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Archive through December 29, 1999

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2 Armenian,

>> 2. Slavs seek revange and start war in Chechnya.

IMHO, it is incorrect to identify "Slavs" with russians. And offensive for non-Russian Slavs.

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2 Balalaika,
Jokes about "Ivan" cannot be considered as a valid example. There are many jokes about Irish or Armenians but it does not make those nations under-respected.
Georgia should fear Russia. I think if Russians open the border and push fighters out to Georgia, it would be a great revenge. I am sure it is what is going to happen. It will finish up the current Georgian goverment and make the pipeline simply impossible to build.

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2 Balalaika
It was a play. Read "a fiction".

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Goodnight, Balalaika!

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2 Armenian,

O-yasumi nasai!!

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The battle of Bader

On Friday 17 of Ramadan, year 2 of Hijri calendar, 317 muslim solider under the leadership of Mohamed (PBUH) faced Abo Jahel with his army, which was about 1000 solider. Before this battle muslims did not think that they will face that army and they thought that they will not fight, and as a result of that, many muslims did not join the battle. One solider in Abo Jahel army - Hakim Ibn Hazam- , who was well known for his wisdom, Hakim advised Abo Jahel to go back to Mecca and did not continue the military actions, but Abo Jahel insisted on fighting.

The situation for muslims was so critical, they do not have enough soliders, and one more problem, the army consisted of about 86 from Mohajireen – immigrants- and the rest were from Ansar. The agreement of Akaba gave Ansar the right not to fight outside their lands, so they had the choice not to join this battle and no one could blame them. Mohamed ( PBUH) said “You, people, give me your advice”, Saad Ibn Moazz (Allah blessed him ) who was the leader of Ansar’s conscript said “prophet of Allah, do you mean us ? “ Mohamed (PBUH) said, “Yes”, Saad Ibn Moazz (ABH) said something that showed the depth of belief of those great people, he said “Our prophet, we believed you, we testified that all what you have told us is true, we gave you our promises based on that, we promised you to obey you, go on to what you plan, and WE SWEAR THAT IF YOU TOLD US TO FOLLOW YOU ACROSS A SEA, WE WILL FOLLOW YOU, we like to fight with you, we will be patient in that war, and we ask Allah to help us to show you good deeds from us”. Mohamed (PBUH) was happy and he told his army “go on, and be happy, Allah has promised me victory, and I swear, I can see your enemy’s death”

The battle started, 317 muslims solider, with only two horses against 1000 solider of the disbelievers with about 80-100 horses. Mohamed (PBUH) raised his hand to the sky and said “Allah, you have promised me victory, Allah, fulfill your promise, Allah, if this group of muslims perished, you would never be worshiped in the earth any more”. He kept praying to Allah for long time until his cloak fall in the ground and his companion Abo Baker (PBUH) said “that was enough prophet of Allah, you begged your god too much”

Allah supported Muslims and he supplied them with his angels and they won the battle. Abo Jahel was killed and many of his army were killed and captivated.

Allah says in this battle “9- When you sought help from your Lord and He answered you (saying): I will help you with a thousand of angels, rank on rank. 10- Allah appointed it only as good tidings, and that your hearts thereby might be at rest: Victory cometh only by the help of Allah. Lo! Allah is Mighty, Wise.” Surraa number 8.

Muslims never won a battle with a strength in weapons or a huge number of soliders, NO, we only win with Allah’s help and our faith.
After about 500 years of the battle of Bader, Salah Eldeen ( may Allah send his mercy upon him) with about 22000 soliders conquered the crusades army which was about 62000 solider in the battle of Heteen, and we regained the AKSA mosque and Palastine ( may Allah help us to regain it again).

May Allah send his help to the Mujahdeen in Chechneya and give them a victory from him, he is the only one that can give victoy.

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®, where do you live? Europe? America? I wish I could stretch my hand to shake yours..

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Abdulla - a moslem fundamentalist sh*t!!!

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well, anyway, i got rid of that two feet's worth
of repetitive spew which had showed up here last
night. happy to see it gone this mo'nin'

dont thank me or nothin'.

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Yes they did admit the bombing of Georgia, get your facts strait. LOX

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Red Wings center Sergei Fedorov just awarded Turner (american kid) a full college scholarship as well as money for books and room and board. Fedorov established the Sergei Fedorov Foundation in December 1998 to help local charities. He endowed the foundation with more than $2 million and donates $91 -- matching his uniform number -- to a group of Detroit-area charities for every Wing goal.

Hmm, Rog is he a beggar too? It looks to me that RUSSIAN helps AMERICAN kids how did that happen?

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Dear Svoloch,

Concerning Georgia, Russia indeed admitted the bombing, but after a long series of awkward denials that there was no flights at that region. Only after gerogians brought to the spot foreign correspondednt, Russian generals admitted the bombing. I am sure they know from the begining the true matter, but tried to outfox the rest of the world, in vain...

Fedorov is an exception (very unusual, indeed) from the general rule. It is funny how you judge trend by just a simple case of Russian millioner, whereas when US donates Russia food ("pischu"), millions of US taxpayer pay for it.

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balalaika And americans are respected?Who you kidding. They are hated never mind respected all over the world. The only thing people like is their money. You can alwaya spot an American overseas --he is the one who speaks the loudest,makes the most noise. That's why U.S. #1 in lacking decency and morals ie. all the queers,drug addicts,trailer trash .

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As far as Georgia goes,if they support terrorists they deserve to be bombed. What about 3000 mens suits(military fatigues) going to U.S. military attache intercepted by Russians or is that the new fashion.

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New evidence turned up in Urus-Martan (Chechnya) by Russian law-enforcement bodies proves that acts of terrorism in Moscow were performed by Chechens. On Tuesday the bodies found a training camp near Urus-Martan to prepare terrorists, representative of the Russian Federal Security Service Alexander Shagak told the media. Among other "terrorist devices" they also found equipment to produce home-made explosive mixture and all the necessary components - 50 kilograms of the ammonium saltpetre and alumina powder.

It was the mixture which terrorists used to commit acts of terrorism in Moscow, experts say. Besides, the law-enforcement bodies had confiscated the same mixture (130 50-kilogramme sacks) in Moscow in underground depots during the "Vikhr-anti-terror" operation.

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