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Archive through December 3, 2000

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BTW, you abused you email privelages, FAKE FARIS,
you're blocked!
Any further abuse will be refered to the server, that isn't a threat its a promise.

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L'menexe is a childish man who simply can not comprehend that people can have differing opinions. Anything this middle aged adolescent doesn't like, he goes running to his DMS mummy.

L'menexe is a hypocrite as he is not bothered by the half crazed diatribe of a fanatical little zionist jewess. Thats okay with him. Well I guess there is a certain bonding between the sick minds of these 'chosen people' and mental midgets.

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"a childish man who simply can not comprehend that people can have differing opinions...... bothered by the half crazed diatribe of a fanatical little zionist jewess."

Yeah right Bacon,if the hat fits.....

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boy oh boy, lotsa goodies on the figurative plate this fine, fine day.
no worries, mum. more later.
i got no prob w/folks who differ w/me. if that was not so, and it was within my =koff= 'power', which it clearly aint, you'd be long gone, capice?
my problem w/you is your mean-spirited, repetitive assaults on kisako and kim arx.
i realize your frustration is best expressed against women, since you've done the same song and dance for a year now, suggesting your general failures with women in your life.
not to mention your trite paint-by-numbers anti-semitism...nothing you ever encountered in real life, just stuff you've read.
how bout the 'protocols of zion', huh? do you believe that too?
silly, silly excuse for a man, that you'll forever be.
suffice to say, i'd much rather be moi than toi.
firstoff, your USC routine about "truth, justice, and the american way" comes from the '50s SUPERMAN TV show, and has _nada_ to do w/captain america.

secondly, i _never_ complained about igor [which he knows!] and i dont think he was ever banned from here, IMO. igor and i have communicated all along, any differences to the contrary. that's how it's _supposed_ to work in places like this.
and yet, cross the line too often and someone may protest, as is their right. and _that's_ why the SICK and TWISTED st. tony the annihilist had his psychotic ass thrown outta here, as well he should have.

_you're_ the one who insulted igor's mother, just as _you_ are the one continually obsessed with bodily functions. Ewwwww....
and as i recall, recently your garbage posts were deleted by administration when i was hundreds of miles from my machine.

I have no 'ex-wife', as much as it amuses you to believe that i do.
and with the help of dimitri, the 'conflict' twixt moi and ms. mary ended _months_ before she left DMS.

but you seem to be operating under the delusion that you 'beat her up' or something. ditto kim arx. what a CROCK! you did _nothing_ of the sort.

and really, you've gotten yourself ridiculed so often at USC, i need to say nothing else.
as for the FAKE AMERICAN, i'd be _happy_ to get rid of him and his homo/porno rape fantasies.
damned straight. he should go somewhere where that crap might be better appreciated.
and in conclusion, this is much, _much_ more attention than any of you excuses for humans deserve.
season's greetings to my friends and allies, who outnumber the likes of all of you.


500/1 !

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And I am still here moron in case you dont know I changed nicks

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Kim why would u get so angry at being called a slut? If u aren't one then u should have just brushed it aside...

As for that S4 i expect an answer from u pronto? U have waisted enough of my time.

Informer, good to see u around. Conrad... don't u think the reason for this place being such a Sh!t hole is because it's infested with the JEW. Wasn't Germany like this before WWII?

MY own personal Biatch demmie has disapeared lately. it's could be 1 of 2 things. that she has found someone that will stick it in her AZZZZZ deeper and harder, or she abuses work privledges by using the internet... lol.. I personally think it's the latter... noone can stick it in her like Daddy does...


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Why would I want to bail you out Faridiot?
Speaking of wasting time, you mistake me for someone who gives a •••• what you think...
but a sneaking crawly unprincipled little hypocrite you remain...
By all means brush that off, then kiss my Arx

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I can take a joke and humor as well as give it out. And I enjoy breaking away from the everyday doldrums that a work enviornment presents, which is something you probably know little of even though you are in your 40's. But, for the record, the one thing I have no, and I mean absolutely no tolerence for is the vulgar ridiculing of mothers, mine or anyone else's. Sure IGOR and I exchange barbs but how dare you even suggest that I made fun of IGOR's mother. That's out of bounds and I defy you to back up your statement you spineless twit.

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don't even give us the crap that you were hundreds of miles away from your machine and therefore, could not be held responsible for any deleting of posts. Dickbreath, your so possessed by these forums, (your lifeline) that you posted from VA. Which is proof thereof, that you ratted out those posts that offended little you. AHHH, I know what happened Faggot, you just so happened to forget about the machine at the library in VA that you used?

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go back to your post which was deleted twice, CREEP, Regarding whatever you said about mrs. 'shitzalott'. what did that sound like to you, CREEP?

i didnt forget about the library in va, CREEP. i went twice, for a total of less than an hour.
the first time i saw you had posted that idiot igor story for a second time. on the second visit, your second attempt was also deleted.

because you're a CREEP.
or did i say that already?

i told you the truth, CREEP. believe it or dont believe it.

pour toi, it's bodily functions and "faggot this, faggot that". pretty pathetic stuff;just like junior high.
and i graduated from junior high decades ago, CREEP.

dont confuse me with someone who cares about what you say.

and _nothing_ is deleted here unless administration concurs.

so be good for goodness' sake.


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You pathetic loser:

don't even know the difference between humorist satire and a direct affront made to one's mother.

Wouldn't be surprised if you were the class wimp that got slapped around by both male and female students in high school and were without playmates in elementary school. You sure as heck display that trait here.
Guess he's going running to the site administrator. BOO HOO, BOO HOO he's talking naughty about me again.

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So, mr informer is there a point to all this?
An Axe to grind, perhaps, what got up your arse?

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evenin, mum!

nah, CAPTAIN ULTRA GAY is just a creep.

no worries.
and axually, motherf*cker, i had a lot more fun in
high school than a shite-obsessed CREEP like toi.

of that there would be no doubt.

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Actually Kim what got up my arsh is L'menexe's
self rightious attitude as he sits back, reviews posts, here and elsewhere, he then throws a few darts and is fast to rat out those who throw darts back at him. If he can't take it then he shouldn't do it. Furthermore, who the f--k is he to constantly get involved in other peoples discussions and then cast selective judgment.

Case in point, IGOR and myself frequently exchange sarcastic remarks at each other. I'm sure, that at times Igor, like myself get some hearty laughs when we're humorously breaking each others balls. Low and behold, here comes Suzzie to arrange for deletions. He acts like a little old wishie washie lady who loves gossiping over the back yard fence and then goes secretly off to discuss what was said to others (OFFPOST).

Kim, I trust you see where I'm coming from. Will I stop throwing darts at him? Only he can be the judge of that.

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PS: I would want the likes of IGOR next to me in my foxhole any day over L'menexe.

Somebody has to do the digging. HA HA HA

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