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Archive through December 31, 1999

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To Ukrainian:
Ãäå òàêèå âûáëÿäêè êàê òû áåðóòñÿ ÿ íå çíàþ. Ñàì ÿ ñ Óêðàèíû è çíàþ â êàêîå íèùåå ó¸áèùå ïðåâðàòèëè ñòðàíó íàöèîíàëèñòû-õîõëû çà ãîäû "ñàìîñòèéíîñòè". Î÷íèñü - åáåíü ïîëçó÷èé, â ñòðàíå ïðàêòè÷åñêè ãîëîä, ñðåäíèé óêðàèíåö æèâ¸ò íà 1 ÄÎËËÀÐ Â ÄÅÍÜ. ß õîðîøî ïîìíþ êàê Óêðàèíà îáðåòàëà "íåçàâèñèìîñòü". Êàê òâàðè õîõëû-íàöèîíàëèñòû ïèçäåëè ÷òî Ìîñêâà ïîæèðàåò 70% óêðàèíñêîãî áîãàòñòâà. Òèïà Óêðàèíà - ñàìàÿ áîãàòàÿ ñòðàíà ïî âñåì ïîêàçàòåëÿì, òîëüêî åñòü ïàðàçèò - ÌÎÑÊÂÀ - çàäóøèëà è îáîæðàëà ðèäíó Áàòüêèâùèíó ! ÂѨ, ÍÀ ÕÓÉ - ÎÒÄÅËÈËÈÑÜ !!! Ðàäóéñÿ ïèçä¸íûøü - òâîÿ ìå÷òà îñóùåñòâèëàñü, ó÷èñü, ðàáîòàé, ñòðîé, ïîäíèìàé ñòðàíó èç ãîâíà. Íî âìåñòî ýòîãî òû - ñòðàõîïèçäèùå äðåìó÷åå ïðîäîëæàåøü âûïë¸ñêèâàòü èç ñåáÿ ñâîþ ãíèëóþ íàöèîíàëèñòè÷åñêóþ ñóùíîñòü. À ðåçóëüòàò - ÒÂÎß ÑÒÐÀÍÀ ÃÍÈ¨Ò È ×ÀÕÍÅÒ !!! ß ñêàçàë ÒÂÎß - ÿ îò òóäà äàâíî ñúåáàëñÿ, çàõë¸áûâàéñÿ ñàì â ñâî¸ì äåðüìå. ß ïîäîæäó ïîêà ãíèäû ïîäîáíûå òåáå ñäîõíóò è ïåðåñòàíóò èñêàòü è íåíàâèäåòü íåñóùåñòâóþùèõ âðàãîâ. Èëè äðóãèå íàêîíåö ïîéìóò ÷òî ó Óêðàèíû åñòü âðàãè - áåçìîçãëûå, æàäíûå, òâàðè êàê òû îòðàâëÿþùèå îáùåñòâî ñâîåé íåíàâèñòüþ.
P.S. Íàðîä Óêðàèíû è Ðîññèè äîëæíû áûòü åäèíû.

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Almost the end of millenium and I dint hear anything about Russian troops capturing the Grozne downtown as promised?

Maybe Yeltsin thugs don’t want the western journalist to report the piles of dead soldiers in the center of the city.

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It's funny how "our" russians seem to be engaged
in boasting about their "sexual" prowess.

In a report I read, it says that one of the
reasons russia wants to hang onto Chechnya was the
low birth rate in russia, and the high birth rate
in Chechnya.

Ah, but when you look at exactly WHAT they're
boasting about - their prowess as GAYS it all
becomes clear!

A Muslim

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Apache helichopters were never used for the simple reason they started crashing. I have reports that it was not due to the 'technical' reasons, but because of Yugoslav PVO. (If you don't know what is PVO, that is responsible for these 56 not damaged, but destroyed planes) Americans tried to use them more like a phychological factor (they thought we would get scared).
And I am using terminology (very primitive one) from Western media. If you and your media are able to say 'Serbs are doing this and this' or 'Milosevic's machinery is doing that and that' then I can use the same way, isn't it? You never use in reporting from Checnya terms like 'islamic militants' or 'terrorists', but 'rebels'. You never use 'Russian Army', but 'Moscow troops'. Look at the poor level of your media. This is only for completely uneducated people, or for people who have no alternative source of information. I don't know your situation is which one, probably a combination of the former and the latter. So, when Albreit says that 'Serbs will beg on their knees in three days' or 'We have to break the backbone of Serbs' that tells me I can use the same terminology. I don't know exactly which Serbs they think of - civilians, babies, elderly, schoolchildren, passangers of buses, refugees or what?

Also I thank for the link - I am not spending so much time exploring the internet for these things, I rely on reports from my friends who spent their time in Kosovo, in PVO units (again this PVO) from myself what I was watching in the skies etc. There is so much spamming in the net and even more in Nato TV network it is wasting of time watching and trying to find at least something true.

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President Boris Yeltsin announced on national television Friday that he had resigned and presidential elections will be held within 90 days to replace him.


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Ukrainec (ny ili prosto LOX)

Ti bi yebishe vobshe molchal suchenok, ti blea podozjdi mi vam otkluchim gas u neft' u togda mi yrodi vobshe bydete naslazdatsea svoei svobodoi. Y vas tam xot' babi ostalis a to etix xoxlyshek blea kak sobak ne rezanix v moskve vse pryt u pryt stervi, tak shto skoro vobshe bydete na syxyu shirshavova nadrachivat'
Gandon naxera nam brat' Mozdok? On blea u tak nash.

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DREAMS ...... DREAMS ...... DREAMS ...... DREAMS

``I want to beg forgiveness for your dreams that never came true. And also I would like to beg forgiveness not to have justified your hopes,''

That was the last words of the resigned president. “Dreams that never came true”, and by Allah’s leave, it will not come true. Now, why did he resign at that time? He could have made it when he started being sick, but he did not. Why did not he wait for just one week to celebrate the victory he was seeking in Chechneya? Just one week, his great army generals said that they will control Grozeny within 10 days, why did not he wait and then resign ? Any answer here?

IT IS A SUDDEN BUT A NATURAL END OF A TYRANT. Corruption and incompetence were the two landmarks of his era. Hiding truth and twisting facts were his two weapons to support his policy and his presidency. Now, can any Russian tell me what did this president achieve for Russia?

Sooner the Russians will know the truth of their brave 200 000 solider in Chechneya, who could not defeat 2000 Muslim solider and by Allah’s leave they will not get any victory over Muslims. Sooner they will know the right number of their dead solider. Sooner they will know that they have to accept their second defeat in Chechneya and prepare themselves to the third one.


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Yep, dear Svoloch, Yeltzin resigned. I'd say, chances of Putin now exceed 100%. Sure, the biggest Y2K trojan horse/cat to the World.

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I'm just real tired of all you religious punks, twisters of truth, provocateurs by the right of birth, that try to capitalize on every criminal act by slapping a handy "innocent moslem" banner on any of your fornicating "brothers" in crime, by avoiding factual evidence and masturbating tons of unrelated fundamentalist BS instead, by declaring any clear-cut moslem criminal - a "defender of faith". A petty thief in Saud, if caught, can say his arm good-bye. A big-time criminal blows up embassies in Africa killing fellow moslems - no prob, jihad's cool. Khattab can go about countries killing moslems and non-moslems together - it's cool. You, fornicating punks, clamour for equality, recognition, demand mosques being built in any other non-moslem country, and, yet, if someone will ever think out-loud about building a church in your lands - he/she'll invite trouble. A very one-sided "tolerance", I'd say.
The Creator, you preach, is real going to kick your sorry butts for tying His name up to any ungodly, but convenient crime, that serves your predatory oppressive crime-promoting perverted expansionist interests. The biggest right received by human beings upon creation is the right of choice of everything, including religion. And don't you, punks, forget it.

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To Kissie

Stop drinking and wake up.


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You are ••••••• stupid. Chechen war has nothing to do with his resignation. This was strategically important for him to resign now and push forward Putin. Putin is his insurance that his family would not be prosecuted after he resigns. As far as the truth goes, no one knows the truth no one will never know the truth. You think you know the truth? I don’t think so. Generals know it, Putin knows it but we will never find out because this war is about election for president and there is absolutely no way the truth will come out. And don’t tell me about that Allah sh!t it has nothing to do with that ether, keep dreaming that Chechens will win.

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Poshel na xyi LOX opyshenei.

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Alright, finally Yeltsin resignes and Putin is temporary President for 3 months. Its about
f u c k i n g time that Pig resigned!

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my absolute favorite
kickin' ass this mornin', i see...

seemed like you were frowning when i was saying
somewhat similar shtuff recently, but it's okay,
just shows your patience has been taxed to the
max, so let 'em have it!

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