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Archive through December 5, 1999

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Shalom to all Jews

To my brother Blackjack and sister Kissie

The pure and mighty state of Israel is facing a severe threat from within. Not from filthy Palestinian trash but from dirty pig eating Russians who are now swarming the land.

This land belongs to the children of Israel and
we must pressure this liberal Israeli govermnent NOT to accept these so called Russian Jews, these Russians are opportunists who want to leave their dirty hungry nation.

The Russians are bringing filth,corruption and prostitution into our pure land.

The Russians must learn to behave like human Jews not filthy animals. They must STOP eating pigs and learn how to wash themselves. Russians that do not conform, must be 'put to sleep'. Jews are to kind hearted and we must not feel guilty about this. Non Jews are beasts, Goyim after all.

Sanhedrin 59a: "Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal."

As the chosen people, it is not only our right but our duty to keep Israel pure and clean.

Down with palestinians
Down with muslims
Down with christians
NO TO filthy russian immigration

Russians wanting to come to Israel, you have been warned.You will behave like human Jews or we will send you back to your starving nation

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hi kim...
no, the 'humanoid template' bit wasnt aimed at
you. heck, you're one of the smarter ones, i am
thinking...but they'd be more like "human mao
suits"; no variation permitted or expected to

i have NO problem with ANYONE'S faith; right up
until they start beating me over the head with it.
thing is, there's folks here who wanna KILL me in
the name of their "faith", so needless to say, all
bets are off at that point.

there is some sort of 'logic' or 'consistency' in
nature which i dont understand, so call me
agnostic, i guess...but i dont think ANY of us
earthbound monkey-people have any business
speaking for ANY deity. from its earliest origins,
religion has always been a matter of crowd control
and sex control, IMO.
i wont be punished or rewarded when i die. no
heaven. no hell. my fave retort to this is "do
victorious generals go to heaven? do rebellious
slaves go to hell?"

i came very close to bleeding to death in my front
yard at 17, and i had what i believe was a 'near
death experience; not being a christian even
then**, i saw no =ahem= 'pearly gates'... nor
would an animist or taoist. i felt like i was
dissipating into space. from that experience, i
believe that at such a moment, folks would see
what they expect to see.
**actually, i called myself a 'marxist' at 17;
sure did piss off my high-ranking military father,
kissie, to be thanked by you is the best feedback
i can get here, no kidding, i mean it... but i
gotta find out what "bth" means...just in case, i
wouldnt presume that 'russian' speaks for all
russians; he just insists on being the current #1
vulgar cretin here.
i think you're intense and intelligent, and you
honestly are my favorite. i'd probably leave if
you left.

but kim's pretty cool too.

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if kissie hasnt told you herself that she's your
'sister' then quit co-opting her, you
trash-talking death-tripping RHETORITICIAN.

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hi everybody,
iam justoomuch from a beautiful land called INDIA.i believe that terrorism in any form should be stopped.i support russia in what it is doing today but would also like russia to consider more humane methods by sparring the civilians and civilian areas.the terrorists and terrorism should be eradicated from the roots or it will show its ugly head now and then.we face such problems from our ever jealous neighbours "pakistan".we have taught them a lesson many a times but they never seem to learn. iam for world peace and progress but not for terrorism.i would also like to take this oppurtunity to warn pakistan for its misadventure with india because if they force INDIA to act severly there would be no pakistan left.

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The orthodox nations should be united under the flag with the two headed eagle.From Crete to Siberia there is a chain of orthodox populations
all of them are threatened by Islam.The old communist Russia has died now Russia , Ukraine ,
Belarus and even Moldova are predominantly orthodox christian nations. Russians are started
again to discover their orthodox identity this was
shown in the Bosnian war when 2000 Russian were fighting on the side of the Chetniks and Arkan's white eagles of course there was also a permanent force of 500 Greek volunteers and the Greek political support of the last Greek right wing government that was overthrown in 1993 due to very close ties to Milosevic regime (he is still a personnal friend of Constatine Mitsotakis) and also that they considered to join the war by invading the orthodox areas of south albania and divide in two the F.Y.R.0.M (THERE IS ONLY ONE MACEDONIA AND IT IS GREEK). The religious conflicts in ex USSR are the continuation of the Balkan sectarian wars and they will stop only when
the two headed eagle banner will be waving in Constatinople and Turkey will stop to exist in the map.I support the Russians in this conflict because we have the same religion. Muslims and Catholics are a historical enemy of the orthodox faith.I was so much angry during the Kossovo campaign to see fellow orthodoxs being bombed by a
superior enemy now that I see Chechens to be bombed by superior Russian forces I enjoy it 🙂
JUSTICE FOR ALL. Hands off Radovan Karadjic,Arkan and Ratco Mladic. Did you know that Karadjic has been given a medal from the city of Athens? May the next century sees the rebirth of the greatest state that ever existed the Greek Orthodox Eastern Roman Empire.

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The orthodox nations should be united under the flag with the two headed eagle.From Crete to Siberia there is a chain of orthodox populations
all of them are threatened by Islam.The old communist Russia has died now Russia , Ukraine ,
Belarus and even Moldova are predominantly orthodox christian nations. Russians are started
again to discover their orthodox identity this was
shown in the Bosnian war when 2000 Russian were fighting on the side of the Chetniks and Arkan's white eagles of course there was also a permanent force of 500 Greek volunteers and the Greek political support of the last Greek right wing government that was overthrown in 1993 due to very close ties to Milosevic regime (he is still a personnal friend of Constatine Mitsotakis) and also that they considered to join the war by invading the orthodox areas of south albania and divide in two the F.Y.R.0.M (THERE IS ONLY ONE MACEDONIA AND IT IS GREEK). The religious conflicts in ex USSR are the continuation of the Balkan sectarian wars and they will stop only when
the two headed eagle banner will be waving in Constatinople and Turkey will stop to exist in the map.I support the Russians in this conflict because we have the same religion. Muslims and Catholics are a historical enemy of the orthodox faith.I was so much angry during the Kossovo campaign to see fellow orthodoxs being bombed by a
superior enemy now that I see Chechens to be bombed by superior Russian forces I enjoy it 🙂
JUSTICE FOR ALL. Hands off Radovan Karadjic,Arkan and Ratco Mladic. Did you know that Karadjic has been given a medal from the city of Athens? May the next century sees the rebirth of the greatest state that ever existed the Greek Orthodox Eastern Roman Empire.

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WIRE:12/05/1999 11:06:00 ET

Lair, lowlife russian soilders killing innocent people

 SLEPTSOVSK, Russia (Reuters) -
It said 800 guerrillas had gone to reinforce the city  overnight and fighting was already underway in districts on  Grozny's outskirts.  

Russia's declaration that Grozny was encircled coincided  with fresh allegations of civilian deaths. Russia has denied  reports its troops massacred 40 refugees Friday.  

RUSSIA DENIES MASSACRE , lie lie like a dog 

Russia's offensive has again been overshadowed by reports of  civilian deaths, the latest from refugees who said people in a  column of cars and a bus fleeing Grozny were mown down Friday at  point-blank range by masked Russian troops.  

A woman who said she survived the attack told Reuters in  Sleptsovsk in neighboring Ingushetia that soldiers with the  badges of the Russian OMON special police had opened fire.  

She said the soldiers had killed 35 to 40 people Friday after  the refugees left Grozny and were near the village of Goiti,  some nine miles away.  

"I will never forget yesterday, especially how my neighbor  died before my eyes on the road," Aiza Bakayeva told Reuters.  

U.S.-sponsored Radio Liberty also reported 40 refugees had  been slaughtered at point blank range near Grozny. It said a  wounded survivor had told its Russian-language service that  masked Russian troops had opened fire on the civilians.  

Russian officials said they could not be blamed for the  attack as their forces had not yet taken that area.  

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To the hadu/idol cow shitter

By JUSTOOMUCH on Sunday, December 5, 1999 - 12:12 pm:

hi everybody,
iam justoomuch from a beautiful land called INDIA.

Learn english and learn how to write. Anway you smell sting, urine. Go take a bath at your unholy ganges, where we urinate every day.


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Adam R.
When did I allow you to speak? Are you ••••••• stupid? I said the question was to the people from west and not for Muslims so why the •••• do you answer? Shut you ••••••• mouth you little animal. You don’t donate •••• you have nothing to donate and as I have said before go pray somewhere in the corner.

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Kim Arx.
I don’t know who did it. Al I know is that Russia said that there is no way it could be a Russian soldier because we don’t control that part of road. They were wearing masks and there is no way she could tell they were Russian. Ok answer me one question, for three months of fighting how come CNN BBC has nothing to show for it? I mean nothing, CNN tried to sell images from last war to the public and it actually worked but where are the bodies from this war? Who get rid of them, Russian soldier? I don’t think so, rebels? I don’t think so ether. This is funny how do you know how much he had to say? I bet you she said more but you only read what BBC wanted you to read.

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Thomas Matthews
What have you been smoking today? Muslims hate you, we hate Muslims, you bomb Kosovo and we bomb Chechnya, what difference is there between us? Where are we going to meet? We will never meet, perhaps our nukes will meet with yours but this as close as we will get.

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Chechnya is no Kashmir. The fighters of Islam are resisting the former super power for months and the trail of body bags has begun. This time there won't be prisoners. Just two days back 50 Russian soldiers were beheaded. This is the beginning and end of Russia. Kashmir has a long way to go. There are too many traitors in the land of Pakistan otherwise Kshmir was long gone. Once the traitors are cleaned , Kashmir and REST of India will reel under the feet of the fighters. Your 1,000,000 army has done nothing except kill innocent civilians and already losing scores of its 'brave' soldiers every day.

NO power on earth can save the Russian Army and Indian Army from destruction. Just matter of time.

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The winner for the VULGARITY AWARD on this site goes to our "Russian".

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pro chechnian


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Plain Truth

Change you name from “Plain Truth” to the “Full of Sh!t”.

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