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Archive through December 30, 1999

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Screw ••••••• •••• Chechens who are •••••••, •••••••, •••••••, •••••••, •••••••.
I am good. Oh man!

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Armenian what did you say? Change some letters then it will be printed

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1560: Under Czar Ivan the Terrible, Russia begins a sporadic, three-century campaign to subjugate the Chechens and other tribesmen living on the north slope of the Caucasus. Russian generals regard the mountain range as a strategic barrier against a Turkish or Persian invasion.

1585: The Ottoman Empire, under Sultan Murad III,
conquers the Chechens and the rest of the Northern
Caucasus. But the Russian czars persist in trying to wrest it away. From Turkish colonists, the Chechens adopt the Sunni Muslim strain of Islam, later infused with mystical Sufism.

1785-91: Chechen troops under Sheik Mansur
Ushurma spearhead an anti-Russian uprising by
Caucasus mountain tribes -- the first of many revolts against Russian armies.

1817-1864: Russian troops take nearly five decades
to subjugate the Chechen and other mountain
tribesmen, who were led by the Muslim ascetic
Imam Shamil in a ``holy war'' against Russia.
Russians remember this painful episode as the
Caucasian War.

1864: In retribution, Russia deports hundreds of
thousands of Chechens and other North Caucasians
to the Ottoman Empire. Others remain in the

1877, 1920, 1929, 1940, 1943: Chechens stubbornly
but unsuccessfully rebel against the czars and later the Communists.

WINTER OF 1943-44: While most Chechen males
are away fighting in the Soviet Army against Hitler, Stalin orders Chechnya wiped off the map. The secret police burn villages and deport 500,000
Chechens to Kazakhstan and Siberia. Their land is
divided among non-Muslim Russians, Georgians and

1957: Four years after Stalin dies, the Supreme
Soviet allows the Chechens and most other banished
Muslims to return to their homelands.

AUGUST 1991: Dzhokhar Dudayev, a recently
retired Soviet Air Force bomber wing commander,
seizes power in the Chechen capital, Grozny,
deposing a tame pro-Soviet leadership.

NOVEMBER 1991: The Chechens confirm
Dudayev as president in a popular election, and he
declares Chechnya fully independent.
AUGUST 1994: The current hostilities begin, as
Yeltsin approves a covert military and intelligence campaign to destabilize Dudayev.

©1999 San Francisco Chronicle

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Drake, Saul -

I suggest you read each and every article. OK, at least the first one. It will give you a better insight on the conflict. And yes, the website is pro Chechen.

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Saul -

"1785-91: Chechen troops under Sheik Mansur
Ushurma spearhead an anti-Russian uprising by
Caucasus mountain tribes -- the first of many revolts against Russian armies."

Thank you, I didn't know that Chechens attacked Russia first. Oh yes, Ivan the Terrible.. but the truth is, he never touched Chechens at that time. Only tribes west of them.

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1000 A.D. OR EARLIER: Ancestors of the Chechens appear in their present homeland in the Northern Caucasus
mountains from destinations unknown. Linguists disagree over when they began to speak their Turkic language.

1560: Under Czar Ivan the Terrible, Russia begins a sporadic, three-century campaign to subjugate the Chechens and
other tribesmen living on the north slope of the Caucasus. Russian generals regard the mountain range as a strategic
barrier against a Turkish or Persian invasion.

1585: The Ottoman Empire, under Sultan Murad III, conquers the Chechens and the rest of the Northern Caucasus.
But the Russian czars persist in trying to wrest it away. From Turkish colonists, the Chechens adopt the Sunni Muslim
strain of Islam, later infused with mystical Sufism.

1785-91: Chechen troops under Sheik Mansur Ushurma spearhead an anti-Russian uprising by Caucasus mountain
tribes -- the first of many revolts against Russian armies.

1817-1864: Russian troops take nearly five decades to subjugate the Chechen and other mountain tribesmen, who
were led by the Muslim ascetic Imam Shamil in a ``holy war'' against Russia. Russians remember this painful episode
as the Caucasian War.

1864: In retribution, Russia deports hundreds of thousands of Chechens and other North Caucasians to the Ottoman
Empire. Others remain in the homeland.

1877, 1920, 1929, 1940, 1943: Chechens stubbornly but unsuccessfully rebel against the czars and later the

WINTER OF 1943-44: While most Chechen males are away fighting in the Soviet Army against Hitler, Stalin orders
Chechnya wiped off the map. The secret police burn villages and deport 500,000 Chechens to Kazakhstan and
Siberia. Their land is divided among non-Muslim Russians, Georgians and Ossetians.

1957: Four years after Stalin dies, the Supreme Soviet allows the Chechens and most other banished Muslims to
return to their homelands.

AUGUST 1991: Dzhokhar Dudayev, a recently retired Soviet Air Force bomber wing commander, seizes power in
the Chechen capital, Grozny, deposing a tame pro-Soviet leadership.

NOVEMBER 1991: The Chechens confirm Dudayev as president in a popular election, and he declares Chechnya
fully independent.

AUGUST 1994: The current hostilities begin, as Yeltsin approves a covert military and intelligence campaign to
destabilize Dudayev.

©1999 San Francisco Chronicle Page A8

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SPAMul, that's enough.

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An independent Chechnia can survive better
The International community should work for a Referundum as they have done for the East Timore.


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Oh yes, almost forgot.
Chechen terrorists disappointed me. I predicted that they will have "staregical retreat" but according to their sources they are having "tactical retreat". Tsk-Tsk.

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The CIA has intelligence that Bin Laden operatives have been in Chechnya training Muslim fighters in guerrilla tactics. And the mixture of chemicals that Russian investigators found in some of the blasts matches the brew mixed by bombers-in-training at his camp in Afghanistan. "There are some strings that connect here," a U.S. intelligence official tells TIME. "Some of the bombs in Russia were consistent with what Bin Laden bombers use."


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As I have discussed in this column before, the avid interest taken by Big Oil in what transpires in the Caucasus has been translated into official US government policy. As the Petroleum Economist [May 12, 1999] put it: "So important to US strategic interests has the Caspian become, that in July 1998, US President Bill Clinton created the Office of the Special Advisor to the President and the Secretary of State for Caspian Basin Energy Diplomacy. Ambassador Richard Morningstar was appointed to the office. As overseer of US policy in the region, he has strongly backed proposals to build a main exporting corridor for Caspian energy to the West." With the discovery of oil reserves in the Caspian Sea area that may rival or even dwarf the oil riches of the Arabian peninsula, the race to cash-in is underway, with American and British oil companies and their lobbyists in the lead. After much lobbying for government subsidies, loan guarantees, and contracts by the profiteers of the "Great Silk Road," and lots of squabbling over the exact route that the transshipment of Caspian oil would take, the first pipeline deal was finalized on the very day that Chechen President Maskhadov called on the Americans to assert their "authority" in the region. What a coincidence!

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" subjugate the Chechens and other tribesmen living on the north slope of the Caucasus..."

You start with a lie (unless you simply have been mislead): It starts with the marriage of Czar Ivan Grozny (Terrible) with kniazhna Maria - daughter of a Kabardinian Kniaz' after he asked for inclusion of Kabarda (Cherkessia, partialhly Adigeia) into Russian state as a way of protection of Christian (at the time) Kabardinians, who were far more numerous than Chechens from Turks and Persians. I mentioned this before - the main square of Nalchik (the city in Kabardino-Balkaria, about 120 miles from Grozny) is called "400 years of reunification with Russia".

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For the western people it's easier to swallow the pragmatic oil conspiracy theory than accept the politically incorrect truth: between Chechens and us it was about faith at the times of Ivan Grozny and it still is..

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To Armenians

How much have you stolen from my country in the form of phony welfare payments, medicare fraud and social security.

To Russians terrorists (waiting for another handout)

How much have you begged from my country lately.

All you pathetic third world Russian animals - you can rant and rage on this AMERICAN MESSAGE BOARD all you want. You are what you are, and these facts will never change

To Igor,

Keep Barking. Human excrement like you should STAY in your own third world, begging cesspool excuse for a nation. Your brainwashed Russian population is ALIVE today due to the generousity of the handouts of Americans. I was surprized to learn that the Russians are now begging from Israel and Saudi Arabia too! Let me know when you start begging from the blacks in Africa?

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