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Archive through December 29, 1999

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Àíäðåé Áàáèöêèé:

Òåïåðü, ÷òî êàñàåòñÿ ñîáûòèé âîçëå Ãðîçíîãî: ñåé÷àñ ðîññèéñêèå âîéñêà ñî ñòîðîíû Ñòàðîé Ñóíæè âïëîòíóþ ïîäîøëè êî 2-ìó è 3-åìó ìèêðîðàéîíàì . Ýòî îçíà÷àåò, ÷òî òàì ïîñòðàäàåò, â îñíîâíîì, ìèðíîå ðîññèéñêîå íàñåëåíèå, òàì î÷åíü ìíîãî êàê ðàç â ýòîé ÷àñòè ãîðîäà ðîññèéñêèõ ñòàðèêîâ, òàì íàõîäèëñÿ ôàêòè÷åñêè åäèíñòâåííûé ïîñòîÿííî ôóíêöèîíèðîâàâøèé áàçàð - òîðãîâûå ðÿäû, ãäå ëþäè ïîêóïàëè åäó è êàêèå-òî òîâàðû ïåðâîé íåîáõîäèìîñòè. Ñîîòâåòñòâåííî ñåãîäíÿ - èëè â áëèæàéøèå äâà äíÿ ãîðîä îñòàíåòñÿ áåç òîâàðîâ. ß äóìàþ, ÷òî ðûíî÷åê ãäå-òî ñòèõèéíî âîçíèêíåò, ìîæåò áûòü, îäèí, ìîæåò áûòü, äâà è îíè áóäóò ôóíêöèîíèðîâàòü, íî ïîêà ñèòóàöèÿ òàêîâà

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Liberty Live
Ðîññèÿ ïðîèãðûâàåò âîéíó?
Âåäóùèé ïðîãðàììû "Liberty Live" Ïåòð Âàéëü:

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... President Ruslan Aushev of Ingushetia ...
* Ingushetya used to be a transit point for Chechen "bootlegged" gas, counterfeit $$, kidnapped persons. The "proceeds" of all those "trades" were laundered there through a financial/banking scheme connected to Siberian gold. Recently RF Govt. squeesed it real hard in a low-publicity raid, hence Aushev's whinings.

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I found a very useful symbol in that Liberty/Dept.of State/CIA garbled garbage You posted- Þ. Assemling it with 😮 we get a nice :oÞ to You.

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A moslem you are an idiot and I will not apologize to you. Take your Koran and stick it where the sun dont shine arsshole

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"...your web site that purports to show Chechen brutality could easily be..."

I am simply disgusted with your cynical denial of the facts... Those who understand Russian know what the victims are screaming..

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To Kissie, Igor, Caucasian and others,

I use Kissie's quote as a reference and nothing more.

"CAUCASIAN You will notice that they never respond to that site,just pretend it never happened
* Sure, because it was not mentioned by CNN-Pravda.
P.S.Maybe, an average american wouldn't believe anything untill it's on TV"

What would you have us (Westerners) say? Eeek gads? Of course those videos are horrifing but aren't these of the terrorist/rebels and not chechens? Do the videos depict all Chechens as bandits? Is this what you're trying to say and have us believe?

Igor said it himself.
igor ( - on Wednesday, December 29, 1999 - 02:30 pm:
"Why should they give it up, because bandits from PAKISTAN OR SAUDI ARABIA decided so? Most of the bandits are not from Chechnya.".

Do the videos give Russia the free hand to destroy a province? Guess so. Do we have to agree with it? Not to my knowledge.

And the last two points I have to make before I move on to something more interesting, is that at no point have I read a Post coming from the West agreeing with the terrorists or their methods, not ONE! The only one's agreeing were other muslims but not one of you recognized THAT fact. And two, contrary to Igor's beliefs we get our news from various forums and not just CNN, which by the way Igor, is a pretty pathetic generalization since you're far from unbiased.

If you really want a challenge, try and find the truth on how many Russian troops, of all branches, died in this campaign. See if your own news agencies told you the truth or be like sheep and believe what the Generals tell ya. Igor will believe the latter since it fits his agenda.


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Guys like Muslim understand only one proof - a proof of lead. Needless to say that the video documents were available while before this war started. One cannot expect any kind of compassion for poor kidnapped people from Muslim. So more fuel boms are needed to stop the ugly money distortions. •••• 'em!

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Bones We watched reporting from all your sources and acording to them 100's of thousands were being killed in Kosovo and it turns out to be only 300 Albanians out of 2000 or so bodies from mass graves. Nato pilots might be charged with crimes against humanity.


The Hague Court "considers the behavior" of NATO pilots in the aggression on FRY
December 29, 1999

"NATO file" - not a priority

Hague, December 28th - The Hague Tribunal Chief Prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte is "considering the behavior" of NATO pilots and their commanders during the last spring's 78-day bombing of FR Yugoslavia, stated today the prosecutor's spokesman Paul Risley.

According to Associated Press, Risley certified that the report on the investigation the Tribunal set forth on the bombing, is "on the desk" of Carla Del Ponte since last week.

The report was, as he explained, made out due to a request of few "interested parties", among which he stated a group of Russian MPs and one prominent Canadian law professor, whose name was not mentioned.

AP reminds that the content of the Hague Tribunal report is strictly classified, but that NATO was, even in the west, criticized for civilian victims caused by the bombing.

NATO spokesman, the one who cynically called these victims "collateral damage", Jamey Shea, refused to give comment on the news of the report, stating that the western military alliance was not formally informed of it.

The American agency, however, stated that it was "highly questionable" whether Carla Del Ponte would make the indictments, even if evidence were found proving the violation of international war conventions during the aggression.

Del Ponte herself, according to the American agency, in a recent interview she gave to the British "Observer", in which she announced a possible bringing of charges, said that the "NATO file" was not a "priority".

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Hey if were up to me I would nuke them

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you know exactly that not these videos untied hands of Russian army. You also know that whatever can be done to save civilians is being done - 90% of Chechen population is currently on the liberated territory. But what you have seen on that site along with other fruits of muslim fundamentalism (like invading Dagestan for example) must be stopped - I am sure you will agree with that. And if it comes to choose between lives of 19 years old boys and those who tolerated this evil created by their sons and husbands, I'd choose to spare soldiers.

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Hey LOCC, how are you doing man? Welome back.

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Suspects arrested for Moscow bombings----Newsworld International Canada.

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Caucasian Do you know Varoughe and Rubic and Ler from Scarborough

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