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Archive through December 29, 1999

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i take a pick at this board ones in a while but in those few times I look here Mr. Matthesson's postings contained mostly insults. Maybe I missed his other more positive postings or maybe not.


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Drake There were no positive postings

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Russians are skrewed up again, and again, and again... They shoot at each other there. As usual. Good luck in Stalingrad, liberators, there are many rakes around waiting for you.



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Ãðîçíûé — Ìîçäîê

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A little history on Chechnen Republic:

In March 1992, a constitution was adopted, defining the Chechen Republic as an independent, secular state governed by a president and a parliament.

In 1994, Russia sent troops to Chechnya to crush the independence movement of President Dzhokhar Dudayev.

Russian troops moved into the capital, Grozny, after a bombardment that reduced it to ruins. But they could not hold the city against a committed Chechnen Army.

Kidnappings in Chechnya have been partially attributed to Russian secret police intent on upsetting the government.

I have to say that given the situation of a large and corrupt Russian bureaucracy in conflict with a country with a population of one million, one hundred thousand of which were killed during the last Russian war, I have to side with the underdog.

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bud' ti prokliat, ubliudok.

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2 Caucasian,

Kotira koso.

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With all due respect, where did you get this information? I would like to take a look at the source.

Goverment of Dudaev was never recognize by Russian federation or UN. There are no prove that kidnapping is a work of russian secret police. For that matter this is first time I hear this statement.

Please, let me know the source


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my browser does not support the font you are using. Can you provide the information on this font or type whole message in standart font.


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I am quite sure who the underdog is in this situation. It is the simple citizen of russian federation (this includes chechnya). These are the people who must leave the homes because of war, conscripts who fight the war and so forth. These does not include the so called chechen "freedoom" fighters who kidnap, kill, traffic drugs, russian politicians who advocates war in order to stay in power.


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2 drake,

This was an article from Russian newspaper. The text is in Russian. On my Explorer 5.0 I use build-in Cyrillic (Windows) fonts.

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What a level! The "Moskovsky Konsomoletz" (pardon), a pro-Moscow Mayor roll. Couldn't You find something more credible, than this leftover wrapping material and a waste of trees of a paper, known (and despised for it) for printing everything to please this hog (dreaming of grabbing Kremlin power) wanted to answer very uneasy questions before the Arizona court?

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The source of this information is the BBC News:

But really, let us not get hung up on specific facts. The real underlying cause of the war is oil = money. Here is a quote from a 1998 article about the oil pipeline to be built through Chechnya:

Moscow's route (oil pipeline) goes directly through troubled Dagestan and Chechnya, the rebellious Caucasian republic that has defeated the Russian Army and descended into violent anarchy.
Russian and Chechen spokesmen promise that the oil will flow, whatever the state of their relations, because neither side can afford to spurn the lucrative transport fees. In late April, officials signed an agreement that would pay Chechnya $3.58 per ton (50 barrels) of oil crossing its territory through the present pipeline.

Oil is name of the game in the area, and Russia wants total control without having to split the profit with the Chechnens.

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Somehow they are using CYRILIC( WINDOWs-1251) encoding instead of UNICODE.
You may go to VIEW - ENCODING to set it up in NETSCAPE browser.
By the way, most the time it is good only to refresh one's four letter words in Russian.
That's why I peek here from time to time.

I believe the board's IP is on the US soil, where any kind of physical thread by phone, e-mail etc is a federal offence (3 years and up in a slammer, no excuses or exceptions). "Urki" do not care.

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2 Saul,

Was importance in 1998. But in 1999 and in the forthcoming 2000 more relevant reasons are Russian elections, first to DUMB, oops, to DUMA, and then - presidential one next year. You may remember that Russian previos war in Chechnya was also just before elections. Wars in Russia have become cyclical....

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I agree on oil issue with you. Nevertheless, I think oil is important to both sides. I do not believe that Dudaev would want to declare independence (not referendum but he declared it himself) if there were no oil in that area. I think Dudaev wanted to have more oil to himself so he declared independece.

"Russian and chechen spokesmen pormised to ...." in this case, why did Basayev invaded into Dagestan and issued the statement declaring whole Caucaus region to be independent (again without referndum) Anyone would know that Russian federation would not let it happen without war. This would led to cancelation of whole deal. So this war is not in interest of Russian federation

what do you think

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