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Archive through December 8, 1999

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I believe in the coming years, the pathetic Russian Federation will be destablized. Russia is economically and morally bankrupt, I see no hope for this nation, nor its people.

Adam R.
Santa Monica, California

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hey Adam R. - which Adam are you? Adam Roodman?Adam Roper? Adam Rossman? Or Adam Rohloff? I'd like to visit you in Santa Monica to discuss, perhaps negative views on Russian people in general, and your physical condition in particular.

Your local Friendly Russian Neighbor

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MILITARY 17) U.S. missile shield technology far from ready By Christopher Wilson WASHINGTON, Dec 7 (Reuters) -
For all the domestic political appeal of a system to shield America from nuclear missile attacks and the unease the plan has generated in Russia, China and among U.S. allies, weapons experts say the technology is far from ready.


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This message is for the battle between Kim and Rambo.
First Kim. Why waste your breath on an argument with Rambo who is clearly troubled with the his lack of smarts.

Second Rambo. You seem to feel that since the rebels are hiding behind the Civilians it's acceptable to kill the civilians? You need help.


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Russia-chechnya-britain = 2 London

Russia, Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Japan and Canada had been due to discuss a relatively uncontroversial agenda on ways of promoting conflict resolution.

The official said European Union leaders meeting this weekend in Helsinki would consider recalling their ambassadors from Moscow for consultations unless Russia showed signs of easing its crackdown in Chechnya.

The EU might also reconsider signing a pending agreement on science and technology with Russia and review how European food aid is distributed there.

The official said that, while the EU had a clear interest in continued engagement with Russia, measures to signal that Russian behaviour in Chechnya was unacceptable must be more than ``a gnat bite.''

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Clearly troubled with what?

Don't worry Rambo's a pussycat, a good way of kicking the cat to release pent up negativity from the daily grind.
A mental punchbag if you like.


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Adam R.,

For your information the Russians people is older then your Santa-Monica ignorance will ever be able to perpetuate. It might be true that Russia is economical bankrupt... but to say something similar about the whole people proves only your deep and carefully guided ignorance.
Sleep well... uncle Sam will take care of you. He's more skillfull than the Big Brother. Sleep well.

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Here we go,

Russia's better than America.

No it isn't, America's better.

No it isn't

't is

't isn't

't is

This makes Rambo look smart.


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GO RUSSIA!! Although war sucks, so does life for those who reside in Chechnya. For those against Russia, it seems to me that you have no real idea of the way of life in Chechnya. Go there, be kidnapped, get your head cut off. For those who believe they have better ideas on how to resolve this without killing civilians, you obviously have not been directly involved in a crisis such as this. The leaders in war are leaders for a reason. RESEARCH BEFORE CRITICIZING RUSSIA!

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Only somebody extremly naive would suggest that Russia is not economically, politically and morally bankrupt. I agree United States in not perfect, but at at 70% of our economy is not controlled by the mafia.

Russians may feel happy, almost a sense of worth by by their governments genocidal action against civilians in Chechnya. This happiness will be short lived, when later they return back to their pathetic, emanciated state of existence.

There is no future for a mafia driven, gangster run nation like Russia, where government terrorism is a political expediency. Once the overweight alcoholic Yelstin finally dies, this nation will fragment and decay even further.

Adam R.
Santa Monica, California

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If the chechans die, I hope it will be swift. Unlike the Russian people who will be the walking dead for years to come

Adam R.
Santa Monica, California

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Simple solution to this problem: take the leaders from both sides and invite them to a cocktail party. Last one standing at the end of the night wins. No one else dies, and the leaders who are trying to show how manly they are on the playground can prove their manliness themselves. Of course, if Yeltsin gets sent to this cocktail party, the Chechnyans are in trouble.

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Dear Adam R.,

For God's sake get a book of history and start reading... it wouldn't hurt.

Russians have survived long way, and they will continue to do so, because Russia is not Yeltsin and is not Moscow. The same for the Serbian, Afghan or for the Vietnamese peoples. Only ignorants and Y2K believers can think that nations and CULTURES will perish because economic bankrupcy. But whom am I talking about culture ? Santa Monica ?... forget about it!

Why didn't Germans disappeared after lost 2 WW ? Because they have more than the money... unlike you.

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to Skcus Aissur:
you forget something(or, most likely you just never new it) - muslims aren't supposed to be drinking alcohol. So pretty much, any muslim in chechnya will end up under the table if dares to drink with ANYONE.

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oops, great point, and sorry about that.

Okay, replace "cocktail party" with "mud wrestling".

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