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Archive through December 7, 1999

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This may be a Chechnya Board, however I am not seeing anybody discussing anything about Chechnya right now. I see more of a religious conversation going on.

I'm waiting, you said you would educate me.

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To Alejandro Nuñez Vegas

Can you deny that you were not born as a muslim? You cannot. Because we all born as innocent, sinnless baby and when we grew up our parents gave us the religion they believe. A muslim mens, the one who submitt to his creator and obey him. Tell me the different between human and animal. If you are hungry, you have two choices, one is work and make money to buy food and other is to kill some one and take his money or food; but the animal has one choice like tiger, they kill and eate.

So come to the point, the one who disobey God he is like animal or perhaps worst that aniamls. Because if you call your animals they come to you. But God asking us to do good and behave we are disobeying, how come we can be better than animanl. Lood drinks killed millions of peope and cause billions of dollars damage to the society. God said in the bible and in the Quran do no drink.

Please leave the shia now, if you interested to know shia give your email i wll send some adress to look for.

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Title: Remembering the 1944 Chechen Deportation
Source: Roger Kangas, 1996
Edited by: Albert Digaev, 1997

Today marks the 52nd anniversary of the Stalin's deportation of the Chechen nation to Central Asia. This deportation fueled the Chechens' collective sense of historical grievance, and is an important but often forgotten factor behind the four year standoff between Moscow and the secessionist leadership of Chechen President Dzhokhar Dudaev.

The Chechens have a 200 year history of sporadic resistance against first Tsarist, then Soviet, and now Russian power.

In 1942-43 the German army briefly occupied the north Caucasus, and the collaboration of a small number of individual Chechens resulted in the Soviet government's denunciation of the entire nation as traitors and "tools of the Nazi invaders." On 23 February, 1944, the entire Chechen and Ingush population of the region -- an estimated 425,000 people --was loaded up in train cars bound for Central Asia. Each family member was permitted to carry 20 kilos of baggage, leaving the rest of their possessions and all of their property behind.

During the journey itself, perhaps half (some estimates are even higher) died, primarily of exposure. Among those who survived, and who grew up in exile to return home only after Khrushchev pardoned the Chechens in 1956, were Ruslan Khasbulatov (born in 1942) and Dzhokhar Dudaev himself -- who was born only weeks before the deportation took place. The period of exile is considered by Chechen nationalists to be an attempt by the Soviet government to wipe out the identity of an entire people. Their property was turned over to Russian "settlers"; buildings and historic sites were destroyed. Chechen gravestones were reportedly used to pave the streets of Grozny.

It was not until Khrushchev's 1956 de-Stalinization campaign that the Chechens were permitted to return to their homeland. The estimate number of people deported was between 1.4 and 1.7 million.

Such treatment not only justifies hostage-taking and other acts of violence, such as have been perpetrated by Chechen forces loyal to Dudaev over the past year, but it also helps to explain Chechens' embitterment. In a 1991 interview with Radio Liberty, the Chechen emigre political scientist Abdurakhman Avtorkhanov noted that the Chechen push for independence from Russia was simply a "revolt of the children in revenge for the deaths of their fathers and mothers during deportation and exile, [and] a protest of the whole people against the continuing domination of the old structures...." At the same time, Avtorkhanov called upon both sides to prevent the conflict from spiralling into another "Caucasian War."

Four years later, it is obvious that such pleas have fallen on deaf ears. After 30,000 - 50,000 civilian casualties, cities and villages destroyed, and calls by the Russian leadership that Dudaev and others should be shot for being part of an "anti-Russian conspiracy," people are not surprisingly less than sympathetic to the Chechens on this somber anniversary.

It is a measure of the emotions that the collective memory of the deportation can still evoke, as well as the precarious calm that now obtains in the Chechen capital, that the current pro-Moscow Prime Minister, Doku Zavgayev, has categorically prohibited any anniversary demonstration in Grozny. In his words, such a rally "would be like holding a dancing party during a plague epidemic."

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Chechnya in turmoil

By Mohammad Zahirul Haque

Chechnya is situated in the Caucasus mountains (which is the same legendary "Koh-i-Kaf" and "fairyland" of the story books). It stretches from West to East for about 600 miles between Black Sea and Caspian Sea, and forms a series of parallel ranges rising steadily southward. The highest peak is Mount Elburz (18,481 feet), which stands in the north-west, while Mount Kezbek (16,558 feet) flanks Chechnya and Ingush, the home of ethnically, religiously and linguistically the same people, though their homeland was split into two states by the Soviet Union. The inhabitants of the Caucasian States are predominantly Muslims. Chechens are about 1.2 million and Ingush are about a quater of a million. Chechnya exists about a thousand miles away from Moscow in the south. It is surrounded by Dagestan, Georgia and South Ossetia in the south, Dagestan in the east, again Dagestan and Russia in the north, and North Ossetia in the west.

Chechens are Sunni Muslims (following the Shafi'i maskhab -AD), who love their religion Islam and their homeland Chechnya. But Russian Federation or its predecessor Soviet Union could not make any room in their heart, because it was forcibly captured and after a series of bloody wars, it was annexed at the time of Czar in the last decade of the last century. This is why Russians and Chechens do not have any place in their hearts for each other. Hatred of Russians against Chechens is evident from the books taught to Russian children in schools. We can cite an example from a child syllabus book wherein there is a poem written by one Michael Larmontov, in which he has called them 'evil Chechens' who hover along the sea-side (for loot and plunder), and always keep their knives sharp.

Chechnya is very rich in mineral oil. It produced twenty million ton of oil per year before the disintegrations of Soviet Union. But, during the present regime, its production of oil has gone very low to the level of only four million ton.

The defeat of Soviet Union in Afghanistan, gave a golden opportunity to Georgia, Lytvia, Ukraine, Azarbaijan, Tajikistan etc. to secede and declare themselves independent. At that time, Boris Yeltsin, the president of the Russian Federation managed to keep the other states intact. But Chechnya under its president Dzhokhar Dudayev declared its independence. First the independent Chechnya state was limited to the boundaries of its capital Grozny, but soon it expanded to the rural as well as urban areas.

Chechnya was the first after the above told states to declare independence in October, 1991. But President Yeltsin and others did not approve of it, and declared a war against the new-born regime and did invade it. In fact, they were on the horns of a dilemma. Had they not declared war against Chechya, others might have followed the suit. They, therefore, preferred to curb it at the outset. This new country which had no naval or air force and had only a handful of army, was attacked by the Russian demon, which is believed still to be maintaining a colossal army, and huge naval and air forces and possessing ultramodern weapons. Yet the morale of Chechen people was so high that they braced the situation and f ought them back. Perturbed by the odd situation, the Russian wanted to pick and organise a rival Chechen group of those who had a soft corner in their hearts for Russia. Russian had provided them arms and equipments to eradicate the nationalist group. Thus, Chechens had to fight on two fronts at a time - internally with the rival Chechens and externally with the Russians. The aircrafts which nobody except Russians could fly were seen attacking Chechen posts from the pro-Russian Chechen camps. In the last days of November, 1994, the rival group entered into Grozny, the capital of Chechnya with Russian arms and equipments. But the Chechen National Army debouched them out destroying about twenty helicopters and killing more than 350 soldiers. Besides, they arrested a large number of renegades including twenty Russians, who were shown on Chechnya TV and were recognized by their relatives, who admitted that they were employed by the Russian Army. Yeltsin could not endure it, and became out of tune. Soon he gave his first ultimatum on December 6, 1994, in a very strict language, and a harsh tone, which was a litmus proof of the fact that the Russian claim that there was a civil war between two groups of Chechen, which Russia was not at all involved in, came out to be utterly a white lie.

His tone soon became mild and soft, and Kremlin (Russia's Presidential Palace) announced that Yeltsin did not have any bad intention by giving the ultimatum, but what he really meant was to impose emergency. Therefore all Chechens must surrender all of their arms and ammunitions on or before December 15, 1994. Yet again he went back upon his words and said that he neither gave any ultimatum, nor spoke of or signed any paper for clamping any emergency. What he actually meant was a sort of "a limited amnesty" to be granted to those who return their arms. All these utterances were very coldly received by the Chehen nationalists. No arms were surrendered and no talk was held for "limited amnesty". The second ultimatum of Yeltsin given on December 14, also went unheeded not only in the Chechen circle alone, but also in the Russian camps, whose attack on Grozny went on unabated, rather their planes became more active. They dropped various types of bombs including cluster bombs, not only on the strategic points, but also on civil areas, with an average of one bomb in two seconds. It appears as if there was a conspiracy between Boris Yeltsin, the president and Pavel Grachev, the Defence Minister that the president would declare "no war', and the Defence Minister would continue to attack the nationalist Chechens. Russian army made a target, particularly of the Presidential Palace. Yet the army of Russia lacked in courage and fearlessness, and marched forward under the shade of aircrafts. When the presidential palace of Grozny was destroyed and razed to dust, it was surprisingly discovered that Dudayev was not there. Still the unabashed Russians declared that they had won the game and the Chechen president had run away for life, evacuating his palace. But actually Dudayev had vacated the palace and the city of Grozny for strategical reasons with a view to attacking the Russian troops and their Chechen funkeys from outside. In short, Grozny fell, and a pro-Russian government was installed there with Umar Auturkhan and Salambek Khadzhiyev, the president and the prime minister respectively, who issued a warrant of arrest against Dudayev. These pro-Russian leaders offered one third of the cabinet provided they surrender. But they turned down the offer, and started a guerilla war against Russian and pro-Russian troops and government. This attitude showed that they regarded Dudayev as their undisputed sole leader, Dudayev's supporters fought his enemies in hills and valleys and arrested a good number of their troops which made Russian Government nervous. A good number of Dudayev's supporters were also arrested but they were not dismayed. In the meantime, Dudayev declared on August 3, that he was ready to resign the presidency of Chechnya if Russians guarantee the sovereignty of the Chechens.

Nervous as the Russians had been, they offered to negotiate, which was open-heartedly accepted by Dudayev group. Thus the negotiation began amid fighting and shelling. The negotiation went on limpingly, until the Russian prime minister Chernomyrdin backed on July 7, a draft peace settlement produced by the chief of the Russian negotiator, Vyacheslav Michailov. The proposed draft contained a good many point which had been approved by both side. Thus, the draft settlement was approved by both sides on August 4, 1995. The main clauses of the agreement included:-

1) exchange of prisoners     2) surrender of arms and ammunition by the Chechen nationalists     3) general election

Dudayev's force was continuously attacked by the Russians and their supporters during the conversation. Still the nationalists force started surrendering arms. Yet the agreement could not take a final shape, because both sides blamed each other for not giving the correct number of prisoners they held. After some lapses they sat together again, and its hoped that they would come to a settlement. But the fate of Dudayev still hangs in the balance. Perhaps the proposed election to form the new government would decided the matter as well as th

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To Alejandro Nuñez Vegas

Read for your knowledge, this brother was one of the best learnd man of shia and he wrotes lots of books about shia.



      A question most often asked by those who discover that my wife and I are no more the followers of Karim Aga Khan is:
           Why did we, who were Shiahs by birth, joined the Sect of Sunni Muslims upon leaving the enigmatic Sect of the Agakhani Ismailis and not any other Sect of Shiah Muslims? 

    The answer is simple and short; 
             The **explicit** Hidayah (Guidance) of the Qur'an.

     Where is that explicit Hidayah?. Here it is in Surah Al-Ahzab:

            "Ye have indeed in the Apostle of Allah 
                a beautiful pattern of (conduct) for anyone 
                whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day and 
                who engages much in the praise of Allah."  Verse 21.

       The Arabic word sunna (singular sunnah) literally means; 
"custom" or "usage". Following the Sunna of the Prophet (s.a.s.) is an explicit Divine Hidayah from Allah (s.w.t.). Basically, following the Prophetic Sunna is regarded as a compliment or commendation to the Holy Qur'an. How one may interpret; What is included within the realm of the Prophet's Sunnah and what is not, is a personal matter. 


      For any student of history, the presence of the above verse in the Holy Qur'an would indicate that the adherence and compliance of this explicit Command of Allah (s.w.t.) by the prophet's companions, his family members including  Hadhrat Ali (r.a.) and the rest of the Believers (the Ummah) who lived during the final days of the prophet is unquestionably understandable or conceivable. Therefore, it would correct to say that Sunnism was the original path followed by the Muslims of that early era. 

    The history records that the roots of "shi'at ul 'Ali"(lit. the party of Ali) were planted some time after the passing away of the beloved Prophet of Islam. I wish to quote the following verse of the Holy Qur'an without any comments. I hope and pray, the entire text of this subject matter is read with an open mind by the readers.

    "As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects thou hast no part in them in the least: their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did."         Surah An-An'am (6),  verse 159 


     When I was a Shiah Ismaili, we were taught to recite in our daily Du'a, the fragmented portion of verse 59 of Surah Nissa, which read:

"Ya_ ayyuhal lazina a_manu_ ati'ulla_ha wa ati'ur rasu_la   wa ulil amri minkum,"   meaning; 
"O ye who believe! obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those charged with authority among you."

      When I opened the Holy Book, I found out that the above verse did not end here but it continued further and the following text was intentionally expunged:

"fa in tana_za'tum fi syai'in fa ruddu_hu ilalla_hi war rasu_li in kuntum tu'minu_na billa_hi wal yaumil a_khir(i), za_lika khairuw wa ahsanu ta'wila_(n)."     meaning; 

"If ye differ in anything among yourselves refer it to Allah and His Apostle if ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day: that is best and most suitable for final determination. 

     Since that time I decided that the best and the most suitable thing was to place my complete confidence in the verses of the Holy Qur'an and not in an ulil amri minkum who is either not physically alive to ANSWER and resolve the controversial issues or is physically alive but is UNAPPROACHABLE. 

     I have neither found any living ulil amri minkum that I would like to sincerely and devotedly follow, nor have come across any verse in the Holy Qur'an, as clearly as the quoted verse of Surah Al-Ahzab, that would induce me to join the party (sect) of any ulil amri minkum or an Imam. 

   Finally, if the rest of the world (non Muslims), were to join Islam in the end time, and, Islamic Ummah was to be united as a single community, then the most likely candidate for that would be, as the present trend of the new converts indicate; "The mainstream of Islam".

   I earnestly repeat, above is my personal opinion and that does not in any way bespeak that there cannot be alternate opinion(s).

With Peace and Love to All.

Akbarally Meherally

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To Alejandro Nuñez Vegas
"" I was also informed by a Muslim that you cannot convert to Christianity. Well, the ex-President of Argentina, Carlos Saúl Menem (De La Rua is the new President as of this month), who is of born of Syrian immigrants in Argentina, was actually raised as a Sunni Muslim, but later converted to Christendom.""

A learned man of ISLAM WILL NEVER GO TO ANY FAITH EVEN IF HE IS ABOUT TO FRY IN HOT OIL. That guy carlos, he did not know any thing about islam. like the guy FARID MURAD, who got nobel prize, his father was muslim, but he is christian. I asked him do you know any thing about ISLAM, he said very little, because his father did not teach him the truth, because he married a christian women and you know the rest.

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re: Chechenian

Blah blah blah blah who cares.


ps I love CLinton's threats. He well knows he can't do cr*p but he loves to look important and look smart!!!!

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Does anything matter?

When people in the world think of Russians - they immediately think of hungry beggers.

I think Russia's new national symbol should be a picture of a GIANT BEGGING BOWL - with (dying) Yeltsin and loyal dog putin sticking their tongue out, over it

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Does anything matter?

When people in the world think of Russians - they immediately think of hungry beggers.

I think Russia's new national symbol should be a picture of a GIANT BEGGING BOWL - with (dying) Yeltsin and loyal dog putin sticking their tongue out, over it

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In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most merciful ........................

After reading most of the posts here, I was so aware of how much the western world hates Islam. Western world hates Islam from his heart. The media, the books, the TV, the churches, and every mean of expressing, inulst and attack Islam. Read the history of the western world, crusades, colonization and so on. I would like to inform most of the people who are insulting Islam and muslims here, that your media deceives you. Your media tries to show you that Islam is violence, pologomy, divorce and terrorism, but the truth is that ISLAM is the true religion of Allah, I will not talk about that, but I will show you some of the things that I am sure you have ever heard or read about it.
"Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America, a guide and pillar of stability for many of our people..."
HILLARY RODMAN CLINTON, Los Angeles Times, May 31, 1996, p.3
Already more than a billion-people strong, Islam is the world’s fastest-growing religion. ABCNEWS,
Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the country." NEWSDAY, March 7, 1989, p.4
Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the United States..." NEW YORK TIMES, Feb 21, 1989, p.1
"Moslems are the world's fastest-growing group..." USA TODAY, The populationreferance bureau,
Feb. 17, 1989, p.4A
"Muhummed is the most successful of all Prophets and religious personalities. " Encyclopedia

There are more Muslims in North America then Jews Now." Dan Rathers, CBSNEWS
Islam continues to grow in America, and no one can doubt that!" CNN, December 15, 1995
The religion of Islam is growing faster than any other religion in the world." MIKE WALLACE, 60
"Five to 6 million strong, Muslims in America already outnumber Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and
Mormons, and they are more numerous than Quakers, Unitarians, Seventh-day Adventists,
Mennonites, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Christian Scientists, combined. Many demographers say Islam
has overtaken Judaism as the country's second-most commonly practiced religion; others say it is in the
passing lane." JOHAN BLANK, USNEWS (7/20/98)

It (Islam) replaced monkishness by manliness. It gives hope to the slave, brotherhood to mankind,
and recognition of the fundamental facts of human nature." --Canon Taylor, Paper read before the
Church Congress at Walverhamton, Oct. 7, 1887; Quoted by Arnoud in THE PREACHING OF
ISLAM, pp. 71-72.

My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some
readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely
successful on both the religious and secular level." --Michael H. Hart, THE 100: A RANKING OF
THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSONS IN HISTORY, New York: Hart Publishing Company, Inc.,
1978, p. 33.

No other society has such a record of success in uniting in an equality of status, of opportunity and
endeavour so many and so
varied races of mankind. The great Muslim communities of Africa, India and Indonesia, perhaps also
the small community in
Japan, show that Islam has still the power to reconcile apparently irreconcilable elements of race and
tradition. If ever the
opposition of the great societies of the East and west is to be replaced by cooperation, the mediation of
Islam is an
indispensable condition." (H.A.R. Gibb, WHITHER ISLAM, p. 379)

The nation's claim to be a Christian country is about to meet its first challenge: the number of practising
Muslims is set to overtake Anglican Christians.... There has also been a number of high-profile
conversions to Islam from Christianity. These include Mike Tyson, the former world champion boxer;
Chris Eubank, the British middleweight boxing champion, who has changed his name to Hamdan; and
Cat Stevens, the pop musician, who calls himself Yousef Islam.... Prince Charles courted controversy
earlier this year when he reaffirmed his claim that when he succeeds the throne, he does not wish to be
the defender of only the Christian faith. Rajeev Syal and Christopher Morgan Sunday Times
(London, U.K.)

"I have studied him - the wonderful man - and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ he must be
called the saviour of
humanity. " George Bernard Shaw in "The Genuine Islam"
"Muhammad, the inspired man who founded Islam, was born about A.D. 570 into an Arabian tribe that
worshipped idols. Orphaned at birth, he was always particularly solicitous of the poor and needy, the
widow and the orphan, the slave and the downtrodden. At twenty, he was already a successful
businessman, and soon became director of camel caravans for a wealthy
widow. When he reached twenty-five, his employer, recognizing his merit, proposed marriage. Even
though she was fifteen years older, he married her, and as long as she lived, remained a devoted
"Like almost every major prophet before him, Muhammad fought shy of serving as the transmitter of
God's word, sensing his own inadequacy. But the angel commanded 'Read.' So far as we know,
Muhammad was unable to read or write, but he began to dictate those inspired words which would
soon revolutionize a large segment of the earth: 'There is one God.'
"In all things Muhammad was profoundly practical. When his beloved son Ibrahim died, an eclipse
occurred, and rumours of God's personal condolence quickly arose. Whereupon Muhammad is said
to have announced, 'An eclipse is a phenomenon of nature. It is foolish to attribute such things to the
death or birth of a human being.
"At Muhammad's own death an attempt was made to deify him, but the man who was to become his
administrative successor killed the hysteria with one of the noblest speeches in religious history: 'If there
are any among you who worshipped Muhammad, he is dead. But if it is God you worshipped, He lives
forever." --James A. Michener, "Islam: The Misunderstood Religion," in READER'S
DIGEST (American edition), May 1955, pp. 68-70.


"Everything made so much sense. This is the beauty of the Qur'an; it asks you to reflect and
reason....When I read the Qur'an further, it talked about prayer, kindness and charity. I was not a
Muslim yet, but I felt the only answer for me was the Qur'an and God had sent it to me." Cat Stevens
(YusufIslam), former British pop star.
The extinction of race consciousness as between Muslims is one of the outstanding achievements of
Islam and in the
contemporary world there is, as it happens, a crying need for the propagation of this Islamic virtue..."
(A.J. Toynbee,

History makes it clear however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and
forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd
myths that historians have ever repeated." --De Lacy O'Leary, ISLAM AT THE CROSSROADS,
London, 1923, p. 8.
"I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is
the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of
existence which can make itself appeal to every age. I have studied him - the wonderful man and in my
opinion for from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Saviour of Humanity. I believe that if a man
like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems
in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of
Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable
to the Europe of today." --G.B. Shaw, THE GENUINE ISLAM, Vol. 1, No. 81936.

'I believe in One God and Mahomet the Apostle of God,' is the simple and invariable profession of
Islam. The intellectual image of the Deity has never been degraded by any visible idol; the honours of
the prophet have never transgressed the measure of human virtue, and his living precepts have
restrained the gratitude of his disciples within the bounds of reason and religion." --Edward Gibbon
and Simon Ocklay, HISTORY OF THE SARACEN EMPIRE, London, 1870, p. 54.


"He was Caesar and Pope in one; but he was Pope without Pope's pretensions, Caesar without the
legions of Caesar: without a standing army, without a bodyguard, without a palace, without a fixed
revenue; if ever any man had the right to say that he ruled by the right divine, it was Mohammed, for he
had all the power without its instruments and without its supports."
--Bosworth Smith, MOHAMMAD AND MOHAMMADANISM, London, 1874, p. 92.


if you want more, go to this site

and check

But the sick hearts will never accept the truth.

Mohamed, Toronto, Canada

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these Chechnya dogs need to be taught how to heel . Who do they think they are setting up a country in someone elses land.Burn all them Islamic extremists. Maybe we need to send Arkan and the white tigers to do the job.

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SOON every American will be muslim and all those
disgraced women will go back home where they belong. To care for kids, clean house and get raped by their brothers. And if brother is tired of her he can tell everyone that he raped her and his father will kill her to clean the name of their family!

Disgraced women of america go back to your kitchens and wear those sexy black dressed with hoods over your heads!!

Women are worthless, all American women should be executed.

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Chechen's strategical retreat in Grozny is as good as Hitler's "Army 6 Fortress" under the Stalingrad.

Chechens will win no doubt, in their dreams.

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