at such a high level that technicians and scientists from Muslim Spain were in demand all over Western Europe. Every one knew that if they wanted to excel in the best of what civilized life had to offer, they had to travel to Muslim Spain-the land of knowledge.

The tolerance of the Muslims, nurtured by the spirit of Islam, turned Al-Andalus into the top cultural center on European soil. Due to the open society in the Iberian Peninsula, the Jewish golden age in literature developed under Muslim rule, especially between the 10th century and 12th centuries.

During this period when Jews in the remainder of Europe were hardly tolerated, in Al-Andalus, the Hebrew tongue developed its grammar and vocabulary on the model of the Arabic language.

Elmer Bendiner in his book "The Rise and Fall of Paradise" writes that in 10th century B.C., " There was thus no pressure on Jews in tenth-century Andalusia to retire into a ghetto. There were no laws and scarcely any customs that confined Jews to any place or occupation.When their gates were shut they were the ones who shut them."

Muslim women took part in all facets of daily life, and held high offices and many became lawyers, librarians, medical practitioners, teachers, poets, Qur'anic copyists, and secretaries.

According to S.P. Scott, "Mohammedan (Muslim) Spain presents the only instances, in ancient or modern history of a country under whose laws and customs women did not exist in a state of tutelage." Only in this last part of 20th century have women been elevated to a higher state in North America.

Titus Berkhardt in "Moorish culture in Spain" states that European chivalry of the Middle Ages was learned from the Spanish Moors. He goes on to say that the glorification of women and noble knights with their many virtues is more characteristic of Islam than Christianity.

1. E.Bediner, The Rise and Fall of Paradise, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1983
2. T.Berkhard, The Moorish culture in Spain, London 1972
3. A.G. Chejne, Muslim Spain, Its History and Culture, 1974.
4. Habeeb Salloum, a freelance writer and author from Don Mils,

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If you try to make your coome back violent you will be nuked Stay out of Russia

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What the F_U_C_K does muslims and spain has anything to do with this message board?

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Saturday 25 December 1999 The Savage Operations and The Killings Reached its Peak Today

By the help of Allah and His bounty, Allah bestowed His favour upon the Mujahideen on this day, by the killing of a large number from the heads that ripened and caused trouble in the land. In the operations that occurred around the capital since last night, and even until the noon prayer today, under the leadership of the Arab leader Brayev in Khanklah, near the airport in a city called Kiro. The Russians suffered damages that were a delight for the faithful ones. These operations ended with 203 killed from the Russian Army, and the Mujahideen destroyed 4 machineries and captured two tanks.

At the Dagestani border, in the city called Najirot, the fierce operations resulted with more than 192 from the Russian soldiers killed, and the Mujahideen destroyed 9 machineries. Likewise, the Mujahideen shot down two helicopters, one near Khanti, and the other above the capital.

Around Grozny, in the district of Dari-ishtawi the leader ‘Abdul-Malik lead a masterpiece of a massacre. The daring brothers stood firm, with all true bravery and qualities of Jihad and sacrifice. With a small number and little equipment, they were able to, by the success granted by Allah, kill more than 174 soldiers and capture many weapons and equipment, and the counting of their bodies could not be finished after the operation, as they are thrown to the ground in every valley and behind every rock...

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Friday 24 December 1999 A Painful Blow Received by Ahmad Qaadiryov and His Helpers

Allah drove the hypocrites, the army of the Mufti Ahmad Qaadiryov and the governor Sulim, back to where they came from. In this delightful event, Allah gave the Mujahideen control over the people of hypocrisy. This was after they tried to attack the capital. The Russian Forces recruited a number of them via the opposing self-acclaimed government. After they finished their preparation, they pushed with a large group from amongst them towards the capital, trying to attack it, except that Allah honoured the Mujahideen and cured their breasts. The Mujahideen killed 60 of the hypocrites and captured another group, and the rest fled after dropping their weapons for the Mujahideen, and those who were saved announced that they would never dive into any operation against the Mujahideen.

The Russian Information continuously misguides global general opinion, by all its means, by announcing that they have control over most of the Chechen Republic and by amounting the ratio of their control to be 90% of Chechen land. Whereas every follower of the news knows that these claims are completely false and in opposition to the reality. In fact, the Russian Forces have lost heart with devastating despair during its empowerment over most of the land of the Republic, and was inflicted with serious losses, each time it tried to widen its control. It set out to hide the ruin that was met by its machineries, equipment and soldiers. This was achieved by the bombardment of every place where the operations took place, after its retreat from there. With this, they try to hide what they leave behind so that the Mujahideen do not get the true picture, fearing that the picture of the general opinion in Russia might be demolished. What is worthy of mentioning is that their control does not extend except over 40% from the Chechen land, and most of these cities are lands, which are easily extended

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Thursday 23 December 1999 More than 120 Killed and 90 Captured

The operations do not seize to continue around the capital from all directions. Today, Allah gave the Mujahideen the ability to achieve numerous victories in the field of operations. In spite of the Russians trying to protect their honour and to quickly resolve the operation surrounding the capital, each time they increase their attacks, their losses also increase. In the last operation, which is still continuing during the writing of this news report, the Mujahideen confirmed that the Russians inflicted heavy losses of at least 120 killed and 90 captured, as they also shot down a plane vertically over the capital. The operations do not seize to continue; we ask Allah to drive the Russians back to where they came from, as losers, and to make them either from the killed or the captives, indeed He is All-Powerful, All-Mighty.

In spite of the Russians announcing and repeating that they have strengthened their control over all ways and passages, their losses are on the increase, which is what practically proves the falsity of their claims. On the passage of Shali-Grozny, the Mujahideen set out with a successful ambush, destroying two enemy machineries and capturing three. Now they are threatening other passages through which Russia operates. The joy of the Russian leadership did not tint with its operation, by which the long Georgia-Chechen route was cut of, as – praise be to Allah – the surrender of 16 Russian Soldiers from the armed paratroopers, to the Mujahideen was completed. After those soldiers surrendered themselves, they told the Mujahideen about their bad condition. They mentioned how they used to suffer from hunger and extreme cold, which forced them to surrender themselves to the Mujahideen. They assume that the descending forces between the Georgian-Chechen border are not able to resist for long, due to what they suffer from the extremely bad conditions. So they could either surrender themselves to the Mujahideen, or they runaway from these cold hills to any other place.

Under the shadows of the silence of the Muslim world, Russia practices her war against Islam with all lucidity. They setout to change the Russian Mosque Martan to a disco, where they drunk alcohol and burnt down a part of it. So who will aid the houses of Allah?

The Russian Forces have been following their terrorist attacks in the Muslim Chechnya. In the city of Anjeryoret, the terrorist forces setout to kill 40 civilians, slaughtering one of them in front of people with a knife, like an ewe. Just as their tyrannical terrorism even victimizes women, they killed 8 women in a horrible way, and even that was not sufficient for them, so they setout to torture some of the alive women by chopping of an ear of a woman and the feet of another woman. Likewise they stole jewellery, money and other possessions. The likeness of what took place last night, is the style which has been preceded by their brothers, the Serbs, who are now exercising for their brothers against the Muslims – and there is no Power or Strength except with Allah.

With hearts that are full of hatred and rage against the Muslims, the soldiers of terrorism of Russia setout to prevent the injured from entering the hospital Shali or to be treated therein. As they setout with all savagery with entry to the hospital and finished off some of the injured by accusation that they have links with the Mujahideen.

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to all pigs who talk from their asses: read and weep. :-)))))))
Stay tuned, more news is coming...

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... Abdul-Malik lead a masterpiece of a massacre.
Goebbels couldn't have done better, and he'd been a "doctor". Obviously, some hallucinogenic stuff was a great help to the author of these "masterpieces".

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By Daniel Williams
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, December 28, 1999; Page A20

OMALO, Georgia—Over a chicken banquet the other day to celebrate his homecoming, Bilal, an ethnic Chechen guerrilla fighter, told tales of combat in Chechnya to friends and relatives and debated the merits of quarrelsome Chechen leaders.

Officially, the bearded Bilal is not supposed to be inside Georgia, the sole foreign country bordering Chechnya and the only destination Chechens can reach that is not blocked by Russian artillery and military patrols.

** I thought russia controls the borders with Georgia. oops!!!******
But here was Bilal, still in fatigues and with an AK-47 rifle in tow, just days after fighting in Chechnya against Russian forces.

Movements of Chechen rebels like Bilal are a potential embarrassment, if not a downright problem, for Georgia.
© Copyright 1999 The Washington Post Company

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The reference to Spain is very much related to this message board. From the ruins and ashes of the devastated land of Chechnya , a new powerful state will emerge. The Chechens should thank the Russians for destroying the legacy of colonial rule. Grozny was built by Russians as a monument to their lust, greed, deceit and treachery. The Russian architecture and infrastructure is nothing but an 'eyesore' compared with the magnificent civilization of Muslim Spain. The comment about Russian architecture being eyesore and environmental nightmare was stated by a renown UN Architect who visited Samarkhand and Bukhara's medieval grandeur and marvelous architecture.

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"...Chechens should thank the Russians for destroying ..."

You are most welcomed!

"...release of 35 others, return of the coffin of terrorist Sajjad Afghani, payments by India of $200 million..." - from

"Civilization"? What are you talking about? One can imagine how it smells when these civilized take off their sweaty shoes and stick up their filthy rears in their mosques.. Yuck!

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The doggie bosna is back and barking louder then ever!
Chujet pes chto nedolgo ostalos' :o)

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