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Archive through December 3, 1999

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Long live Chechnya! Allahu Akbar!

250 Russians Said Killed in Chechnya

By YURI BAGROV Associated Press Writer

SERNOVODSK, Russia (AP) - Up to 250 Russian soldiers were killed early today when their unit was surrounded and overrun by Chechen insurgents in heavy fighting, according to an official.

Ali Dudarov, deputy interior minister of the republic of Ingushetia, said that Russian officers
told him that the unit was attacked near the Chechen town of Urus-Martan, 12 miles
southwest of the capital Grozny.

He said some 200 soldiers were killed in the attack and 50 more who had been taken
prisoner were executed by having their throats slit.

Russian officials closed the border crossing from Chechnya to Ingushetia today, saying
power supply problems made it difficult to check refugees' documents. The border point is
the main exit out of Chechnya.

But Dudarov said officers at the border told him the real reason for the border closing was
the destruction of the Russian unit. If true, the incident would be the biggest loss suffered so
far by the Russian military in the current campaign and a major setback for the Russian

The Russian government declined to comment on the report.

The reported Russian losses at Urus-Martan came as Russian forces claimed they had
achieved a major victory by seizing the key town of Argun, located three miles east of
Grozny. Argun was a key target in the Russian drive to surround Grozny and it has been the
target of Russian air and ground attacks for more than a week.

Chechen commanders said their forces were still fighting in the Argun area and the Russian
claim to have taken the town could not be confirmed.

A senior Russian commander said three federal soldiers were killed and 34 wounded in the
fight for Argun, while claiming 100 Chechen insurgents were killed and 400 more fled.
Russian claims that they suffered almost no casualties while inflicting heavy Chechen losses
did not appear credible.

``Those who couldn't save themselves by running were destroyed under the advance of the
Russian troops,'' said Gen. Valery Manilov, according to the Interfax news agency.

Manilov said the Russian troops started a sweep of the city at daylight today. He said the
military would direct its next attacks on Chechnya's mountainous south, where the rebels
have their main strongholds.

Russian commanders admitted earlier this week that they were running into growing
resistance and it could take months to defeat the Chechen forces.

The Russian forces are not prepared to risk a major ground attack on Grozny. Such an
attack would almost certainly result in heavy casualties and repeat images of the bloody
1994-96 Chechen war that the military has been eager to avoid.

The military has relied on airstrikes and artillery shelling, coupled with small ground battles,
to seize ground. Russian forces have surrounded Grozny from the north, west and east.

The Russians again shelled Grozny with air and artillery strikes during the night, hitting
several television transmitters, Interfax said. Russian helicopter gunships and jets also
hammered Urus-Martan.

The attacks continued to send refugees fleeing west to Ingushetia, where cold-related
illnesses were becoming an increasing problem as temperatures hovered below freezing. So
far, some 233,000 people have fled Chechnya to escape the fighting.

The plight of the refugees and the high civilian casualties have led to strong international
criticism of the fighting. The Council of Europe's human rights commissioner, Alvaro
Gil-Robles, who returned from a two-day trip to Chechnya and nearby regions Thursday,
urged Russia to stop the fighting.

But Moscow has ignored the international pressure so far, insisting its campaign in Chechnya
is an internal matter. Russia claims that its strikes are aimed at Islamic militants, but refugees
have reported many casualties and Chechen authorities claim that thousands of civilians have
been killed.

Russian forces entered Chechnya in September following incursions by the militants into
neighboring Dagestan and apartment bombings in Russian cities that left 300 people dead.
Russia has blamed the militants for the bombings.

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To jake:

Down your Jewish whore who gave you birth. You jews wiil always pay Russians utill you all die. All your Israel under our control. Russians tell jews how to live. We rule your country. You and your filthy Kissie are stupid kikes.

Hey kike wanna suck my penis? You are with enormous shape of nos. Hitler killed half of you. You were chosen. you have a special mark on your asses. You are cheap whores. Moisha is faggot. Your mom was whore. She died when Palistinians fuckrd her in the ass. Palistinians much better than you filthy jewish pigs. You stinks and all your ideology is bullsheet. One day you all die.

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To Russian

All your Israel under our control.


You filthy stupid russian animal
How can Israel be under Russian control?
Israel is RICH, Russia is full of poor beasts (gomyeh)
Who depend on us to keep you alive. We feed you Russians like we feed other animals in Israel.

Also tell your russian friends now comming into Israel to behave like human jews not dirty beasts

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Have you forgotten the "relgious zeolots" who opened the eyes of your forefathers and gave you the beacon of light in the sea of darkness. That light enabled your Ottoman forefathers to be the dominant force in the world and Europe for several hundred years. Then the so called Ata Turk, a dolma, put you back in the darkness. You are succumbing to western media's tune by labelling the real fighters of Islam as fundamentalists. One of my friends studied in Moscow at a time when religion was taboo and he predicted that a time will come when Islam will stage a comeback in Russia with an intensity greater than the volcano. That is happpening now. You talk about your great friend Israel winning against all Arab states. Those Arabs were traitors just like Arafat. They were destined to lose. Israel atleast had a significant airfoce and a US backed military. Compare this to Chechens, who do not have any means of support except Almighty. You will soon witness a miracle, the annihilation of huge Russian Army by few thousand soldiers of Allah. Already the Caucasus meat grinder has started churning Russian meat.

No power on earth can save the Russian Army now. Why don't you send the Turkish Army to help Russia. You say you like West. Good for you. Even if you beg Europe to take you in the EU, you will get nothing but kick in the **tt.

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"I am for creation of an islamic state throughout Russia! In the USA, everywhere! At all costs! Every human being on Earth should accept the light of Islam. Those moslems you come to understanding with are not true moslems. We will bring you the real Islam! All of the Earth shouldn't necessarily be moslem, but the christian states, that will remain, should live in peace with the Islamic laws. And we must have the right to preach Islam freely! We are all in one boat - planet Earth. Everything now can be destroyed by nuclear and chemical weapons! And moslems must have those weapons, since they're in the hands of our enemies. But when peace ensue those weapons should be destroyed. We will enter Moscow with a sword. Moscow will be an islamic city." Abu Khamza-alMisri, British-based Ansar ash-Sharia leader, a British citizen, wanted by the Egypt Govt. I'll add Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.

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Anti-Racist, Tariq Aziz, for instance, has absolutely nothing against the operation in Chechnya. And considers Russia a friend of arabs and moslems. <:o)))))

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Got it in one,Rambo-boy,...

Keep taking the tablets, first effects take around two weeks, I hear.


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Here are a few facts about the Ottoman Empire:
After Suleyman the Magnificent (a nickname given to him by other Europeans), the decline of the Empire began. It is also to be noted that the decline occurred until Ataturk Westernized Turkey into a modern republic. If the Ottomans continued their rule, there would be no Turkey tpday . It would have been further divided up by the Western powers.
The last 200 years of the Empire saw a conflict between the conservative religious forces and the people who desired progress and reform. Apparently, the conservatives won and the great decline in power began. The only reason the Ottomans kept the empire together was because the other powerful countries of Europe (England, France, and Russia) couldn't agree to the proper methodology of dividing the once-great empire. Islam was a force behind the Empire. However, the gradual decline can also be attributed to the conservatism caused by the Islamic purists. Things just never changed. Significant reform and progress never existed within the Empire after Suleyman. That's what left the outdated "Sick Man of Europe" in a state of political illness.

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I'm experiencing Deja vu!!!



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Dear Everybody,

What have we here? Well, well, well. Freaks show. Probably, it is the best and the most complete collection in the web. Ever saw American fascist? Well, come here. We have 2 of those. Care to see Russian nationalist? Well, we got one for you. He even sings his messages "RUSSIAN" (Because he is afraid to use his real name, and he can't think of any good nickname). And he has this strange problem with gays. Trying to fight your nature, yeah? And, of course, here you can find ultra-religious zealots and brainwashed morons of every type existing. Why would you go anywhere else? You can find any freak you want HERE and NOW!

Denis A. Vassiltchev

Eminent Member
Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 31

Dear Everybody,

What have we here? Well, well, well. Freaks show. Probably, it is the best and the most complete collection in the web. Ever saw American fascist? Well, come here. We have 2 of those. Care to see Russian nationalist? Well, we got one for you. He even sings his messages "RUSSIAN" (Because he is afraid to use his real name, and he can't think of any good nickname). And he has this strange problem with gays. Trying to fight your nature, yeah? And, of course, here you can find ultra-religious zealots and brainwashed morons of every type existing. Why would you go anywhere else? You can find any freak you want HERE and NOW!

Denis A. Vassiltchev

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Hey Kim,

do you give lessons, you back-stabbing cow.

There are a few things, I would like to know,
but you guys are either stupid, or up your own arses. I thought the internet was about free speech, fat chance of that round here.


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Congratulation mr.
Denis A. Vassiltchev

Your message was so inspiring, you posted it twice.

Join the club, you'll fit in well.


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Tariq Aziz, is an assyrian christian who is also an Iraqi. He is a Baathist agent loyal to Saddam. Baath party is in power both in Syria and Iraq and its roots are embedded in ultra nationalism. The founder of tthis party was Michel Aflaq, also a christian arab. The agenda of this party was a conspiracy to divide the stupid arabs.These idiots foolishly think that Russia, itself on dole from West is their ultimate savior. Saddam and his hechmen were once supported by west against Iran and then dumped later. Saddam is still clinging to power with covert support of West. These traitors have nothing to do with Muslims. They are hard core commies like their present masters in Moscow.

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well, im back again and yet their are still disputes. There won't be much political change in Russia until a new party is in, or until all of Yeltsin's regime is out. I am not sure of Putin's motives but i think he is just as greedy as yeltsin. We need Gennady Zyganov to rule Russia. We need order in the country and we need people to have jobs which will in turn reduce crime. To all these people full of hate and to americans that are blinded by their happy lives and child years of going to school and doing their pledge, its all a bunch of lies, you are being molded into idoltrists, materialists, and expansionists.
You do not know the history of Russia, what it is like to live there no or what is was like to live there in Soviet days. One good example of a Communist country profiting is China. Had Russia taken the slow route of economizing, and changing the economy as well as politic bloc, it would never have gotten to where it is today. In Russian Soviet times there was funding for the arts such as ballet, orchestras and olypmics. Now there is barely enough money to come up with a decent draft of year 2000 budget. I will be awaiting the presidential elections of june 4, 2000 in Russia, and am looking to go back extremely soon depending on the outcomes of that election.

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