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Archive through December 5, 1999

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Desert Storm was not a war between Americans and Muslims. It was a war between US and Arab traitors like Kuwati, Iraqi and Saudis and so on. There was no Muslim on either side just traitors. The real war was between US and Muslims in Somalia where the rednecks were dragged in the streets of Mogadishu and they made a hasty retreat. So will the Russians. Inspite of billions of tax payers money spent on Kremlin gangsters they have yet to control let alone capture Grozny. Caucasian meat grinder is churning Red meat. Save the Russians if you can. Even the nuclear missliles of Russia and West cannot break the will of Chechen fighters.

Chechnya is no Kuwait nor Iraq.

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To American,

please read By Lev Tolstoy on Thursday, November 4, 1999 - 12:25 am:

Until 1861 absolute majority of Russian nation were serfs, which is very much like slaves. Russian national mentality is formed by the history of serfdom. This is one of the reasons why russians hate so much Chechens and other people from Caucasus. Caucasians (mountaineers of Caucasus) always were free and always fought for their freedom. They fought against Czarist Russia for 50 years in the last century. In Dagestan and in Chechnya every square of land is covered by russian soldier's blood. Russia is self-destroing itself now.
O'key. Let say Russia will win now this new Chechen war. And so what after??? How many russian soldiers must be there to keep Chechnya subdued. And for what reason??? For keeping Russia from desintegration???? Russian future is very bleak. Russia is not able to build democracy, instead what we see is criminal oligopoly. To all those who hate Chechens and other Caucasians. Some of you live in West, as I understand from this site. So, if you love Russia so much , why do you left it in the first place??? All your pro-Moscow propoganda is just demonstration of hate to Caucasus - land of free-minded peoople.
All, russian state has now is - weapons from the former USSR. Russia lost its position in this world and is trying to show its power. Doing what?? Killing people, same people it claims to be its citizens...

You hate Caucasians because you are scared of them.

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to every one
Thank you, my friend. Give us time and Caucasus will be independent. The problem with the russian nation is that they blame everyone but not themselves. In their mind everyone is guilty of problems in Russia - West, Caucasians, foreigners, CIA, USA, Islam, you name it,..but not russians themselves.
There is no healthy force today in russia, only hate to non-russians and apathy to their own fate. Russian state will slowly melt down.

I want to say here few words about great russian writer - Leo Tolstoy. When he was young, he took part in military compaign in Caucasus - actually in Chechnya. He witnessed destruction and mass killings of local people by Russian army. This influenced him very much. That is why he became pacifist and hated war so much. His best work was not the "Peace and War" (for this work the whole world knows him) , but "Cossacs" ("Kazaki"). This novel describes how russian army conquered Caucasus. It was never published in full in the former USSR, because it describes russian atrocites.
I read it in full in english when I left my home land. Exactly the same picture what we all see today in Chechnya. Russian policy toward Caucasus did not change at all for the last 150 years, from the time of colonisation. Russians today became very much racists, they are not able to build normal state with normal government system, and because of that they are filling with hate to everything which is not russian. They consider themselves to be a god's chosen nation. They consider themselves to be civilized, you can see now what kind of civilization is that.
Russians say that we Caucasians commited crimes in Moscow, that we bombed buildings with sleeping civilians. This is lie. It was done by russian secret services with the purpose to blame Chechens and muslims of Caucasus. Russian state is very cruel and russian system is very cruel. They will not hesitate to kill their own people to achive their ends.
Although I have every reason to hate Russia and russians (they apparantly bombed part of my homeland in Caucasus last August), but I do not. I only feel very sorry for them. Russia gave to world Rahmaninov, Mussorgsky, Leo Tolstoy, Prokofiev. And at the same time they show such barbarity, despite their claim for civilization.

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I like to answer here on few questions and comments.
First I will tell about myself. I am Caucasian -Dagestani, native of Dagestan, ethnic Dargin, not Chechen. I live out of former USSR since 1987, was back in Dagestan visiting last year, in 1998.
Now about so called invasion of Dagestan by Chechens in last August. There is different side of the story. In Dagestan there is conflict between local government and local communities. Dagestani government is 100% criminal and corrupted. And this government is supported by Kremlin, because they are loyal to Moscow. It does not mean that Dagestan is loyal to Moscow.
That is why in Dagestan Islam is getting stronger, as a refuge from mafia. During first Chechen war Dagestani government sided with Kremlin, and at the same time many Dagestanis fought on Chechen side against Russian army.
Last August conflict in Dagestan was not started by Chechens, but it started when local villagers in Tsumadinsky district of Dagestan, ethnic avars, declared independent Islamic state and declared Dagestan to be independent. Local pro-Moscow Government sent there police force which was beaten. The leaders of this uprising were: Adallo Aliev, ethnic avar - Dagestani poet, Bagautdin Magomedov - islamic theologist and ethnic dargin, and Nadir Khachilaev , ethnic lak , who previously in May 1998 took government building in Dagestan's capital - Makhachkala. Those people formed core of uprising against present government of Dagestan, which still consists from former communist nomenclatura. At this stage there was no Chechen involvement in this conflict. Dagestani government asked for help Moscow who despatched there armed forces. Also local pro-Moscow mafiosos started forming there own forces, which they presented as a Dagestani volunteers.
Now, - on the Chechen side of border there are some mountain villagers where live ethnic avars, not ethnic chechens. Theoretically , they live in Chechnya but they are of Dagestani origin - ethnic avars. When they saw police moving against civilians in avar area in Dagestan, those avars from Chechen side came to help their kin on Dagestani side. Then russian army was moved against what they called islamists. Then by independence leaders- Adallo Aliev (avar) and Bagautdin Magomedov (dargin) was formed Shura (Counsel) of Independent State of Dagestan. And they invited Shamil Basaev to be as a military leader, to make Moscow scared. And this is how Chechens got involved in Dagestan. So, I as Dagestani like to say here, that there was no invasion of Chechens into Dagestan. Basaev was invited by Shura to fight against army. What people say now in Dagestan (I am staying in touch all the time) that - there was manipulation by federal government to start all this conflict. In June - July local comminities in Dagestan were increasingly harrased by police as to provoke them.
When you are saying that Chechens invaded Dagestan, then you are just repeating russian media, the official russian version.
Now, I like to say here something more. After those avar villagers, who declared independence in Western Dagestan were exterminated, - the Dagestani government used russian army to exterminate dargin villagers in Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi. This is ethnic dargin area, where my people live, it is in central Dagestan, far away from Chechnya. They declared two years ago that they do not live under local government rule and expelled police from their settlements two years ago. The basis of conflict here was that this people came into direct conflict with Head of Dagestan's government Magomed-Ali Magomedov. This man is the biggest narco-boss in Dagestan, 70% of drugs produced in Dagestan are under his control. Two years ago villagers in Karamakhi (who are ethnic dagrins) cut his puppy fields. And the joke is that Magomed-Ali Magomedov is himself ethnic dargin, and he promised two years ago to finish those his dargin co-ethnics who against him. And he used Russian army to erase from earth's face those two dargin villagers last september. Do you know that they collected about 400 bodies of children and women from those villages and droped them into the Caspian sea on the border with Azerbaijan, to hide any evidence? That is what my relatives tell me from Dagestan.
Now about Chechens helping Nazi during WWII.
Do you know that in the famous Brest, where soldiers fought against invading German army long after fashists pushed far into USSR in 1941, absolute majority of those soldiers were Chechens, Ingushs and Dagestanis. My own relative was there, there were very few ethnic russians. Majority of those who fought to death there - were Caucasians, that is why they did not capitulate.
You are perverting facts.
PS- I use name of Leo Tolstoy, because I really love this russian writer. If there were more russians like him, then russian nation will have chance to build democracy.

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To all those who hate chechnya
Chechens, Dagestanis and Ingushs served in the Soviet Army which was stationed in Brest after USSR annexed that part in 1940. Absolute majority of the soldier's garrison in Brest consisted from Caucasians. This is historical fact. Why it never was published during Soviet time. Well, there were many facts which were never published under comminists.

If you served in the former Soviet Army then you should know that is the policy to sent conscripts to serve away from their home area. For example Dagestanis does not serve in Dagestan, all local garrisons consist from ethnic russians from as far as Far East.

Now about Nazi sympatizers between Chechens.
You forgot that there were Nazi sympatizers between all nations in the former USSR, not only Ukrainians or Chechens, but also Russians and others. And the reason was Stalin's oppresion.

You also forgot that there were recently threats against Jewish Sinagogas in Moscow from russian extremists.

There are criminals in every nation, including Russian, Chechen, Jewish or Dagestani. But it does not make those nations criminal.

If you ever being to Caucasus and lived there for a while, then you will notice that people of Caucasus do not hate Russians or Jews, which I can not say about Russia itself. It is because we have dignity. And we know what means words "honour" and "self-respect"

The rise of crime is not characteristic to Chechnya or Caucasus alone. You forgot about contract murders in Moscow and other parts of Russia. Somehow you are using facts out of their context only to present the point of view which suits you. Then I have to conclude that you hate Caucasians for some only to you known reason and are using this web site not for constructive dialogue, but to spread your hate.

I do not want to insult you over the web because I respect myself.

Present escalations of conflict in Caucasus are symptoms of de-colonization of Russian state.

Some time in the future, after this and may be more bloody wars, Chechnya, Dagestan and Nothern Caucasus will be Independent State.

World will applaud to Chechnya and to Caucasus.

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to Anti Racist


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Who said they were liberating? Dagestan never said such thing. If you are talking about Chechens they should liberated on their own land.
“I am afraid that at some point that this war will spread and threaten US interests and if that happens, my fellow Americans and possibly myself will be asked to fight someone. I want to know why before that happens.”
How did you figure this one out? Seriously I’m interested in what way this war might present any threat to Americans? You want to see my side of the story? Take a look at this and then tell me why should I think of Chechens any different.

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“Muslims will not waste to respond to your garbage, because they are much better than your race.”
“Anyway if they catch you, they will not waste any bullet for you animanls, buthcer knife will be enough.”
“ Hell is the resting place for people like you shaitan// son of iblis.”
Blah Blah Blah Tell it to some one who cares.

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Slish Evrei paganei ti zaebal yzje. Sosat’ zje bydesh syka.

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Kill 'em all.....Let God sort 'em out.

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