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Archive through December 3, 2000

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BACON: -_-

who's "we", paleface?
*'facinating' = fascinating
*'..."who trys to prays at"
*"this explain why"
* 'fanatocal' = fanatical
* 'billows' = bellows [?]
* 'babbon' = baboon
all the lady has done is to be an intelligent jewish woman who has TAKEN NO •••• from you.'ve been carrying your torch for her for over a year now.

and i gotta tell ya... teach your pony a 2nd trick, okay?

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You are a sad little lapdog to a crafty worthless little jewess. A wretched female who is the lowest common denominator of civilised society. This itself speaks volumes.

I make no apologies for my mediocre typing skills, as I typed the last message not my secretary.

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All conrads suffer from BSE. This is well known and documented. The product of such desease often results in paranoid congenital morons, like our resident fanatic broker Mad Hatter.
Conrads exist at the bottom of the scrap heap. There was a fascinating article in the Sunday Times a few weeks ago that stated that orthodox brokers actually say a prayer thanking God for NOT being born normal. The article also stated that any secretary who tries to correct conrads' mistakes prays at the wailing wall, or gets seven years imprisonment. Well at least they're not getting shot!
This explains why even by fanatical industrial-strength BSE symptoms this particular broker is so crazed.
Well at least we get our entertainment from his rampant puerile rambling. He billows like a babbon in the office.
Conrads make no apologies for their mediocre typing skills, - BSE explains all.

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Conrad in da office..

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" i typed the last message not my secretary."

meaning that you usually _dictate_ your timeless
DMS classics to your secretary?


oh poor, poor, lonely BS artist BACON....

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So that's the source of all that anger...

I especially liked the "She billows like a babbon in heat." bit.

CLASSIC Bagel Girl. lol,,,

That's a weak response Bagel Girl... think a little harder , u and every smelly hairy female Jew has had her pride tarnished. Is that the best u can do?


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look up 'weak response' in the dictionary and
there's a picture of you.

oddly enough, look up 'FAKE AMERICAN GROSS PIG'
and there is _also_ a picture of you.
happy now?
you really oughta choose your cyber-pals more

do you enjoy being paired with FARIS HOMOUD as the
most-despised miscreants of DMS?

maybe, if you had your secretary show him how to
type, he could do your typing for him.


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* ... orthodox jews actually say a prayer thanking God for NOT being born female.
Yes, the Hasidic Jews do say this. Others do not.

* ... any jewish female who trys to prays at the wailing wall gets seven years imprisonment. Well at least they're not getting shot!
Total anti-jewish BS. Observant women pray at the Wall and are not (LOL) imprisoned.
not getting shot! Yes, only being thrown rocks at from above by Arabs. If the control of the Jewish part of the Mount is ceded to the Arabs, those women might as well get shot to keep Conrad scratching tabs and happily salivating about it, and share this joy with Stars & Stripes.

* Jews marry cousins.
Another BS from Conrad. LOL. The Religious Authority checks it and those marriages are not allowed.
Conrad, what garbage-can have You been scavenging? Did the secretary assist?

Primo, Conrad is a back-yard variety, a stray, clueless Jew-hating (this time, - next time it will be Serbs, Russians, Tutsi, Hutu, sharks, penguins, whatever.) clinical case. A sort of an infantile, a grown-up kid in a sand-box, lost forever for arguments, stomping his right/left foot, threatening to take his bucket home "Wa-a-a-a!" and in a more "advanced" stage ready to blow the World up just to make me (this time) feel offended. Pathetic attempts.
Secundo. Studs & Strips. In your case the volume differs, - what is a back-yard variety for Conrad, - for You is a mass clinical case, - whatever Arab country You might happen to be put into - You are the general rep. of this mental bent of Your native habitat, - plus, an overblown ego. You have no balls, dear brainless cousin.;o)))

Excerpts from a sermon, broadcast live on the official Palestinian Authority television. The speaker is Dr. Ahmad Abu Halabiya, Member of the PA appointed "Fatwa Council" and former acting Rector of the Islamic University in Gaza:
" .... O brother believers.... the Jews, they are the ones who must be butchered and killed, as Allah the Almighty said: "Fight them: Allah will torture them at your hands .... Allah and almighty has called upon us not to ally with the Jews or the Christians, not to like them .... not to sign agreements with them. ...
... Have no mercy on the Jews, no matter where they are, in any country. Fight them, wherever you are. Wherever you meet them, kill them. Wherever you are, kill those Jews and those Americans who are like them...."

P.S. Spots & Spits, Your pathetic life is in danger;o))))) You "are" like me. Say, "Thank You, Dr. Abu Halabiya.".

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do you enjoy being paired with FARIS HOMOUD as the
most-despised miscreants of DMS?


How could you possibly know his name? (unless he revealed it - which I doubt)and despised by whom? that crafty Jewess? in which case its understandable.

As for you, the time has come for you to define your own personaility. Agreement is one thing, but obsequous pandering to this fanatical female
makes you look like a total lapdog. Her people are extremely sneaky and she's probably laughing at you for being so spineless.

Anyway, I'm off to dinner in Leicester Square.

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Dehumanizng techinques were used with considerable success by Dr. Goebells against Jews during WWII. I see that your people are now using similar techniques against the Palestinian people.
So much EASIER to hate a nameless/faceless enemy eh?

What any of us say on this message board really is irrelevant. Unlike you, I do not have a good knowledge of the mid-east. I only see kids get killed by your army on the BBC nightly news here.
But things are going to change,it may have been the votes of a few thousand Arab Americans in Florida that swung the presidency Bush's way. In the future this will probably secure some semblence of even-handedness in US policy in the mid-east.

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Conrad WB,
* Dehumanizng techinques were used with considerable success by Dr. Goebells ...
True, - against almost anything and anybody not conforming to the Reich. This "warfare" dates back to prehistoric times and nowadays has been perfected to perversion. Recent examples: Serbia, Russia, and less so - Israel.
* I see that your people are now using similar techniques against the Palestinian people.
You see it wrong, because Israel loses in this "warfare", while Arafat hops from country to country feeding BS into any pair of free ears he can find. TV networks, bent on "support the underdog" sensationalism, forget the insight and research. This is when the indecency and impudence take the upper hand by perverting the facts like, for instance, Arafat's clique stating, that Israel must comply with UN Res. 242. - No, Israel may sit on this Res. forever, because it is not a legally binding document, but a set of recommendations, which may be used as starting points for negotiations, if there is a will on both sides. But a stray Western public, fed Arafat's BS, and without a coherent understanding, takes it for a "court eviction order".
That infested the BBC, thanks to those "reporters" like shallow Hillary Anderson, I favour SKY over it. There was a SKY Middle East reporter (balding, with a grey beard, forgot his name), he was damn objective. They called him off to Brtitain, - was he "too" objective for the "poor underdog" cause? Israel is not "warfaring" like this and loses.
One good example for You:
... Safian cited CNN's Walter Rodgers and National Public Radio's Mike Shuster as examples of reporters who chose the sensational over the accurate when covering construction in Jerusalem. He described a March 1997 meeting in Israel with CNN's Jerusalem Bureau Chief Walter Rodgers in which the extensive Arab
building was discussed. "We told him the most authoritative person in Jerusalem, Israel Kimhi, a former city planner for many years under Mayor Teddy Kollek, had done an analysis that showed vast Arab building in the city. We gave him Kimhi's phone number and address. We also asked why, since he lives in Jerusalem himself, he had not looked around him at Arab neighborhoods where new construction is obvious. Beautiful, large Arab houses are everywhere, single-family and multi-family."
Rodgers was skeptical, wanting to know why we had this information when he had not seen it. We said the key findings of the study had, in fact, been disseminated.
Rodgers never called Kimhi. CNN never reported the Arab building boom. On the contrary, it continued to invert the truth, presenting Israel as suppressing Arab growth in Jerusalem. ...
Full text here, if You want to read it.
Some reports paint Palestinians as underfed hungry folks. Conrad, You'd better have a look at the garbage-cans and see the amount of bread being thrown out into them.
Two private bank accounts of the Palestinian Authority containing half-a-billion dollars are actually under the exclusive personal control of Yasser Arafat. So claims a report prepared by Israeli and Palestinian journalists, which was presented to American officials in Washington last week. The report states that PA-controlled cement-mixing and gasoline monopolies "recklessly and brutally... kick back all profits to private coffers of PA officials." It also describes some 14 divisions of PA "security services" that collect taxes independently of the PA treasury, and states that assets of the PLO abroad are simply not being transferred back 'home.' The World Bank has repeatedly demanded that the PA close the secret accounts that remain under Arafat's personal control, to no avail.(Nov.4)

* I only see kids get killed by your army on the BBC nightly news here.
Arafat, Barak, and Clinton gathered in Camp David. For the first time in the history of the Middle East, the Israeli PM, Barak, offered 95% of the area, including a far-reaching proposal on Jerusalem. After many consultations with Arab leaders, including, Mubarak, Arafat decided to reject Barak's offer, and the summit exploded. The US blamed the Palestinians. The Palestinians and Arafat were presented as peace objectors in. Arafat pushed himself into a corner and invited a lot of pressure. Arafat obviously decided to be rescued from that unpleasant situation and at the same time to gain more, than "Camp David". The Palestinian Authority is, in fact, a dictatorship. And when a dictator is in hardship, there is no limit to the "imagination" for rescue. Arafat decided to wear the image of the "poor and the robbed" individual. After years of experience of manipulations and half-lies to the international media, that needs to sell news, Arafat knew how to do it. Sending children, women to attack Israeli soldiers and order his army, that is fully armed and has full control, to let them do it. He knew that it was a matter of time till one of those people would get hurt. He knew, that this was filmed well and would enable him to gain points. This is a tool of a totalitarian leader who will have his own children and women killed while having the power to stop it. Moreover, Arafat gave orders to his officers to shoot Israeli soldiers and heat the environment more. Arafat was looking for the appropriate time to start the riots from suspicion that Clinton would publish a new negotiations proposal, that would be based on the outcome of the failed Camp David, and he would be represented as the objector to peace. So now it was only a question of timing. Sharon's visit, was used as an excuse to begin the riots exactly like the Intifada of the 80's started from an excuse, that was simply a car accident between an Arab and a Jew. The Palestanians claimed, that they would let every religion have open access to the sites. However, when they used Sharon, as an excuse for provocation they flopped - Sharon did not visit the Mosque - he visited the Wall. Is a Jew prohibited to visit the Wall? Israel was trapped between the need to restore order and being a pawn in Arafat's game.

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"The liberation of this land by Jihad is the responsibility of all Muslims... This land is an Islamic land with their being no difference between al-Quds or Haifa, or between Lod or Asqalan...The liars and the traitors (your rulers) in the 20th century claim that there is a relationship of cousins between us and the Jews. They are telling you that Rabin, Peres and Netanyahu are your cousins. I say to them - wait, the new Omar Ibn alAhss is coming soon to correct the situation even after all these treaties and treason with the Jews. He will liberate all of Palestine from the Sea to the River as well as other Islamic lands. "
Sermon on Temple Mount, Al Aqsa Mosque, (Jerusalem Nov 5)
And we are going for a "peace" treaty, that will be blown up line by line afterwards. Sad.

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The son of the late Meir Kahane, Binyamin, was shot dead, his wife, Taliya, died a little later. There were 5 of their 6 daughters in that mini. One daughter was lucky to get off the minivan at her school earlier. Two of the 5 girls sustained medium wounds, the youngest, 2.5 months-old, - hurt light. Six girls orphaned. The Hadasa Clinic will not let them all out.
The BBC was quick to quote the Palestinian Authority "Information Minister" - The Palestinian people have the right to kill the settlers. So, it is Allah akbar.
Not the CNN, nor the BBC reported Lady Kohen having been searching for legs of her daughter in a school bus, bombed earlier. An IAF helicopter rushed her kids, and that kid was operated on for 18 hours with the best of the best sowing her legs back.
But, instead, the screens are full of Palestinians with such "expressions" on their faces, that might betray a mass LSD abuse, burning Israeli flags, blowing up bus decoys - Allah akbar.
Allah yohudkum.

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"Far Reaching Proposals" ... LMAO...

Thats a pretty 6 pm news sound bite! lol...

Im not an expert on the mid east but I do know that "far reaching proposals" did not include Jerusalem into the equation. the nucleas issue of the whole matter. lol.

Clinton new the "far reaching proposals" were bogus and basically gave up on the summit. So try again Bagel Girl... Lmao at you!

"She billows like a babbon in heat"... never so true Conrad.

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Sorry but I can't shed any tears for Kahane.It was people like his father who made peace impossible.

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