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Archive through December 3, 2000

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Noble Member
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Yes, I do wish so, crazy 😉

I thought it was a given..I just can't do it at the moment, but will do so as I get home..

what was your passing score?

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we don't do "passing scores" as such in the UK, I made two minor mistakes out of 5 minor mistakes allowed.
Shame about that cyclist though, wink!

Noble Member
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you hit a cyclist again? Hon, that's cuz you people drive on the WRONG side of the street..d'uh!

lol..cheers, dear..

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why is that arabian cock sucker always runs away in the middle of his meal? Do they not allow him to use the only computer in a village of Madaba, I ask you?


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Brave Stars & Sand.

Visit the Barber much kissie.. ,

A nice piece of education showing ... First Stars & Sodomy flew a Tomcat with some esoteric nonexisted weaponry, which in the end turned out to be a diarrhetic Tomcamel.
Then he posed for a Gulf Mike Tyson, which in the end turned out to be some Mahmoud El Tysonlah with no knowledge as to which pair to put boxing gloves on - front or hind legs.
And all was spiced with a nice sample of poor English (above all).
The board spits into Sickness & Stupidity's face, but he keeps on masturbating. Well, he reached puberty, a sort of progressive with education in regress ... .

wasn't it hizballah which kept killing ur overrated soldiers till u retreated

Another idiotic assumption, that reveals Sharmouta & Semen is no way an American. (One clear sign is an overuse of "u", "ur".) A retreat effectively shut the UN up, and we knew Hizballah are stupid enough and won't stop, since the only profession they know is Nazi terrorism, ruining of the Lebanese economy and getting side, but mostly bum burns in return when cooked by Israeli artillery.
I admit, Israeli gunners are very poor cooks - they usually burn it. My sInCeRe apologies.
Wasn't it the Nasrallah's bunker, that misteriously got blown up? ;o)) Wasn't it an ominous sign? Eh?;o))

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I have a dubious luxury of watching Palestinian, Egyptian, ... , blah-blahnian TV. Their crews frequently come up with Gaza and Bank news, featuring schollboys of the various age marching in the mornings chanting obligatory "fight songs" (like in the worst days of the Maoist China - but Chinese are way-way clever - they learned) - sh*t like "We are marching to destroy blah-blah ... we don't care if we die ... blah-blah" under a watchful eye of a "mentor" and, of course, ... die in the end. It doesn't hit the international news networks, but the international folks later are amazed at why those young do, in fact, die. A nice question, yes, why?;o)
I caught a scene of Palestinian girlies (age - around 7-8) chanting same BS, the camera moved and ... pictured an old "maitress" "engineering" the whole show from the sidelines.

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whatta Dumb arab, heh..

yeah, 2 Israeli soldiers versus 200 unwashed palestinians cooked MEDIUM RARE.., at least 200 fried palestinians so far..yam-yam


everybody pisses in his face, and all the dumb arab can come up with is nerveous "LOL"

Hey, how did you like me plumping yo brains out yesterday?AND WHERE THE •••• DID YOU RUN FROM ME,BOY? To burry another medium fried palestinian? Well..HAPPY RAMADAN to ya..


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Fred Le Dingue treating the SORE arabian clown:


you'r even not able to sent a e-mail correctely and you pretend to be american!

After you are looking for a buyer for you new car which broke down in a parking in Geneva after only 5000km and worth $40k. ...on THIS board. Sounds quite wobbly as a story supposed to give you the upper-rich statu.

To my mind it's a camel that you forgot in this parking and at the time, is died from thurst or someone brought it to the zoo.



May I tell you a secret? Star&Tramps doesn't know a car needs a fill in of gazoline from time to time. In the saoudi arabian desert they are going only on camel back that need water. So, he made a fill in of water! Now he thinks his car is out of use. Offer $100 and he will think of a good deal!
...but check if he didn't fill the radiator with diesel. "


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Igor treating the SORE arabian clown:

"Jerk off I understood that a long time ago.Did you become an einstein all of a sudden"



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Kissie treating SORE arabian clown:

"The board spits into Sickness & Stupidity's face, but he keeps on masturbating. Well, he reached puberty, a sort of progressive with education in regress ... . "


LOL..he reached puberty..hurray..

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I'll let you swollow this, boy, and then the big surprise shall be fed to your silly popka..would you like to see what Kim says of you, arab? heh..

On the final note - f u c k USS Cole crew (that'll teach the rest of'em not to train your dirty, lower Semite kind, how to use terror), and may all (200 hundred so far?) the fried palestian souls go to h...


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You gotten to me???

Lauging my JEWISH ASS OFF at you subhuman...LMJAO another words

Don't flatter yourself, boy, I just love slapping you around, heh..

investigation on the car? simple arab, you.. yer still buying it???


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Hey simple arab, would you like me to post some of the emails I received from you know who, in regards to your fiat?

LOL..everyone is laughing at you..this time, behind your hairy back.


Honorable Member
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We will never get rid of these Stars&Tramp and other Conrad WBacon and theyr fucka-sucka songs and dance restlessly rehearsed.

"I'm laughing my jewishass off" is it a way to say you fart at his face?

Noble Member
Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 2221

LOL, Fred..what can I tell you, when you sit on the arabic face with his nose stuck in my ass, accidents's all good though, I hear Jordan provide their citizens with gas masks, one for the person, one for the camel, heh..

Haven't seen you at the underground cafe lately, wassup with that, mon ami?

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