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Archive through December 6, 1999

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To All fellow writers
you must understand the the driving force behind mujahideen
"They love death more than you love to live".
The seige mentality like this it is very difficult for an enemy solider fighting against them to suceed in moral, tanacity, courage and bravery.
The promotion for the mujahideen is that they fight for a paradise and their opponent for promotion into higher rank or monthly paypacket.
logistically they dont care and prepared to live on bread and water.
They fight to defend against oppression on their land, people and religion.
This has been shown throughout history and ask people to check references on the way the mujahideen fight their gurilla warfare.

thank you for your time reading.

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Sounds like a real violent sect with no respect for other peoples' lives. The promotion for the mujahideen is that they fight for a paradise. Why should I suffer? A better solution for them is to commit a mass suicide, thus earning their "paradise" and sparing others from trouble of "sending" them there.

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Historians Revisit Slaughter on the Plains
ISSOULA, Mont. -- The wanton slaughter of millions of bison in the 19th century by white hide hunters, abetted by a military intent on subjugating Indians, is probably the most famous conservation horror story in United States history.

The problem with this tale, a growing number of scholars and historians say, is that it is not true. As portrayed in a number of new books, the real story of the decline of the buffalo involves a significant change in climate, competition for forage and cattle-borne disease. Another major factor, the authors say, were Indian tribes, empowered by the horse and gun and driven to hunt buffaloes for the profits that came from hides and meat.

"What most people don't consider in their 'Dances With Wolves' version of history is that Indians were involved in the market," said Dr. Dan Flores, the A.B. Hammond professor of Western history at the University of Montana. "They were cashing in on buffalo in the 1840s as their principal entree into the market economy, and very few species are able to survive when they become a commodity."
The current offensive in Chechnya is reminiscent of the savagery perpetrated against the native Indians in Americas. Photos of large number of cattle and other animal perishing are very common sight after the Russian Army's savage bombardment. But one thing is clear. Chechens have a universal ideology embedded in the belief in eternal God. If they didn't had this belief their situation would have been similar to the Indians pushed into the reservations/ concentration camps.

God is great.

"White hunters who killed buffaloes by the millions in the 1870s and 1880s played a major role in the demise, said Flores, but only as the coup de grace. "The hide hunters are not off the hook," he said. "They share the burden of the final mop-up. But without their involvement, the buffalo would probably have only lasted another 30 years." That is because their numbers had been so greatly reduced by the other factors."

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Comrades, we now add to our offer, for every dead
Muslim terrorist, you recieve one 13 year old Muslim girl to rape and beat as you please.

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The Latest from the Human Rights Watch site:
(One for you Adam.)

Displaced People in Ingushetia Face Life-Threatening Conditions

(New York, December 2, 1999) -- As freezing temperatures descend on the northern Caucasus,
Chechen civilians who have fled to Ingushetia now face life-threatening situations, Human Rights
Watch said today. During the month of November, at least two young children died in the
Sleptsovsk-North railway-car camp because they lacked access to basic medical treatment.

Administrators ofthe Sleptsovsk-North camp,
which is run by displaced persons, told Human Rights Watch today that two children who had caught cold in November died from a lack of basic medicine and treatment.
One child was eight months old, the other two years old.

The Russian authorities have maintained that there is "no humanitarian disaster" in the northern Caucasus. But the latest research by a team of Human Rights Watch investigators in Ingushetia confirms that the humanitarian disaster in the
northern Caucasus is in fact extensive, and getting worse.

"The federal authorities in Moscow are still trying to sanitize what is happening," said Holly
Cartner, executive director of Human Rights Watch's Europe and Central Asia Division. "It's
unconscionable to engage in this kind of propaganda when so much suffering is obviously going on."

More than 7,000 displaced persons are crowded into 124 railway wagons in the Sleptsovsk-North camp. Each railway car has space for 54 people, although some cars are housing up to 70. Many of the wagons until recently lacked heat altogether. Others have a weak,water-based heating system which is working at under half capacity; persistent leaks and a sporadic water supply threaten to bring the system to a full halt. Last week, wood stoves were
delivered to those wagons with no heating system at all, but the Federal Migration Service, which
is the Russian government body responsible for displaced people, has failed to supply wood or
coal on a regular basis.

Due to intensified hostilities in Chechnya, the displaced continue to flow into the camp at a rate of 30-40 per day, but overcrowding forces many to sleep outside in the cold. A woman named Haida, who has since been relocated to Wagon No. 54, recounted how she and her children were forced to sleep outside for eleven days in mid-November. Many children and the elderly are stricken with colds and dysentery. In Wagon No. 67, Zura, a Grozny resident, said that all of the children were sick and suffer from constant coughing.

The displaced in the Sleptsovsk-North camp also lack warm clothing and bedding, soap, cooking
supplies and facilities, medicine, baby food, blankets, shoes (particularly for children), as well as psychological support.

About 175,000 displaced people are being hosted in the homes of local people in Ingushetia,where the total population is only 347,000. According to a representative of one of the few international aid organizations working in the region,displaced people staying in private homes also lack basic supplies.

On November 10, Human Rights Watch and Memorial, a leading Russian human rights organization, sent a joint later to the Minister of Emergency Situations, Sergei Shoigu, urging redress for the desperate conditions in Sleptsovsk-North. Human Rights Watch researchers visited the facility on November 15, documenting all of the conditions described above. Since that time, Federal Migration Service officials have repeatedly stated that aid is on the way. On a visit yesterday (December 1), Human Rights Watch researchers found no change in basic conditions in Sleptsovsk-North in the last two weeks.

Meanwhile, people fleeing Chechnya continue to be subjected to bombardment along their escape routes and solicited for bribes by Russian forces at checkpoints and border crossings. Human Rights Watch collects almost daily testimony on these abuses, as well as on sporadic closures of
the Ingush-Chechen border, which sometimes leave those traveling in either direction stranded in
the cold and snow for two or three days.

Human Rights Watch called on the Russian authorities to ensure protection and assistance for the internally displaced in Ingushetia. It urged the government to ensure full and unimpeded access for international agencies, as well as necessary security, in order provide protection and assistance to internally displaced persons in Chechnya, Ingushetia, and other parts of Russia.

Human Rights Watch also urged international donors to respond generously to the $16.2 million
United Nations Inter-Agency Flash Appeal for the northern Caucasus.

For Further Information:
Rachel Denber (New York) +1 212 216 1266
Diederik Lohman (Moscow) +7 095 250-6852;
mobile: 764-5938


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lets forget war and lets all screw till our balls burst

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Iranian Minister Calls For Negotiated Solution

Iran's Foreign Minister Khamal Kharrazi, visiting Moscow at the head of a delegation of the Organization of the Islamic Conference was the latest dignitary to call for a negotiated end to

"We believe that it is vital to halt military activity and achieve a political solution to the Chechen problem as quickly as possible," Itar-Tass news agency quoted Kharrazi as saying after talks with Russia's top Muslim leaders.


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To Vladimir Putin/Svoloch

Regarding you filthy obsence post.
I have reported you to Ansen Sliqar at DMS administration. Your I.P. Number will be located and your ability to post will be terminated.

You have violated several California State laws regarding inciting racial/religious hatred,(yahoo/dms are california based companies) and I will be notifying the appropriate authorities. If you are in the United States, you will be prosecuted.

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To Vladimir Putin/Svoloch

Regarding your filthy obsence post.

I have reported you to Ansen Sliqar at DMS administration. Your I.P. Number will be located and your ability to post will be terminated.

Also state of California has strict laws against this. You have violated several California State laws regarding inciting racial/religious hatred,(yahoo/dms are california based companies) and I will be notifying the appropriate authorities. If you are in the United States, you will be prosecuted.

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to all people here:

Well, that's look like the end of the conflict. Five more days.If they not gonna give up. It's their will.

11 December. Everybody will know what does it mean Russian army. After 11 December the world will see the heaviest bombardment of all times.

Don't tell that nobody inform you to leave Grozny.December 11 last chance for all terrorists to give up. Otherwise they will die there.

That's all I have to say. The countdown is on. Today is December 6. Five more days.

You terrorists should give up right now.

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"What do you suggest we do about it?"
I don't have a solution, I'm not the one who is complainig. I really don't care.

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Adam R.
Are you answering my questions again? DIDN'T I TELL YOU NO TO TALK TO ME?

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To not so "sexy guy",
In fact you're a complete turn-off.
Please find completed form below (as appropriate).

Mr. Right Rejection Letter Form

Dear (____'Sexy' guy, (yuch)____ ),
I regret to inform you that you have been eliminated from further contention as my Mr. Right.

As you are probably aware, the competition was exceedingly tough and dozens of well-qualified candidates such as yourself also failed to
make the final cut. I will, however, keep your name on file should an opening become available.
So that you may find better success in your
future romantic endeavors, please allow me to offer the following reason(s) you were disqualified from the competition:

[Check all those that apply]

_X__ Your last name is objectionable. I can't imagine taking it,hyphenating it, or subjecting my children to it.

_X__ The fact that our finest dining experience to date has been at McDonald's reveals a thriftiness that I find unappealing.

_X__ Your inadvertent admission that you "buy condoms by the truckload" indicates that you may be interested in me for something other than my personality.

_X__ You failed the 20 Question Rule, i.e., I asked you 20 questions about yourself before you asked me one.

_X__ Your "Putting on a few, aren't you babe?" comment, given the 9-months pregnant size of Your Own beer gut, was inappropriate.

_X__ You failed the credit check.

_X__ The fact that your apartment has been condemned reveals an inherent slovenliness that I fear is unbreakable.

_X__ You still live with your parents, and attending night classes to get your High School dipolma, are slight negatives.

__X_ Your gift of a 2oz. Hershey Bar, with almonds, showed style.

__X_ Three final words....Size. Does. Matter.


A Female chauvanist

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Vladimir Putin
WOW, let's not go that far, I don't like Chechens girls especially 13 years old.

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