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Archive through December 3, 2000

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I have to admit that this crafty little jewess is a constant source of entertainment at the office.

Keep up the good work, pananoid little jewess!

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Konbanwa! 1733

...and a righteously festive Hanukka to you too,

we got through the whole year, chula.


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This was one big LOL - Clinton, as usual chasing something/somebody, this time - a Peace Prize and the Palestinian Autonomy joke Arafat, got mad at the latter for the failed Sharm meeting and shouted at him.
Clinton in The JPost:
- Hey, we are surrounded with sharks on a feeding frenzy!
- So, let's give them a leg to eat ... . That might satisfy them.
- Where did You get a whacko idea like that?
- The Bill Clinton Manual For Jewish Survival.

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aw sh*t

didnt see you getting in the way alla sudden, you
sac of pus.

how histrionic of you, BACON.
very nice, now step aside.

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Hear ye! hear Ye!
Listen to our resident blabbering baboon bean-counter!
This fanatical bi-i-ig Mad Hatter consumed by hate is going non stop these days!!!
I have to admit that this non-crafty bi-i-ig baboon bean-counter is a constant source of entertainment at the office.
Keep up the good work, pananoid bi-i-ig Mad Hatter!

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* Try to make sense u half NAZI bagel girl!

Making sense out of Your posts is difficult for the lack of this same (normal) sense in them.
But, on the other hand, it is normal in Your pathetic case. LOL
P.S. I see by the response, the e-mail information hit right between the holes in Your Halloween pumpkin head. How many more holes to go, tell me, Houmus? (LOL)

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oh poor, poor, lonely BACON:

the way i see it, "the constant source of entertainment at the office" is, um...


and you just dont [expletive] GET IT.

and your co-workers mimic you, and LAUGH and LAUGH
behind your back.

as if they'd care about BACON the GEEK and all the time he spends online at the office.

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Lmx, what office are u talking about... LOL...

Aren't you still "TENDING TO DEM RABBITS" lmao...

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trying to make sense?
P.S. Want a bagel?

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Pathetnic Fascistnik Schturmfuhrer CONRAD Von Mein_Kamph and UnterCamelFuhrer Stars & Whimpers Von Arschloch Yap_Yap..
Stars & are ya pathetic relatives..ya breed like rabbits..fuckk-fuckk-fuckk-fuckk-fuckk........ LMAO.. ya arschloch!!
YOOO. VonConrad ya know WASP - Wide-Ass SS Pathetniks. ya wembley dumbfuckk..

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....your lunch has been served,

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A Chechen field commander and demolition instructor, Umar Boltukayev, was killed in Chechnya's Nozhai-Yurt district today as a result of a special operation involving the Russian Justice Ministry's SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) unit. Another thug, namely, Ramzan Boltukayev, was wounded. This was disclosed to RIA Novosti here today at the Russian Justice Ministry's public relations centre.

All in all, 19 people, who were apprehended during the latest special operations in the republic's Nozhai-Yurt and Vedeno district, are suspected of siding with lawless paramilitary units.


Some 30 people have been arrested in and around the Russian city of Volgograd on suspicions of plotting acts of terrorism and sabotage, law enforcement sources announced Thursday.

The detainees had been sent to Volgograd by Chechen rebel commander Arbi Barayev, the sources told Interfax. They were arrested in a joint operation involving the police, the FSB and the country's prosecution service.

Chechen rebel commanders had decided to bomb key facilities around Russia on New Year's Eve, including large factories, it was reported earlier.

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Q.If Chechnya was able to establish their independence, would they as an autonomous nation be able to survive in the current economic world?

Q.What is your opinion of the situation in Chechnya? What should the international community's role be?

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Everytime they claim to have killed a top chechen commander, it's an unknown name. When will we hear about Basayev and Katthab?

Second: what about the reconstruction of Chechenya today? How are the poeple living in Grozny?

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Jews marry cousins. This is well known and documented. The product of such inter-marriage within the family often results in paranoid congenital morons, like our resident zionist fanatic jewess.

Jewish females exist at the bottom of the scrap heap. There was a facinating article in the Sunday Times a few weeks ago that stated that orthodox jews actually say a prayer thanking God for NOT being born female. The article also stated that any jewish female who trys to prays at the wailing wall gets seven years imprisonment. Well at least they're not getting shot!

This explain why even by fanatocal zionist standards this particular jewess is so crazed.

Well at least we get our entertainment from her rampant puerile rambling. She billows like a babbon in heat.

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