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Archive through December 3, 2000

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Especialy for L'MENEXE:

Very important message:

Two new virus has been discovered.
They will arrive by an e-mail named "CALIFORNIA IBM" et "GIRL THING".
> Microsoft has said they are very powerful. Even more than LOVE LETTER. There is no remedy.
They swallow all the informations on the hard disk and destroy Nescape Navigator as well as Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Do not open anything of this name.

Few poeple are aware.
This message should circulate as widely as possible.

If you receive by e-mail, a message with an attachment named "BUDDLY SIP", do not open it whatever is the case.
Delete it immediately. By opening it, you will lose all the datas on your hard disk.

The only thing we know is that this virus was launched 7 days ago and that's a new and extremely dangerous virus.

Foward this message to everybody from you address book. If everybody knows, this virus will be a failure.

AOL confirmed how dangerous this virus can be. No program can destroy it.

Message to foward to as many adderesses as possible.

Internet Administration DARTY


--- genaro lopez wrote:
> Bonjour ?tous,
> A prendre tr? au s?ieux.
> Deux nouveaux virus ont été découverts. Ils
> arriveront par un e-mail
> intitulé> "CALIFORNIA IBM" et "GIRL THING".
> Microsoft a annoncé qu'ils sont très puissants,
> plus encore que LOVE
> LETTER Il n'existe aucun remède, ils avalent toute
> l'information du
> disque dur, déruisent Netscape Navigator et
> Microsoft Internet
> Explorer. N'ouvrez rien s'intitulant ainsi.
> Peu de gens sont au courant ! Ceci est un message
> circulaire de l'UCL,
> Message à faire circuler le plus largement possible.
> Si vous recevez par Mail un message avec comme
> fichier joint un cran de
> veille (screensaver) intitulé "BUDDLY SIP", ne
> l'ouvrez en aucun cas.
> Annulez le immédiatement. En l'ouvrant, vous allez
> perdre toutes les
> données de votre disque dur. Tout ce que l'on sait,
> c'est que ce virus a
> été lancé il y a 7 jours et qu'il s'agit d'un tout
> nouveau virus
> extrèmement dangereux.
> Faites suivre ce message à tout votre carnet
> d'adresse. Si tout le monde
> est au courant, le lancement de ce virus aura été un
> éhec.
> AOL confirme jusqu'à quel point ce virus peut être
> dangereux, aucun
> programme ne peut le détruire.
> Message à transmettre à un maximum d'adresses.
> Administration Internet DARTY.

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M'sieu Ledingue!

one receives virus warnings with some frequency; i agree, this sounds serious.

my getting a virus in my mac last summer was atypical; PC'S are by far the most victimized.
which aint to say i didnt end up erasing my HD.

thanks, though. i'll tell you if i get this notice through other channels.

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Lady L'menexe Tinkle Cupcake.
"The little dinky virus is between his legs" Larry's ex-wife said while dining 5 star with Star & Stripes ALLAMERICAN.

She paid for dinner and the hotel suite with L'menexe's alimony money.

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well, look at what the dog dragged in;
it's captain ultra gay!

i hear you got whupped pretty good by the DMS
administrators when i was hundreds of miles away.

and i see the regular scorn you receive at USC.

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so if that fool believed i had an ex-wife, hmmm...what _other_ bullsh*t will he believe?

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I don't really care what this thing believes or doesn't.It's all a matter of "mind over matter".I _don't_ mind because he does not _MATTER_

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I see that Kissie the blabbering zionist baboon has decided to 'grace' this board with her neurotic presence once more

P.S looks like her jew buddies aren't doing to well in the US election.

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Hilarious, as per prediction...uh!

Stars, whenever you manage to email me at

I will not hold my breath in the meantime....'KAY!

L'menexe apparently BSE is now rife in American wildlife...see above!!!

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and as for everyone else, we see the utterly predictable misogynist anti-semite BACON go through his usual DMS motions...right on schedule.

yeah yeah blah blah zzzzzzzzzzzz

oh, it is to laugh, mum, it is to laugh.


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Hello all,
Kinda small group of friends in here. Anything exciting happening?

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...his little song and

Good Guy,

After having ejaculated three times... remains just this message board...

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"Stars", er thanks consulting business directories and street maps for clues! LOL

L'menexe, Kisako, hope you are enjoying yourselves
(Wink) know at the cafe! Mine's a glenmorangie BTW, snigger...

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ah, you...hush.

twas just a couple old warrior friends, observing
the terminal antics of HE WHO CANNOT CHANGE...from
a comfortable distance.
it's all over, FAKE.
really and truly.
spare yourself the abuse
if you continue the LIE.

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Lmexe... LOL..

I don't see what this has to do with u. why are u so worried about issues that don't concern u the least bit? Ur like a bored house wife.

Kim waz up?

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