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Archive through December 29, 1999

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I will never go back to States again.

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Matthesson, your money is well spent. Thanks. Send more.
George, Stalin was not Russian. He was more like Chechen to us.
Bones, get back to your roots!
It's always about oil!

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Is this your brilliant plan? Threaten the West with nuclear war and everyone will bow down to you? Well guess what, it hasn't happened and it's not going to happen. If you doubt the validity of my statement then I suggest that you recall the Cuban missile crisis. You see after Khruchev banged his shoe on the podium and declared that Soviet Union would bury America he put his tail between his legs and took the missiles out of Cuba.

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As did US take their missiles out of Turkey

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To Armenian

Stalin was not a Chechen, he was a Georgian. What is your point???

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Read revelations your time is coming.

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Running out of thing to say Igor? Why don't you pull an Abdullah and post some more articles.

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NOw your starting to sound like a goof don't like what your hearing.Forgot about missiles in Turkey.

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Your message to Alex with that list of nasties was related to Stalin who was more like Chechen. I did not say "Chechen".I am sure that the West has never stopped the cold war but just hidden it. Unfortunatelly for the West, it was uncovered after the bombing of Serbs. Now we are all going to live in a more scary place. Thanks to stupid foreign policies of Bill and Rich.

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we all know who Stalins executioners were ,their time is coming too.

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Dr. Silber:

Daddy takes another shot of vodka? What do other presidents do? Whip out a cuban cigar, call up a you know who... and....!!! Yeltsin drinks and makes bad decisions.. other presidents think with another head and then wag the dogs. Tit for tat.

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I can't answer everyone at the same time, I only have 2 hands. But Igor I know what you are getting at with that Stalin's executioners stuff. I have to tell you I did misjudge you. I thought that you were just an angry person who probably with some understanding would simmer down. But now I see you are just as evil the other people.

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All right guys you win. I can't type fast enough and you are not worth it. Let me just say this in parting, this is precisely why Russia stands so isolated today, you guys just push everyone away. Well, you know what, go sleep in the bed you made for yourself.

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Dr. Silber:
Poland --Nicaragua
Czechoslovakia --Honduras
Hungary -- Angola
O what the hell entire Eastern Europe
OH WHAT THE HELL the entire Latin America
Gulags -- Latin American (Pinochet, Argentina )death squads, los desaparecidos/the dispappeared ones)all financed by you know who. Contras anybody? Oliver Nort?
Stalin's concentration camps -- Japanese American concentration camps in the WWII (runaways shot on sight), A LOT LESS PEOPLE I ADMIT but -- RUSSIA IS IN ASIA MY FRIEND
Forced collective farming -- Wiping out the NATIVE AMERICANS, SLAVE labor&colored gettoes, WIPING OUT HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI TO TRY OUT BOMBS,
KGB - HA HA !! need I to say CIA?
ETC… --Serbian Krajina, Kosovo&Jugoslavia,

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Dear George, sir!
Russia was always isolated from certain places and countries. It is not good or bad. It is just a geographical reality. You are a dreamer, my friend, if you think that US is not isolated in its own way.

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