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Archive through December 29, 1999

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Stupid quote of the day -

David McHugh, USA TODAY:

"The fighting has also sent thousands of refugees, many in horse-drawn wagons, streaming across the border into the Russian republic of Ingushetia."

I nominate Mr. McHugh for "lamest, cheapest shot to try get more compassion for Chechens" award. The funny thing is, AP photo of the horse-drawn wagon appeared couple of days ago and probably was the one and only horse-drawn wagon in the whole Chechnya. Congratulation David!

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Silver I never mentioned anyone ,obviously you came to same conclusion.

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The Finance Ministry has set aside $62.9 million to make the final scheduled payment to the IMF, due December 28, this year. A ministry spokesman told Interfax that Russia paid the IMF $3.4 million on December 21 and, before than, $59.9 million on December 17. Thus, Russia will meet all of its commitments to the IMF in 1999, despite the Fund's own delays in issuing Russia fresh credits.

This one is for you MATTHESSON

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Russia produces 1.20% of the world's GDP output
(same as India)

USA produces 25.5% of the worlds GDP ouput

Italy produces 3.86% of the worlds GDP output
(just to putin things in perspective!)

On the worlds stage,Russia is effectively a nobody.
Russia's main claim to fame are terrorism, extortion, drug running, prostitution and money laundering.

I see nothing but despair and chaos for this begger nation.

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How come no protest against the Russian aggression in Chechnya in Muslims world?

The month of Ramadhan is the month of blessing. We should remember in this month how to render back our Trusts to those to whom they are due, we should remember how to please Allah .

Does Allah want us only to fast?

Does Allah want us only to pray?

Allah gets angry from any nonfeasance from our part. Allah will not accept from us to fast for him while our brothers in Chechnya are being slaughtered by the infidels (the Russians): Allah is angry for the cries of the widows there, and for the cries of the homeless there.

Allah is angry for the children of Iraq who are dying due to lack of food and medicine.

Allah is angry for a Muslim woman (wherever she is) when she gets raped.

Allah is angry from a Turkish officer when he boasted of ripping apart the Quran infront of his American and Jewish colleagues saying "Didn't Allah claimed in Quran that he will protect his holy book" when he said " We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)." Alhijr (15:9) ? That officer had challenged Allah when he threw the pages of Quran on the ground and then stepped on them. That was in Turkey the previous Khilafah State. Do you know what Allah did to that haughty Turkish officer and his colleagues who were preparing themselves for a joint military maneuvers? " Allah caused the earth to swallow him up and his colleagues; and he had not (the least little) party to help him against Allah, nor could he defend himself."

These are the infidels who are ruling Turkey, the enemies of Islam, the military rulers who are fighting Muslim women because they cover their hear, because they wear Hijab. Allah is getting angry from these rulers.

Look how strange is the situation of Muslims today. You do not see any protest against the Russian aggression in Chechnya. Our rulers are becoming now shy even to condemn the act. They are even say that the Chechnian case is an internal case for Russia. For our rulers: these Islamic lands that were occupied by Russia became Russian lands. This is not strange from them.

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As of the fall of 1993, the Kashmiri terrorists also began using sophisticated communication systems including small radios (including systems with frequency hopping, selective broadcast, digital burst communications, etc.) and collapsible solar-panels for reload systems, as well as frequency scanning devise for detecting and homing on military-type broadcasting. All the communication systems are of NATO/US origin, with some components made in Japan.
Excerpt of last posting

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Yossef Bodansky joined the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies as its World Terrorism Analyst in 1994. He is the author of six books (Target America, Terror, Crisis in Korea, Offensive in the Balkans, Some Call It Peace and Arafat's Peace Process), as well as several book chapters, entries for the lnternational Military and Defense Encyclopedia, and numerous articles in several periodicals and specialized journals, including Global Affairs, Jane's Defence Weekly, Defense & Foreign Affairs: Strategic Policy, Nativ and Business Week. He has also lectured widely to professional audiences in the defense, intelligence and security fields in the United States, Europe, Latin America and Asia. Since 1988, Bodansky has been the Director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare at the US House of Representatives.

Author's resume

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Now when child Abdul and reach Roger came back we all have fun again. And yeah Roger you are furgin sh1t! You know that. Just don't forget to pay your taxes next April 15th. Then US will send it to "nobody" and nobody will make some bombs for your stupid brothers.

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Great picture

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I didn't hear rogers comment on Russia paying debts

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