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Archive through December 30, 1999

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It is written: Read to Lead go to:
you will see that killers are not Muslims. Self difference (by Jews Muslims Christians alike)and protection of your children and brothers and sisters and parents (for those who have them )against the Mafia's Sex and Drug and Gun makers Alcohol dealers is permissible by any religion I have read and seen. if you do not wish them in your home town then you should have the right not to. Not all people who say they are Muslims actually know the true Islamic teachings if the kill and cut innocent people up even as revenge it is forbidden. The problem is that we are humans and we forget what our books teach us on all sides (or some chose to read only the parts that help them not feel guilty of their crimes).
The problem is not us who communicate like we do

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Sounds good, unfotunately every single major conflict in last 10 years involved muslim fundamentalists (Yougoslavia, Sudan, Kashmir, Israel, East Timor, Kosovo, Chechnya), and I am sure you know what's going on right now in Kandagar's airport. So, please, stop kidding youself. One doesn't need to "read to lead" you book to find out about the content - the deeds of the followers speak for themselves...

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from the first line of the article you linked to: "...Quran that unjust killings amount to disbelief..."

Oh boy, how naive. Like a human being can ever judge what is a justified killing and what's not. I can't believe how primitive this book is.. A human being can NEVER know all of the circumstances, the context, and whole multitude of reasons and motives of the actions of other human being. Therefor there's no way to justify (or not) a killing of another human being. It's a privelege of God only.

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No one is kidding or defending. Just letting others know that the kind of accusations and talks posted against each other is not helping. I agree
if each person was to police themselves against bad deeds the there would be no need for police men.
That is why it is important to read before one leads. Current leaders should learn to lead themselves away from oppressing or trying to dominate others with their corrupted values (should they have any) and others who claim that they are not corrupt should put their guns down and pick up the pen.
Brotherhood is what it boils down to. You could be a true brother to me or any one else if it is truly what you want. any one can if they so chose to. The only difference would be the values that each brother keeps most sacred. would it be in good conduct or in ill conduct.

You are right the deeds of a person show their values if not in ignorance. This is where well read brothers come in and try to teach the ignorant and open their eyes by reading to them the stories etc.
in place of flogging them like animals no matter whose side they are on.
Please go to:

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I wanted to avoid a long boring posting. So let me try to reitered my opinion.
I survived Stalin in the USSR, lived under communism systems for 35 years. I met only two men, who were "true communism belivers" rest of them were thieves or opportunists.
I think that USSR and now Russian Federation have been "prison of nations".
My father fought against Germans and Soviets. The basic reason was "yours and our freedom". Because no oil was involved, F.D.R. sold that part of Europe to Stalin in Yalta. There is an excellent book titled "The Black Book Of Communism" which covers communism "achievements". Unfortunally, Russians as a nation do not have any tradition regarding democracy or tolerance. I support every nation in their drive for independence including members of Russian Federation.

At the end, let me pay tribute to one Russian, friend of my father Ivan Portnoi -
white Russian, who escaped from bolsheviks, lived near Novaharodak/Nowogrodek. After WWII Ivan worked for the Soviet government as a tax clerk in order to support his family. Risking his life, he helped my family and others in classification for "vivoska na Sibir" and inspection by NKVD. Nationality breakdown of local NKVD staff is interesting as well but it's not topic of this board.

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Judgement? Primitive? Already decided?
old Chinese proverb says: unplowed fields make hollow bellies; unread books make hollow minds.
(I did not make up this saying) it is not intended as any insult. Just that this is how it is with many of us brothers.

We are guided (it is written in the commandments revealed by God to his messengers so that we may judge on this world in our worldly matters in accordance to his will) by the law to show us what is Justice my brother. (if you allow me to call you my brother). Please do read on and send to me more of the things you find too.

if you have ICQ my ICQ# is 36302361

Got to go

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M.A. have a good night, it's getting late..
Just wanted to tell you before I leave: There's only one God, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Jesus His Son. He is still waiting for you. Just make one step towards Him and He will walk the rest 99...

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Caucasian! where r u from?

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Russians are in deep troble again..... They started the 20th century with Russia-Japan war (and were skrewed up by much smaller Japan), and will have the same lot again.

My Russian friends, learn to be decent, give up your barbarain habits. Otherwise nobody in Europe will volunteer to deal with you.




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To kissie and co.,enjoy:

Tuesday 28 December 1999

The death of the head of the hypocrites and the leader of the betrayers General Sullim, and a group from his allies.

Fierce fighting in Istenji and Grozny consecutively with more than 200 killed and a great number of the enemy injured.

Destruction of 11 vehicles from Tanks, BMB and Fuel Tanks.

The Mujahideen capture 8 vehicles, 15 Lerinjak Grenade-launchers and 5 RPG weapons.

The daring Mujahideen established control over one of the cells, by killing the head of hypocrisy, the General Sulim, the former governor of the city of Qadrimis, as well as a group from amongst his main allies in a successful ambush that lead to a violent explosion in his car. Without any benefit, one of the special helicopters descended to rescue this agent, about whom Yeltsin, the President of Russia said in his statement to the Russian News Agency: “If in the land of Chechnya, there were four likes of the General Sullim, peace will be established in the country.”

Fierce battles took place on the outskirts of Istenji under the leadership of Chechen commander Urbi. The result was 84 killed and the destruction of 5 vehicles and the Mujahideen captured 15 Lerinjak grenade launchers, 5 RPGs, 4 PK machine guns and 27 Klashnikov rifles. Likewise, fierce battles took place around the capital, Grozny. Allah honoured the Mujahideen with the killing of 130 Russians and the destruction of 6 vehicles. The Mujahideen captured 8 intact vehicles. The fierce battles do not cease to continue even during the authoring of this news report.

stay tuned more news is coming to a board near u.
By the way Allah, the one and only is never busy answering the call of the opressed where ever they are.

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The Russian General Prosecutor's Office demanded that Aslan Maskhadov "show up immediately to testify about the case of genocide against the Russian population" in the Chechen Republic, reported the Information and Public Relations Centre in the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.

According to the information of the Chief Department for North Caucasia, numerous burial sites have been discovered on the Chechen territory. The department believes that the 1,000 people buried there in 1991-1999 were Russian residents of the Chechen Republic, noted the source in the General Prosecutor's Office.

An investigation has been launched to specify the circumstances of the shooting of 34 Russian residents of Mikenskaya Stanitsa, which took place on October 8, 1999, shortly before the federal troops were brought into the republic.

The General Prosecutor's Office plans to excavate the sites of mass burials in other districts and is currently searching for more witnesses of the genocide of Russians in Chechnya and looking for those residents of Chechnya who quit the republic over the last few years (as it is known, several thousands of Russian-speaking population fled Chechnya in 1991-1999).

Therefore, "investigators have a lot of questions to ask Aslan

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A senior Russian commander apologized to the families of two young sisters killed Tuesday when they were crushed by a truck driven by five drunken Russian soldiers.
A businessman was shot dead by a sniper on Wednesday in central St Petersburg, police said. Itar-Tass news agency said Mikhail Dakhya was gunned down by a single shot from around 350 meters (yards). Tass said Dakhya was in the timber business in the Novgorod region.

These incidents relate the daily occurences in bandit country ie Russia. Igor can't even walk safe in his birthplace. Angel of death hounds all Russians in Russia and Meat Grinder hounds them in Chechnya. New millenium will spell final doom for Russia.

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This is a fight between materialis and spirituality. Russins have not aim for life. The find death ends in ultimate silence. For Chechnian Muslims death is an opening door to an Eternal life. They are afraid of nothing but Allah whereas Russian are afraid of everything material. By all your weapons even if you can enter Grozny you are not going to win the war.

The best solution is a Referundum for Chechnia as done for East Timore. Let the Chechnian people speak not the russian weapons.

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Dont take the example of East Timor. East Timor was given independence by the Christian controlled UN. They even gave Nobel Peace prize to traitors. Dudayev and Aslan should have been given Nobel peace prize. ooops. No No No. We don't need any prizes. Chechens are not fighting for prizes and medals like the Russian Clowns aka Generals. Maybe clown is not the right word to describe the Generals. War criminals is the right word.

Even if Russia uses all its weapons and gets more weapons from its christian brothers in NATO it will not prevent the Grozny Meat Grinder.

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New Yeltsin worries - approaching the Brezhnev's shape (what about his judgement sense?)

Èçâåñòíûé ðîññèéñêèé êàðäèîëîã Ðèíàò Àê÷óðèí, âûñòóïàÿ â ýôèðå ðàäèîñòàíöèè "Ýõî Ìîñêâû", íå èñêëþ÷èë ñåãîäíÿ, ÷òî â ñêîðîì âðåìåíè ñîñòîèòñÿ î÷åðåäíîé ïëàíîâûé îñìîòð ïðåçèäåíòà Åëüöèíà

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