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Archive through December 29, 1999

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Man, Cristian Amnopoor is the worst. What a liar..
But she's good liking and it's on CNN so I guess we have to believe her. NOT!

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"looking", not "liking" of course...

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Saul are you out there feeling revolted yet?Any more dumb statments. Listen to the guys voice in first clip. How does it make you feel? Sympathy for Chechens or the victims?

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It is very discouraging to see that when someone takes an interest in the problems of a distant land and wants to learn and possibly help, he is attacked and criticised. Maybe if all tried to communicate in less abusive way, some of these problems would be solved. We just went through a similar situation in Yugoslavia where moslem rebels were, and still are, pitted against the Serbian population and govenment. Unfortunately, a lot of armies from distant lands with a lot of high tech armor decided to bomb the place into submission. There has got to be a better solution than destroying everything.

Your comment about Native Americans, Caucasian, was to the point. European Americans made a multitude of mistakes, including slavery, which they now have to deal with. Let's not continue to repeat history. Moslems, if they are to be a part of the Russian Republic, have to be given a voice in the government. Radical moslems who refuse to participate in a diverse government have to be controlled so they don't resort to violence. Only by offering the average citizen the choice to participate in an honest government will violence be avoided. Russia doesn't seem to be offering such an alternative.

Minorities will always have problems getting their rights in any country, including democractic ones where the majority rules. We must work to overcome these shortcomings of society lest we all destroy ourselves.

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He can call to Pope but it will not change a thing. We will still get a bite of each and every tiny paycheck of his. He is just pretending he is a chooser. If he tries to call anyone, he'll become a begger. This is enough for a proof that this guy is a scumbag.
Hey Mateson mo mony, please...

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Cristian Amanpour James Rubins ...
* They really suit each other, don't they?;o)))))

* Rus, LOL. I'm glad the Army didn't fall under and start a nuke war;o))))))))))))))))

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My apologies Saul. But it is a very emotional issue for me to see people standing up for this shite. My grandfather is from ROSTOV-ON-DON and they used to fight these animals in his time too.Please read article by DR GERVASI. It will give you insight to what U.S. interests in area really are.

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"Moslems, if they are to be a part of the Russian Republic, have to be given a voice in the government."

There are 40 million muslims live in Russian Federation, and they have enough representatives in the government. An example:

Don't confuse MUSLIMS with TERRORISTS in Chechnya.

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I really dunno why the Russians are being such nice guys and letting "Refugees" out of the war zone. They'll just breed more rebels and repeat this war in another generation. They oughta just start slaughtering all the "civilian" chechens and challenge the remaining rebels to come out into the open like real men and stop them. Just start popping a few rebel mothers, wives, and children and see how long they wanna stay bunkered up in Grozny.

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can't take credit for the "Native Americans" message, I believe Rus posted it.

"...Russia doesn't seem to be offering such an alternative..."
Not quite sure what this statement's based on. Although I absolutely agree the Russian democracy has a long way to go.

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The day before, intoxicated Russian servicemen driving a KAMAZ lorry in the Ingush capital of Nazran ran over two girls, 8 and 9 years of age. The tragedy provoked President Ruslan Aushev of Ingushetia to state that the stay of Russian forces may destabilize the situation in the republic.

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The day before, intoxicated Russian servicemen driving a KAMAZ lorry in the Ingush capital of Nazran ran over two girls, 8 and 9 years of age.

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Moslems, if they are to be a part of the Russian Republic, have to be given a voice in the government.
* There was no de-jure "independent" govt. Chechnya before.
Radical moslems who refuse to participate in a diverse government have to be controlled so they don't resort to violence.
* Since the recent conflict Chechnya "won" a de-facto independence. Have we witnessed an even remotely "diverse" govt. since then?
Only by offering the average citizen the choice to participate in an honest government will violence be avoided.
* An average citizen (assuming an honest one, not those and relatives of those profiting from slave trade) can easily be held at gunpoint. "Offering ..."! Heck. The whole territory was de-facto offered this choice! Did they follow?

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New it all along. If the bastards did it - should face the trial, a discharge and a sentence.

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Caucasian and others - your web site that purports
to show Chechen brutality could easily be the
Russian propaganda machine taking pictures of
Russians in Chechnya injured by Russian bombs,
promising to "look into it".

What does that prove?

A Muslim

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