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Archive through December 6, 1999

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To Kim

I can only pity poor people like Svoloch and Russian. They are probably a couple of garbage collectors in Moscow. I doubt if they have been paid for the last six months. Hauling garbage is no fun in Russia, and Svoloch and Russian come to this message board to vent their fustration.

Adam R.
Santa Monica, California

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To Bones

Russians do believe what they have been force fed. These sad people have lived under commumism for the last 70 years. Can you really expect their slave mentality to change within such a short time period?

Adam R.
Santa Monica, California

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I've never been much of a Russia fan (cold war hangover) but I support the Russian action in Chechnya. I see the crisis as an internal matter for the Russian government to solve, and they are solving it. The Chechnya extremists pushed the Russians too far and now they are getting their just desserts.

Estimable Member
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Posts: 237

Doesn't it look like an extension to witch-hunt, sort of a now-popular-witch Russia chase? An exact extention of the infamous CNN MB on Kosovo. Some product of cattle-oriented newBs, Khattab's Century Fox, sorry, Wolf, designs, footage from the previous conflict (abundant to make-believe it's now), and fresh mostly Russ. footage (maybe, because various amanpours would be a nice ransom target? Hey! Anyone paid $1.000.000,00 demanded for that French photographer?), - wording differs. A consumer reaction of busybodies and crybabies to a TV (because nothing exists for them until it's shown on TV) campaign by the White House Ad & Marketing Co. Unlimited. An approach no different from the Russian and Chinese past - "Whom do we hate now?! Ri-i-i-ight! Him/her/them bastards!". (A good example being Luna, that was explained concisely and precisely the conflict background, but started again with BS3.) The reality just doesn't fit a preconceived agenda and is discarded. Some crippled thinking, that whatever the "West" does - is always right + stupidity to think so. Opinions of others don't matter and actions subjected to anathema. Putin "vexes" the White House. Heh! What were his words? "If the White House starts talks with Bin-Laden, I'll immediately start talks with Maskhadov!" Was it reported?;o)))) BS (busybodish or crybabish, violent or hysterical) is abundant as result - Why is it that when the free world fights terrorism they target the individuals or organizations responsible but in Russia they target a population or province? I guess it takes less intelligence to burn, loot and pillage than to really use you wits and covert means to eradicate those responsible. Because it takes less intelligence to burn, loot and pillage any normal brain, than to think a bit. Because it takes just to start a TV marketing campaign to make the "free world" "child-loving" busybodies and crybabies forget the fact that children die in Iraq by thousands because the US blocks any attempt to lift sanctions a bit, thus perpetrating genocide. would be considered a third world country had they not stolen the means of producing nuclear weapons And on the other hand US is a third-world country for lousy protection of secrets then and now. Logic is absent - Why is it that when the free world fights terrorism they target the individuals or organizations responsible but in Russia they target a population or province? And at the same time - As last reported by CNN, Russia had over 100,000 troops in Chechnya versus 15,000 or so "bandits". Any more north-american idiot around to call 15,000 or so "bandits" - individuals or organizations? It's five divisions in military terms. a 100 hours of land combat to kick the 4th largest army (Iraq) out of Kuwait The was no land combat as such, lots of usual loudmouthing - yes, so, forget it. But what was there is total disregard of one agreement on the US part - Iraqi troops were pulling out of Kuwait City subject to a not-TV-advertised withdrawal agreement, a sitting duck, and got back-stabbed. Some "bravery". Really, why wasting time and not adopt american back-stabbing style? - Carpet-bomb Chechnya and all that's there to hell, like you did in Iraq - let Allah sort good moslems from bad ones himself. Eh? Bones? Or start torturing the civilian population, like you did (and do now) in Iraq and in Serbia, to make the "military" surrender? Eh? Or seal it off and impose US-style "sanctions"? Afghanistan is about to be "sanctioned" too. And... don' worry, bud, kids'll die 'ere all right, let 'eir Allah ... . And, as any born provocateur (You personally and Your Govt.) you'll raise hell - "genocide, ar-r-r-g-gh-h!" - in this case, and in another - "winter's-coming-kids-freezing-blah-sh*tty-army-genocide.". It's your mindset. Something reversely resemblant to the zero's postion - what's pro-me is good, anti-me - bad, to hell with laws and conventions. And when crybabo-busybodish "arguments" can't stand their own BSety the former resort to I believe that 'kissie' is a pseudonym for a pro- Russian propaganda collective. DearMattheson, Allah yohdak, darling, You make a superb fake "wealthy" moslem Adam. And no logic here as well (not expected) - There are many of us here in United States, especially wealthy Muslims like myself who will not support an American administration that has a favorable foreign policy toward Russia. Considering that there will be over 8 million muslims in the USA by 2004. We will possess the most powerful instrument in American politics - The swing vote. Give it time, things will go our way. Heck, I'm not against the States having a moslem fundamentalist-ruled Govt..
Anyways, both boards made me think of american majority as naive and cruel children (with a clever and corrupt guidance), that either senselessly help or senselessly bomb and boast of it in and from their United Sandbox of America.

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Salaam al-ikuum to all good people

May the peace and blessing of God be upon you all

Dear Kissie,

"You make a superb fake "wealthy" moslem Adam. And no logic here as well (not expected) "

You are a rather presumptous person? I am a bona fide Muslim, not a fake like you claim. However I do believe that I can improve myself, I also believe wealth is a trust - to be used for the good of humanity.

Adam R.
Santa Monica, California

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Post note

Also Kissie,

You do tend to ramble a bit.... Judging by your post,I feel there is a lot of anger boiling in you. Maybe you should look into yourself, before being so ready to blame others.

I respect opinions that are radically opposed to mine.

As Voltaire once said "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it"

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To blackjack

If I had all the answers on how to fight wars I wouldn't be sitting here typing on this keyboard, I'd be making big bucks as a consultant. But I don't agree with you that you need to level cities to solve this type of problem. Why did Russia allow this problem to fester for so long in the first place? And why did it take an ex KGB operator to address the problem and then decide the only recourse was to destroy a province? Do you have the answers or are you in the business of just rebuffing what I have to say? Remember, extremist will be around until we both are 6' under.
BTW, Vietnam and Somalia were run by politicians and not the military. Both conflicts, given the right leadership, would have turned out much differently and you know it or you haven't down enough reading on the subjects. I wonder who would be classified the ignorant one then. Here, I'll save you the rebuttle, you'd still argue it would be me. There move on.

To Kissie

Damn, did I strike a nerve or what?

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Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 237

No anger boiling in me, just tired of resident hypocrites. I admit that, You're a reading representative of the clan. And kinda squeamish - concern about "bros" vary. You do tend to ramble a bit... Not now, but sometimes and in style. Come on... care to look in the mirror for cheap shots? - They are probably a couple of garbage collectors in Moscow. Find the rest Yourself. As Voltaire once said "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it" Thanks, timeo danaos et dona ferentes. Ma-assalami.
P.S. Hauling garbage is no fun in Russia, and Svoloch and Russian come to this message board to vent their fustration. Even if so - they earn way well to pay for the connect. So, You're wrong.

Estimable Member
Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 237

Doesn't it look like an extension to witch-hunt, sort of a now-popular-witch Russia chase? An exact extention of the infamous CNN MB on Kosovo. Some product of cattle-oriented newBs, Khattab's Century Fox, sorry, Wolf, designs, footage from the previous conflict (abundant to make-believe it's now), and fresh mostly Russ. footage (maybe, because various amanpours would be a nice ransom target? Hey! Anyone paid $1.000.000,00 demanded for that French photographer?), - wording differs. I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic A consumer reaction of busybodies and crybabies to a TV (because nothing exists for them until it's shown on TV) campaign by the White House Ad & Marketing Co. Unlimited. An approach no different from the Russian and Chinese past - "Whom do we hate now?! Ri-i-i-ight! Him/her/them bastards!". (A good example being Luna, that I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic was explained concisely and precisely the conflict background, but started again with BS3.) I am a mad fanatical little jew The reality just doesn't fit a preconceived agenda and is discarded. Some crippled thinking, that whatever the "West" does - is always right + stupidity to think so. Opinions of others don't matter and actions subjected to anathema. Putin "vexes" the White House. Heh! What were his words? "If the White House starts talks with Bin-Laden, I'll immediately start talks with Maskhadov!" Was it reported?;o)))) BS (busybodish or crybabish, violent or hysterical) is abundant as result - Why is it that when the free world fights terrorism they target the individuals or organizations responsible but in Russia they target a population or province? I guess it takes less intelligence to burn, loot and pillage than to really use you wits and covert means to eradicate those responsible. I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic Because it takes less intelligence to burn, loot and pillage any normal brain, than to think a bit. Because it takes just to start a TV marketing campaign to make the "free world" "child-loving" busybodies and crybabies forget the fact that children die in Iraq by thousands because the US blocks any attempt to lift sanctions a bit, thus perpetrating genocide. would be considered a third world country had they not stolen the means of producing nuclear weapons And on the other hand US is a third-world country for lousy protection of secrets then and now. Logic is absent - Why is it that when the free world fights terrorism they target the individuals or organizations responsible but in Russia they target a population or province? And at the same time - As last reported by CNN, Russia had over 100,000 troops in Chechnya versus 15,000 or so "bandits". Any more north-american idiot around to call 15,000 or so "bandits" - individuals or organizations? It's five divisions in military terms. a 100 hours of land combat to kick the 4th largest army (Iraq) out of Kuwait The was no land combat as such, lots of usual loudmouthing - yes, so, forget it. But what was there is total disregard of one agreement on the US part - Iraqi troops were pulling out of Kuwait City subject to a not-TV-advertised withdrawal agreement, a sitting duck, and got back-stabbed. Some "bravery". Really, why wasting time and not adopt american back-stabbing style? - Carpet-bomb Chechnya and all that's there to hell, like you did in Iraq - I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic. Bones? Or start torturing the civilian population, I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic like you did (and do now) in Iraq and in Serbia, to make the "military" surrender? Eh? Or seal it off and impose US-style "sanctions"? Afghanistan is about to be "sanctioned" too. And... don' worry, bud, kids'll die 'ere all right, let 'eir I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic. And, as any born provocateur.I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic (You personally and Your Govt.) you'll raise hell - "genocide, ar-r-r-g-gh-h!" - in this case, and in another - "winter's-coming-kids-freezing-blah-sh*tty-army-genocide.". It's your mindset. Something reversely resemblant to the zero's postion - what's pro-me is good, anti-me - I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic bad, to hell with laws and conventions. And when crybabo-busybodish "arguments" can't stand their own BSety the former resort to I believe that 'kissie' is a pseudonym for a pro- Russian propaganda collective. DearMattheson, yohdak, darling, You make a superb fake "wealthy" moslem Adam. And no logic here as well - There are many of us here in United States, especially wealthy Muslims like myself who will not support an American administration that has a favorable foreign policy toward Russia. Considering that there will be over 8 million muslims in the USA by 2004. We will possess the most powerful instrument in American politics - The swing vote. Give it time, things will go our way. I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic Anyways, both boards made me think of american majority as naive and cruel children (with a clever and corrupt guidance), that either senselessly help or senselessly bomb and boast of it in and from their United Sandbox of America.

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>> By the way, are you aware that many Chechen civilians want neither Russian army, nor militants in their villages? When Russian army moved in, many villages expelled the militans and gave safe conduct to the Russians. Sometimes the villages were given alternative - either expel the militants, or be destroyed.

That is BS. This is just part of the Russian propaganda machine.

A common reaction from AP:

``Children, what must you do?'' Supyan Mukhtarov, a 44-year-old civilian guide to an AP reporter in Chechnya, asked his three daughters and two sons - the oldest of them aged 10 - after returning Monday to his home in Dolinsky.

``Kill the Russians!'' the children shouted in unison.

>>By the way, here is a Human Rights Watch report on this:

By the way, here are several Human Rights Watch reports on Russian atrocities:

Estimable Member
Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 237

Doesn't it look like an extension to witch-hunt, sort of a now-popular-witch Russia chase? An exact extention of the infamous CNN MB on Kosovo. Some product of cattle-oriented newBs, Khattab's Century Fox, sorry, Wolf, designs, footage from the previous conflict (abundant to make-believe it's now), and fresh mostly Russ. footage (maybe, because various amanpours would be a nice ransom target? Hey! Anyone paid $1.000.000,00 demanded for that French photographer?), - wording differs. I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic A consumer reaction of busybodies and crybabies to a TV (because nothing exists for them until it's shown on TV) campaign by the White House Ad & Marketing Co. Unlimited. An approach no different from the Russian and Chinese past - "Whom do we hate now?! Ri-i-i-ight! Him/her/them bastards!". (A good example being Luna, that I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic was explained concisely and precisely the conflict background, but started again with BS3.) I am a mad fanatical little jew The reality just doesn't fit a preconceived agenda and is discarded. Some crippled thinking, that whatever the "West" does - is always right + stupidity to think so. Opinions of others don't matter and actions subjected to anathema. Putin "vexes" the White House. Heh! What were his words? "If the White House starts talks with Bin-Laden, I'll immediately start talks with Maskhadov!" Was it reported?;o)))) BS (busybodish or crybabish, violent or hysterical) is abundant as result - Why is it that when the free world fights terrorism they target the individuals or organizations responsible but in Russia they target a population or province? I guess it takes less intelligence to burn, loot and pillage than to really use you wits and covert means to eradicate those responsible. I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic Because it takes less intelligence to burn, loot and pillage any normal brain, than to think a bit. Because it takes just to start a TV marketing campaign to make the "free world" "child-loving" busybodies and crybabies forget the fact that children die in Iraq by thousands because the US blocks any attempt to lift sanctions a bit, thus perpetrating genocide. would be considered a third world country had they not stolen the means of producing nuclear weapons And on the other hand US is a third-world country for lousy protection of secrets then and now. Logic is absent - Why is it that when the free world fights terrorism they target the individuals or organizations responsible but in Russia they target a population or province? And at the same time - As last reported by CNN, Russia had over 100,000 troops in Chechnya versus 15,000 or so "bandits". Any more north-american idiot around to call 15,000 or so "bandits" - individuals or organizations? It's five divisions in military terms. a 100 hours of land combat to kick the 4th largest army (Iraq) out of Kuwait The was no land combat as such, lots of usual loudmouthing - yes, so, forget it. But what was there is total disregard of one agreement on the US part - Iraqi troops were pulling out of Kuwait City subject to a not-TV-advertised withdrawal agreement, a sitting duck, and got back-stabbed. Some "bravery". Really, why wasting time and not adopt american back-stabbing style? - Carpet-bomb Chechnya and all that's there to hell, like you did in Iraq - I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic. Bones? Or start torturing the civilian population, I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic like you did (and do now) in Iraq and in Serbia, to make the "military" surrender? Eh? Or seal it off and impose US-style "sanctions"? Afghanistan is about to be "sanctioned" too. And... don' worry, bud, kids'll die 'ere all right, let 'eir I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic. And, as any born provocateur.I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic (You personally and Your Govt.) you'll raise hell - "genocide, ar-r-r-g-gh-h!" - in this case, and in another - "winter's-coming-kids-freezing-blah-sh*tty-army-genocide.". It's your mindset. Something reversely resemblant to the zero's postion - what's pro-me is good, anti-me - I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic bad, to hell with laws and conventions. And when crybabo-busybodish "arguments" can't stand their own BSety the former resort to I believe that 'kissie' is a pseudonym for a pro- Russian propaganda collective. DearMattheson, yohdak, darling, You make a superb fake "wealthy" moslem Adam. And no logic here as well - There are many of us here in United States, especially wealthy Muslims like myself who will not support an American administration that has a favorable foreign policy toward Russia. Considering that there will be over 8 million muslims in the USA by 2004. We will possess the most powerful instrument in American politics - The swing vote. Give it time, things will go our way. I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic Anyways, both boards made me think of american majority as naive and cruel children (with a clever and corrupt guidance), that either senselessly help or senselessly bomb and boast of it in and from their United Sandbox of America.

Estimable Member
Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 237

Doesn't it look like an extension to witch-hunt, sort of a now-popular-witch Russia chase? An exact extention of the infamous CNN MB on Kosovo. Some product of cattle-oriented newBs, Khattab's Century Fox, sorry, Wolf, designs, footage from the previous conflict (abundant to make-believe it's now), and fresh mostly Russ. footage (maybe, because various amanpours would be a nice ransom target? Hey! Anyone paid $1.000.000,00 demanded for that French photographer?), - wording differs. I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic A consumer reaction of busybodies and crybabies to a TV (because nothing exists for them until it's shown on TV) campaign by the White House Ad & Marketing Co. Unlimited. An approach no different from the Russian and Chinese past - "Whom do we hate now?! Ri-i-i-ight! Him/her/them bastards!". (A good example being Luna, that I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic was explained concisely and precisely the conflict background, but started again with BS3.) I am a mad fanatical little jew The reality just doesn't fit a preconceived agenda and is discarded. Some crippled thinking, that whatever the "West" does - is always right + stupidity to think so. Opinions of others don't matter and actions subjected to anathema. Putin "vexes" the White House. Heh! What were his words? "If the White House starts talks with Bin-Laden, I'll immediately start talks with Maskhadov!" Was it reported?;o)))) BS (busybodish or crybabish, violent or hysterical) is abundant as result - Why is it that when the free world fights terrorism they target the individuals or organizations responsible but in Russia they target a population or province? I guess it takes less intelligence to burn, loot and pillage than to really use you wits and covert means to eradicate those responsible. I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic Because it takes less intelligence to burn, loot and pillage any normal brain, than to think a bit. Because it takes just to start a TV marketing campaign to make the "free world" "child-loving" busybodies and crybabies forget the fact that children die in Iraq by thousands because the US blocks any attempt to lift sanctions a bit, thus perpetrating genocide. would be considered a third world country had they not stolen the means of producing nuclear weapons And on the other hand US is a third-world country for lousy protection of secrets then and now. Logic is absent - Why is it that when the free world fights terrorism they target the individuals or organizations responsible but in Russia they target a population or province? And at the same time - As last reported by CNN, Russia had over 100,000 troops in Chechnya versus 15,000 or so "bandits". Any more north-american idiot around to call 15,000 or so "bandits" - individuals or organizations? It's five divisions in military terms. a 100 hours of land combat to kick the 4th largest army (Iraq) out of Kuwait The was no land combat as such, lots of usual loudmouthing - yes, so, forget it. But what was there is total disregard of one agreement on the US part - Iraqi troops were pulling out of Kuwait City subject to a not-TV-advertised withdrawal agreement, a sitting duck, and got back-stabbed. Some "bravery". Really, why wasting time and not adopt american back-stabbing style? - Carpet-bomb Chechnya and all that's there to hell, like you did in Iraq - I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic. Bones? Or start torturing the civilian population, I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic like you did (and do now) in Iraq and in Serbia, to make the "military" surrender? Eh? Or seal it off and impose US-style "sanctions"? Afghanistan is about to be "sanctioned" too. And... don' worry, bud, kids'll die 'ere all right, let 'eir I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic. And, as any born provocateur.I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic (You personally and Your Govt.) you'll raise hell - "genocide, ar-r-r-g-gh-h!" - in this case, and in another - "winter's-coming-kids-freezing-blah-sh*tty-army-genocide.". It's your mindset. Something reversely resemblant to the zero's postion - what's pro-me is good, anti-me - I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic bad, to hell with laws and conventions. And when crybabo-busybodish "arguments" can't stand their own BSety the former resort to I believe that 'kissie' is a pseudonym for a pro- Russian propaganda collective. DearMattheson, yohdak, darling, You make a superb fake "wealthy" moslem Adam. And no logic here as well - There are many of us here in United States, especially wealthy Muslims like myself who will not support an American administration that has a favorable foreign policy toward Russia. Considering that there will be over 8 million muslims in the USA by 2004. We will possess the most powerful instrument in American politics - The swing vote. Give it time, things will go our way. I am a mad mad mad mad mad mad fanatic Anyways, both boards made me think of american majority as naive and cruel children (with a clever and corrupt guidance), that either senselessly help or senselessly bomb and boast of it in and from their United Sandbox of America.

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Posts: 8

What else is there to say? The consensus is that most of you are anti-American. What we have here are a bunch of revolutionaries without the proper methodology to mobilize the masses. Don't some of your people abroad believe that people within the United States are disenchanted with our own system. Personally, I love the ideals of this country. But in saying this, I must also state that we haven't achieved a level of perfection that many people on this board believe to be true. Of course, we have our faults over here. However, an imperialistic country cannot please the entire world. Look at how many different groups of people the English oppressed during colonialism. Historically, there have always been a few countries which seemed to dominate the world. America is no exception when we put this perspective in modern times. It's no excuse, but I'd like anyone who's participating on this board to tell me which world power has been compassionate when it comes to world interests?
I'll get back to you in due time regarding the Kurdish question in Turkey. I apologize for appearing indifferent in response to your earlier question.

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It is not dead and will be updated in about 24 hours. You will be able to read about strategical retreat of Chechen forces out of "so-called liberated" cities.

I'm as happy as a little girl!

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The World needs to wake up, IF you really think about it (deep down) what is so hard about having peace in the world? It all boils down to the greed of ALL MANKIND wanting to have it all, cannot fill power unless they kill and drive people to the brink of total breakdown!! no matter if it is here in the US or Russia or Asia Maybe we should listen to our children, they all want peace on earth (all corners of the world). everybody wants to be john wayne or hitler!!!

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