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Archive through December 28, 1999

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"...But here was Bilal, still in fatigues..."

and still telling tales - I certainly believe this part of the message :o)

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``(The fall of Grozny) may come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, or it may take five, six or seven days more,'' Valery Manilov, first deputy chief of Russia's general staff, told a news conference.

** you can tell from the above statment how much the russian know what the hell they are talking about. didn't we hear these statements two months ago!!!!
let me tell general PIGValery SHITmanaov that the Chechen will come and kill you where ever you are, it may take a day, two, or....hahahahah

to caucasian:
you little creature didn't i tell you that:you won the barking competetion...:-)))

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CBC: "...Two Hezbollah guerrillas released from an Israeli prison Sunday say they will rejoin the fight against Israeli occupation forces in southern Lebanon..."

Gratitude of muslims.. Israel kicks your stinky asses pretty hard though, eh?
News on CBC yesterday night: first story - muslim hijackers of the plane, second story - the one about hezbollah guerrillas, third - massacre of Christians by muslims in Indonesia, forth - Chechnya... A trend? Should we wake up by now?

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LOCC said:

And I noticed that non-Muslims like to swear!...

Why is THAT?

Are they drunken besotten dolts or something?....

Don't tell the Muslims to get into Classical
Guitar. They probably invented it - and that's
how and why (getting involved in the sensualities
of, women and song..).that they lost
Granada and Cordoba to the Spanish Inquisition
which is in the same ballpark as Russia for its
vicious ferocity.

I used to listen to a lot of music by Falla,
Joaquin Rodrigo, and even Chopin and Ravel,
not to mention Borodin and Rimsky-Korsakov
and even Rachmaninov, to find out about their
Moorish origins, and to try and get an understanding for our heritage.

But it is too easy to get deeply immersed in it
almost like being in a drug den! I think I got
out in time!

So that's why staying away from music is good
advice for the Muslims.

A Muslim.

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You are right Brother. A top general who was given awards for his "bravery" in Dagestan was transferred to Dushabe in Tajikistan to advice the puppet Govt. to counter rebels. He was executed after he emeged from his house.

Bosna, Don't worry war criminals will be hunted down even if they go aboard Mir space station.

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Mind whom you say have filthy rears.

We Muslims wash ourselves every time we
go to the toilet - unlike most uncivilized
non-muslims, who can only spare water for
their toilet bowls, and none for themselves!!!

They are too uncivilized even to wash their hands
after going to the toilet, leave alone their
rears or their "fronts" !!!

Y - E - C - C - H ! ! !

A Muslim.

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Militant dogs fried .Russia using gasoline bombs on Muslim rats hiding in mountains. Bosna you idiot how can your kavkaz scorecard read minus 3 helicopters. Stay tuned for more.

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You are ••••••• stupid if you think "war criminals" will be punished in anyway. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. WHO IS GOING TO PUNISH THEM?BRAVE CHECHENS? I DON'T THINK SO.

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A real pestilence ...

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That's why you Muslims all stink the same smell BOSNA YOU STINKING MOSLEM PIG

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"even Rachmaninov" is probably meant to impress the audience. I am sure you did impress the muslims on this board. Who else have you heard of?
Guitar? Of course they invented it along with telephone and tampax.

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oops!! again the generals have different dates for capturing grozny:

Tuesday, December 28 8:33 PM SGT

Russians say they will capture Grozny in 10 days, Yelstin honors generals
SHALI, Russia, Dec 28 (AFP) -
Russia on Tuesday vowed to hoist its flag over the besieged Chechen capital Grozny within 10 days despite fierce resistance from 2,000 guerrilla defenders.

Wazzup wizzat???

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Get off this board, you do not have a slightest clue of what's going on here. People are here to discuss the Chechnian conflict and not your stupid italian vino or your UK held beef. and American George Silver is smarter than italian Muni56. So either say something usefull here or..just MOVE ON. Tutles..

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Whatever the date the result will be the same

Your bandits will be dead

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igor: your messages are sooooo intelligent?? should we have a special board just to discuss your deep, intelligent and complicated toughts??
should we, please board memebers advice>>

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