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Archive through December 7, 1999

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"Born to be free"

Chechens live on small territory which, in various periods of history, was the target of ambitious interests of various peoples who were powerful at the time. Each contact with the strangers caused a cataclysm (catastrophe) for the Chechens as the powerful people usually have only one instrument to achieve their goals - force. The use of force triggers war and any war causes numerous losses and ruins everything what has been created.

Born to be free, Chechens never escape challenge. thus bringing their nation to nearly a complete elimination. Even defeated they cannot accept the captivity as everything is to be changed for that - way of living, traditions, mentality, genetic characteristics. In one word, it means to lose the God-granted originality - the relic of any nation - and to stop being Chechens.

The current war is not only the result of the Russian-Chechen conflict, but also of the conflict between the Chechens and the whole modern world. The same happened to the Mongols and Tatars. to Tamerlane and has been happening for three centuries in Russia. And it will continue until the world realises that it is dealing with a civilization which succeeded to carry out a rare experiment of creating a society devoted of the mechanism of suppression. Public institutions guided human relations there, while freedom, honour and dignity of the individual dominated.

It is hard for modern world to comprehend the logics of the Chechens when they again plunge into a war which they cannot win. But after many years of complete incapacity to resist, after facing a choice of surrender or death, the Chechens this time viewed the freedom to fight and die as the freedom itself.

The modern world id stunned and cannot understand the miracle of how a small people with no regular army and no military conscription can resist the enormous force of a hundred thousand-man strong army. The world even tries to find an explanation in the weakness of one of the greatest military powers. But no!

The reasons are expressed in the "Manifesto against military conscription and the militarist system" signed in the early 20th century by outstanding contemporaries. It says that "The military conscription leads to the degradation of human personality, to the elimination of freedom". Only genetically free people are ready for genuine nobleness, for big sacrifices for the sake of supreme values.

The tragedy of the Chechens is that the world simply does not know us. Our ancestors signed the convention banning thrust weapons a thousand years before Europe did. A man thrusting his knife into somebody was declared pariah in the Chechen society which strictly fixed the rights and duties not only of a man, but also of the animal and the bird. A person, who has ruined an ant-hill in this mini-world, or dared to hunt a Caucasian goat during the mating season, or resorted to violence against the weak was declared ignoble and deprived of the right to be a free member of the Chechen society.

Our life is based on the supreme values and rejects lies, violence and slavery. Only a trully free man is capable of respecting freedom and dying for it. We do not want to defeat anyone or strip someone of the freedom. We want to grant the freedom to the World!

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A Muslim,

Let me remind you that perfectionists are people with weak mentalities, with no inspiration to work together with others because they belive others to be "untrue" and ignorant (which leads to you being ignorant yourself at a certain point).

I know many Muslim friends, and they all drink with me. They are all just like me. You may consider them different from me because of a few idiotic adjectives created by a few idiots who wanted to serve their own interest by propagating religious greatness.

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Actually, Constantinople was captured in 1453 (the same exact year when the English armies in France withdrew from the province of Gascony in southern France), you better revise your history a little bit.

Second of all, I want to hear why Shia Muslism are not Muslims and what do you mean about one Islam, and one muslim people? You sound like a Nazi preaching about one race, one people, one reich. Such nouns and adjectives following "one" can be very dangerous, remember Adolf Hitler.

Best regards,


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To Alejandro Nuñez Vegas

You want to know about shia I can teach you, but you will not like it. You see my friend, in order to be a man, you have to be fulfill the criteria of man. In order to be a muslim, you have to follow the Quran and the teachings of Prophet MUHAMMAD(peace be upop him). The shia they called muslims but they do not follow the teaching of prophet. There are only one country in the world are shia iN iran.

Any way I do not want to educate you at this time about shia, they are also the traitor of ISLAM.

Learn about Islam and compare with others. YOu do not have to be muslim to learn Islam. Learn for knowledge.

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To Alejandro Nuñez Vegas

You sound like a Nazi preaching about one race, one people, one reich. Such nouns and adjectives following "one" can be very dangerous, remember Adolf Hitler.

Look our God is one, Our way of life is One, and we are one human race( there are no race or sects in Islam). Why you try to put your thought to my mouth abot nazi, I hate reaceist people. I love all as a human creations.

Also the shia do somethings call muta, which means they can mary your mother for 2 hours, your sisters for 3hours and your daughter for 1 hours. That is why I told you, it is not the time to teach you about shia. They are enemy of Islam like saddam, king fahad, and all others traitors of the muslim country. That is also why we lost spain to christians, because the leaders were busy with christians girls and drinks.

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A muslim,

I fail to see your point. You write this:

You want to know about shia I can teach you, but you will not like it.

Then you write this:

Any way I do not want to educate you at this time about shia, they are also the traitor of ISLAM.

What is your point? I know many Sunni Muslims who would just laugh at you, not to mention that I have a friend right next to me from Karachi, Pakistan who just thinks you are full of it.

My friend just wants you to finish the point of your last message that you didn't finish:

Educating me about Shia Muslims,

"Islam is light and beside every things is dark"

I fail to grasp your throughts here. You might be viewing the world in a "black and white fashion". You are a typical ignorant perfectionist. You'll learn someday, don't worry.

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Non Jews (goyim) are not expected to reply

To Alejandro Nuñez Vegas

Learn to read before you consider yourself intelligent enough to reply to a Jew. Your mother is to blame for bringing up an insolent south american beast

You DO NOT have the right to question us. We are the chosen people. Understood.

What I am saying about filthy pig eating Russian behavior in The HOLY LAND OF ISRAEL, is far more important than chechnya, Russia etc.

Here is a little education for you south american:

Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."

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Twelve volunteers were stopped in Georgia before they were able to cross to Chechnya, but thousands more are coming! Beware Russians and Americans! You are next.

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To Alejandro Nuñez Vegas

Actually, Constantinople was captured in 1453 (the same exact year when the English armies in France withdrew from the province of Gascony in southern France), you better revise your history a little bit.

The one who took costantinople his name was MOHAMMAD AL FATHI, HE WAS ONLY 19 YEARS OLD AND IT TOOKS 51 DAYS.

He was the first one who used 12" cannon in war and had heart like lion. We are hopoing soon INSHALLAH TO GET A LEADRE LIKE HIM.

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"Look our God is one, Our way of life is One, and we are one human race( there are no race or sects in Islam). Why you try to put your thought to my mouth abot nazi, I hate reaceist people. I love all as a human creations."

But I thought you mentioned "there is one Islam and one Muslim People", mentioning one Muslim People sure is a way of portraying a sect and race (You are again using that dangerous noun and adjective following "one").

Second of all, you love all and you are not a racist? Why is Islam light and the rest dark? Why do you classify the rest as dark? This conversation is getting more interesting by the minute. You seem to be propagating Nazi ideology using other nouns and similar adjectives with "one, one, one".

Traitors of the Muslim country? What is the Muslim country? Is there any such thing as a Muslim country?

Please enter the realm of reality, you could be an excellent writter to write such a book similar to Mein Kampf.

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To Alejandro Nuñez Vegas

Man you can not learn shia in one pragraph, you need to learn about Islam first. Thaty is why I asked you to read Quran and go search about shia. Your friend from karachi might be shia, because in pakistan they have few of them. Any way choice is your. you will be answer for your deeds and I will be answerd for my deeds.

But you sure can not deny that day that you didnot know about islam.



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He was the first one who used 12" cannon in war and had heart like lion. We are hopoing soon INSHALLAH TO GET A LEADRE LIKE HIM.

Actually, the first to employ such weapons were the English, particulary against several battles against the French in the 1410's like in Le Havre and several other cities that were held under siege when King Henry V commenced his military expedition.

Why are you so possessed by the idea of having a great leader to fight a great war? War makes no leader great, it turns them into a tyrannt. Those who set the flames of war will eventually see their downfall, and that has happened to every one in history. I saw what happened to your great muslim Ottoman Empire. Expanded and expanded but was utterly crushed and collapsed very quickly. What is Turkey today? I screwed up country filled with slums and polluted, a corrupt society that massacres Kurds and is so mentally twisted into grabbing all of Cyprus. What a great empire that was, hehe. People and Empires that claim greatness last for a little bit and are only found in history books. People are strong and good are remembered and read of everywhere (Jesus Christ is one example).

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Actually, he is Sunni, and he wants to know an explanation. Hussein is actually not a Shiite (or why else would he be massacring the Shiite's in southern Iraq. Iraq is technically a Sunni country (and one hell of a Sunni country, wow!). Although Tariq Azzi is a Christian, the who policy of Iraq is pro-Sunni and anti-Shiite. I see what a Muslim empire you are striving for.

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jake dicksucker,

there's a difference between russians and palestinians.

Palestene people were unfortunate enough to be england's puppets. russian never had that "previlage".

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