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Archive through December 3, 2000

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Conrad WB,
don't borrow insults, and You will woof (and, probably, look) less like a drunk owl of a marsh warden.
This approach can also promote You with time to Mister Bean, You know, the one with a display of the mad-cow desease You seem to be infected with too ... .
Eh? Say, Mr. Conrad W. Bean.

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Well waz up is, someone will be taking a good look and reporting back to me, someone who knows more about cars than I do, being a woman and all that! Wink!

I'll get back to you, 'kay.

L'menexe, i didn't mean anything by it, just felt a little celibration was in order, grin.
That's my favorite tipple. BTW would it be sacrilege to mix it with Red Bull????

Where is my Liege and why was he flirting with ME??? Now there's a question!

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Mr. Stars & Shishlik seem to love Nazi soups. Too close to the Arab ones?
I guess, he is been busy compiling Mufti Haj Al-Amin El-Husseini, the cook buddy of Heinrich Himmler.
No wonder, Mein Kampf was ranking sixth on a Palestinian best-seller list.
My observations show that, a housewife bored is less disastrous, than Shishlik & Stripes undecided on what part of the camel to hang the Audi logo on, or what pair to put boxing gloves on for that matter ...

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Then again, IT support with a political bias provides a perfect platform for misile guided camel shite removal at unsociable hours...
N'est pas!

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War for Yugoslavia — domination through misinformation

After serving at the consulting firm McKinsey and Co. and researching at Oxford University and Harvard University, Prof Dr Kai-Alexander Schlevogt, a German national, became the first permanent foreign professor in China's modern history (at Peking University), and a senior faculty member at the Australian Graduate School of Management in Sydney. Following is the third in a series of three articles analysing America's intervention in Yugoslavia, an intervention "representative of the US strategies elsewhere," according to the writer who contributed the articles to the Jordan Times.
The war over Yugoslavia was fought not only inside the country, but also on a global front, through the international public opinion. Although any expert would tell you that wars on multiple fronts should be avoided at all cost, in this case, the strategy proved successful.

During the whole string of events that led to the toppling of the legitimate president, America used its flagship propaganda mouthpiece, CNN, to broadcast manipulated information to a global audience. In addition, television stations around the world were fed with biased CNN footage and information, on which they relied almost exclusively. Together with American coercion, most governments and people therefore spoke with the same voice (and pictures).

CNN's machination and impact demonstrate that the best way to achieve control is to monopolise or at least concentrate influence over the source of supply instead of the end product market, which, as in the media business, is fiercely competitive and thus deceives the customer, who believes in the apparent pluralism of opinion.

In this case, crude censorship in a large number of countries — which is not only difficult to administer, but which people who strive for freedom will eventually defeat — is not necessary any more, since it is substituted by an approach with much higher leverage and impact. And since control over information is an instrument of power in its own right, an occupying force can gradually decree other more obvious and obtrusive modes of intervention.

The conscious misinformation, which continued after the Kosovo war, confirmed the lesson that the map is not the territory. Any fact can be turned upside down to suit the needs of the perpetrator of subversive schemes.

Following the first law of propaganda, that there should always be only one enemy, the media focused exclusively on the Yugoslav president. Modern technology can transform any person into a villain within hours, and the opposite is true as well. Without exception, the television networks used camera shots showing the president as a grim and seemingly ill-intentioned and egregious man.

His picture was routinely framed or followed by footage of dead bodies. Why doesn't CNN associate the picture of the US president with the hundreds of thousands of children in Iraq whom he starved to death through his sanctions or with all the people he murdered through continuing air attacks on sovereign territory? Although this would constitute objective reporting, specialists in psychological warfare, which the US conducts so masterfully, know that this would anchor a negative image in peoples' minds and thus refrain from such emotive medleys.

Forcing parallels to the fall of the Berlin wall and the “Peking Spring”, the global media empire conveyed the impression that the whole people in Yugoslavia not only opposed the president, but deeply despised him. He seemed to stand completely alone in his own country. Yet on other occasions, the masses are educated about the virtue and inevitability of pluralism. How come this time all the people had the same opinion? Where was the Yugoslav government? Where was his party, the strongest political force in Yugoslavia?

Instead of showing both sides with impartiality — a principle that the “free press” in the West always claims to espouse — CNN manufactured and told a one-sided propaganda tale. It probably gave a few dollars to some pedestrians and other youth, asking them to read their carefully crafted script about how glad they were to be liberated.

After several days, the footage showed an increased number of celebrating people in the immediate aftermath of the uprising — why did the original live transmission not show them?

It is also instructive to observe the deprecatory language that journalists used to denigrate their enemy on all occasions. Until now, the former Yugoslav president “continues to cast his shadow” and if he stays in the country, reporters fear that “democracy will be in danger.”

The analysis of American intervention in the Balkans showed that the US is the true enemy of democracy, denying weaker people their fundamental freedom of self-determination and disrespecting other basic human rights.

It will be embarrassing for America if the new Yugoslav president refuses to be a perfect stooge. If he is not a complete villain and retains just a drop of national pride, he is unlikely to fully embrace the foreign country that ethnically cleansed his compatriots in an unprecedented genocide and occupied his country. Meddling in the internal affairs of other countries may prove to be very cumbersome and is therefore better avoided.

It seems also fair to conclude that justice is not administered impartially. In disrespect of international law, Israel, for example, occupies foreign territory acquired by war and uses one of the best equipped armies in the world to massacre unarmed civilians, many of them children. Although it haughtily claims that it is above the law and thus systematically ignores UN resolutions, such as those calling for the withdrawal from the occupied territories, the biased US government neither intervenes in the region to enforce international law, nor does it unmask Israeli leaders as dangerous war criminals.

If the way power is exercised is the true test of a man's character, the American president has failed badly. Yet lack of integrity — which through all his scandals he demonstrated to the whole world in an embarrassing fashion — is the only fault that cannot be repaired. If the International War Crimes Tribunal is truly impartial, it should indict the American president and his criminal henchmen in all fields of society and all countries for stirring up hate and bloodshed in Yugoslavia and elsewhere. If it chooses a punishment that fits the offence, America perhaps will stop trying to defeat others through illegal schemes and, instead, serve them with valiant compassion.

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igor, mum, kisako!

"valiant compassion"...hmmm...nice ring to that phrase. oy...
mum, i have no idea what the last line of yr. 7:21 post means. ditto 'bse'.
as for you, farouk the FAKE AMERICAN....kisako nailed you many months ago. now the truth was revealed to us all! pretty funny, how you would write kim as if you were a high school kid after the way you mistreated her, and kisako, etc.

they're my friends and cohorts here, which makes it _my_ business, mr. homoud. and shoot, your spelling is even _worse_ in your personal mail! your wealthy papa certainly wasted money in sending you 'to university'.

well done, k-san. you've known all along.

i'd almost feel sorry for you, mr. homoud, now that you've been absolutely _busted_ as the FAKE we've always known you to be.
i said _almost_.

payback's a bitch, aint it?
ps> igor, i've used two unsuccessful mail addresses
on you.

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that's what u don't understand... the battle is won on many different fronts besides the 'war front'. this is the age of technology. I suggest u go swig another shot of vodka and

kim, glad u knew the address... ur smarter than i thought.

Lmixe, u so smart --- u bored housewife. lol... u dummy the only payback u can dish out is crying after uve been b!tch slapped... lmao AT U...

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L'menexe, don't worry, if YOU were supposed to understand it, you would......nothing derogatory towards yourself- no worries, mate!

Stars, I'll take that as a compliment, simply because I can't be arsed to respond to it as an insult....

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Jerk off I understood that a long time ago.Did you become an einstein all of a sudden

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genuine, no-doubt-about-it FAKE AMERICAN!!!

you aint bitch-slappin NOBODY!

you NEVER WERE american, mr. homoud.

what a gross pig of a FAKE!
how pathetic.

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Lmexe... lol...

u dimwitt, would u listen to urself. lmao...

Kim - that's a good thing, not meant as an insult. Nothing I see to u from now on Kim is meant as an insult - OK?

Chorny; Einstein? afraid not... I was just pointing out the abvious... I knew u knew Chorny. no worries pal. How about those Leafs? u like Hockey Eh?

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formerly known as FAKE AMERICAN.

so now that we all know what a FAKE you've been all this time, you think we'll be pals?

i doubt it.

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Dear crafty little Jewess,

There's no shutting you up is there? I can understand the source of your fustration. Things aren't exactly going too well in that stolen land you occupy.

Those 'nasty' Palestinians are like a cancerous growth, who are going to be the ultimate demise of your pathetic third world zionist nation. You can always return back to the US, where the worst Jew fanatics hail from. Don't bother coming to Europe. We find the hebraic stench unbearable and your 'kind' are only tolerated here.

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So you speak for all Europeans do you????
Typical Londoner, all mouth, no class.

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There, there, Mr. Conrad W. Bean, no tears.
* I can understand the source of your fustration.
I see, You are already managing the art of BSing.
Why, LOL, the 'frustration'? Arafat is frustrated, not me.
Albright faces congressmen pushing for cutting aid to Egypt.
King Abdalla of Jordan faces arafat Palestinians threatening territorial integrity of his state of Jordan; together with the possibility of losing aid money.
Palestinians face a prospect of being destroyed by their moslem "brethren", if they succeed.
So, You understand nothing to start with, but ignorance is a bliss.

* Those 'nasty' Palestinians are like a cancerous growth,
For once You typed some truth. Bravo!
They are all tracked by security forces in all of the Arab world as clear and present destabilizer of established states.
They are even dangerous to their own kin. LOL
There was a 70% Palestinian Arab Christian majority (peaceful and clever folks, great traders and professionals) in Bethleem. After the Palestinian Autonomy was established Bethleem is a 75% Moslem majority with Christians having run away with Arafat confiscating a small monastery and converting it into his stinking Bethleem HQ. Remaining Christians are routinly detained and intimidated.
The tactics is to provoke the Christian world into confrontation with Jews. That's why the Palestinian Authority uniformed thugs break into Bet-Jallah apartments and use Christians as shields while shooting at Gilo.
Right, You are, a real tumor waiting for Doc Ariel Sharon.

* who are going to be the ultimate demise of your pathetic third world zionist nation.
I advise that You throw You computer outta window - the processors to it are produced in Israel, together with a host of soft - You are just too woofey (and goofy!) to find it out.
Oh, BTH, You better watch your British Rail - it sounds like Uganda Rail already ... ;o))

* You can always return back to the US, where the worst Jew fanatics hail from.
LOL, don't tell this to Allan Greenspan - he will send Your British economy tailspinning.;o))

* We find the hebraic stench unbearable and your 'kind' are only tolerated here.
Go, throw some Molotoff cocktails into synagogues - You can later apply with Hizballah for some Distinguished Terrorist Medal of Honour.
P.S. No, I will not live in your bantustan, called UK - nothing to make a decent steak of, You know.

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