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Archive through December 30, 1999

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To Pablo.
I guess it's cause of Russia being inferior
country it still occupies the sixth part of
the world and it defeated Napoleon and Hitler.
And then about the best trained warriors in
the world. All the world saw that in WW II,
that cowardly waiting for Russian defeating
Hitler. I dont think the things changed too much.
Good example is NATO campaign. You perhaps didn't
read the report about tanks hit by jets.
13 tanks according to Yuogaslavian media.
Some sources in NATO claim that it's exaggeration.
The real number is about 7.
You are the best in making the
hamburgers and cola. Yes. Nobody will argue.
You learnt to treat your body in good manner.
Russia was never concerned about body too much unlike you. The times will change dramatically.
If Russians start working and stop drinking
so much vodka and they will, cause it's no way
out. It was always the truth for Russians.
We are waiting for so long and then ...
US has no human resources in the country.
You are dependent on other countries and Russia
too. As soon as the conditions of the life
get a little better Russians will stop going for
the US, the same about Indians and Chineses.
US has no internal sources. Take a look even
at this board. All americans talk about their
being superior nation, money etc. No word about
humanity or soul. I can bet that US will suffer
the lack of high skilled professionals in the
nearest future. 35 % in IBM are Indians. there
are 340.000 vacancies only in Information Technology industry. No empire can exist for long.
Remember that. No country can exist w/o spiritual
background. Soviet Union is a good example.
We refused our Christianroots in 1917 and replaced them
by Lenin-Marx ideology. Now we pay for that.
US's religion is money and paychecks. That sux.
The times will change, you'll see.
I have a friend in Chicago. He works for IBM.
I talked to him some days ago and he was concerned about him not being married. I said
to him "Marry some american girl", I dont want
to describe his reaction to you not to harm your
feelings. So take a look at the situation wider,
my friend. If nation can't spawn the good women who are 'the salt of the Earth' what it can pretend for ?????
So relax ... about your being the best of the best.

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it would be my absolute pleasure :))))

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2 Dimitri,

> What nationality are you, BALABOLKA?(that is your new name on this board, HEAR EVERYONE - BALALAIKA IS balalaika no more -she is BALABOLKA)? My guess is yyou are too ashamed to say it? Or you can prove me wrong and be brave enough to answer..

Let's say I am a Russian, and my real name happans to IVAN. Then what?

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My mother always told me, "If you don't have a witty reply, quickly insult the person so he doesn't notice how stupid you are." OK, she didn't say that, but it seems that to many people on this message board their mothers did. Most of you sound a lot like Maskhadov, desperate. Just read his interview on Yahoo where he said that "even if Russian troops take over Grozny and the rest of the Chechnya, I'll continue to fight them. And I'm ready to negotiate now". Uh.. yeah. Going to fight from Georgia or Afghanistan? It's too bad that Russians are not as cruel as they are portrayed, otherwise they would say, "Hey, so-called president of Ichkeria, if you want to see your family again...".

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2 Dimitri,

I forget to mention my last name. it is RasPUTIN. A bit telling...

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Agree with every single word in your message..

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BALABOLKA,(aka balalaika)

I just prooved me right, baby 🙂
affraid to give you own nationality?I know you are - why else woudb you chicken out..don't worry girly - I am not George Silver, so I'll try not to embearASS you too much( like he did ;)..unless you gonna ask for it...

Tell us what nationality are YOU..or else everyone will see hypocricy of yours( I saw it as soon I bumped in to your funny(not) name. Nationality, you coward, nationality

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"...Let's say I am a Russian, and my real name happans to IVAN..."

Then your real name happens (not happans) to be Judas.

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Igor may be a bigot, but he does understand that economics is the bottom line in all these wars. Moslems and Christians and Jews and Hindus and everybody else can get along fine together as long as the economy and government is working. But if a big power (Russia, America, China, India,...)wants what a little power has and sees the opportunity to take it, pow! The justification is made using stories of genocide, human rights, etc., values for which none of these governments will spend a nickel in a foreign country let alone inside their own countries. Human rights are only gained through long and bitter fights by private citizens with the government, and this includes America, "the home of the free and the land of the brave." Martin Luther King, John F.Kennedy, and Robert F. Kennedy were all assassinated by the government for trying to upset the ECONOMIC ORDER. All there were working toward ending both the Cold War with the Soviets and the Vietnam War when they were assassinated by agents of the FBI and CIA. The Cold War was a 20 billion dollar industry in the 1960s.

Oil has been and will be a major factor in the world economy. The stuff is in limited supply which means the price is going up and up. Europe, America, Japan and Israel have very little and need a steady supply. Russia sees dollar signs in the Caspian oil and thousands of dead Russian soldiers and Chechnyan civilians means nothing to beaurcrats in Moscow. Remember, Kuwait and Yugoslavian Wars were about oil, not peoples rights. Governments have no conscience. They move through the inertia of the economic system which unfortunately drives most of us as individuals for most major decisions (think about it). We need food, shelter, and clothing first, then we worry about friendship, love, and sharing.

Here again I will print Igor's statement about the importance of oil in Caspian area to the West:

As I have discussed in this column before, the avid interest taken by Big Oil in what
transpires in the Caucasus has been translated into official US government policy. As the
Petroleum Economist [May 12, 1999] put it: "So important to US strategic interests has the
Caspian become, that in July 1998, US President Bill Clinton created the Office of the
Special Advisor to the President and the Secretary of State for Caspian Basin Energy
Diplomacy. Ambassador Richard Morningstar was appointed to the office. As overseer of US
policy in the region, he has strongly backed proposals to build a main exporting corridor for
Caspian energy to the West." With the discovery of oil reserves in the Caspian Sea area
that may rival or even dwarf the oil riches of the Arabian peninsula, the race to cash-in is
underway, with American and British oil companies and their lobbyists in the lead. After
much lobbying for government subsidies, loan guarantees, and contracts by the profiteers
of the "Great Silk Road," and lots of squabbling over the exact route that the
transshipment of Caspian oil would take, the first pipeline deal was finalized on the very
day that Chechen President Maskhadov called on the Americans to assert their "authority"
in the region. What a coincidence!

Don't be fooled by the religious rhetoric which governments use to send their soldiers to fight. If you are attacked you need to protect yourself and your family. Otherwise, put down your gun and let the politicans fight the wars.

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2 Dimitri,

Read between lines, your background should help you.

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remember: every single paycheck...

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ohh..another chick(en) sh1t you are..I am soooo tired of seing cowards on this board(bosna mattesson, YOU)..a person who is soo affraid to reveal her nationality must be not very proud of per you, coward, I am gonna ask you one mo'time - what is your nationality?

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"Read between lines, your background should help you. "


you don't even know my background, 😉

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Kakogo huya ty do menya doebalsya? Svoi ya, IVAN RasPUTIN, 100 ... tebe v ...

Noble Member
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che, boishs'a suchka skazat' otkuda? Ne bois'a d'ad'a Dima teb'a ne s'est..hhh

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