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Archive through December 8, 1999

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Notice from Microsoft:

It has come to our attention that a few copies of the Texas Edition of Windows 98 may have accidentally been shipped outside of Texas.

If you have one of the Texas Editions you may need some help understanding the commands.

The Texas Edition may be recognized by looking at the opening screen. It reads WINDERS98 with a background picture of the Alamo superimposed on the Texas flag.It is shipped with a Leann Rimes screen saver.

Also note the Recycle Bin is labeled Outhouse.
My Computer is called This Infernal Contraption.
Dialup Networking is called Good Ol Boys.
Control Panel is known as the Dashboard.
Hard Drive is referred to as Wheel Drive.
Floppies are Them Little Ol' Plastic Disc Thangs.

Other features:

Instead of an Error Message you get a Winder covered with a garbage bag and duct tape.

OK = ats aww-right.
Cancel = hail no.
Reset = aw shoot.
Yes = shore.
No = Naaaa.
Find = hunt-fer it.
Go to = over yonder.
Back = back yonder.
Help = hep me out here.
Stop = ternit off.
Start = crank it up.
Settings =sittins.
Programs = stuff that does stuff.
Documents = stuff I done done.

Also note that Winders 98 does not recognize capital letters or punctuation marks.

We regret any inconvenience it may have caused if you received a copy of the Texas Edition. You may return it to Microsoft for a replacement version.

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ok listen up retarts, although I am american and think this war is bullshit, the russian army by far is more powerful then some militants held up by the fact that they think that they are going to win but instead are going to be destroied but the much more powerful russian army. so all of those who support the rebels: get a freakin reality check and look at what russia has compared to your militants, militants have nothing russia has just about everything so get a hold of reality its all over.

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"mud wrestling"??? What is your point????? What's next - game of poker???

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to Bill Gates:
that Wenders98 pretty funny stuff..I'll forward it around 🙂

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to dmitri
eti pidari za nami teper sledyat(nomera v skobkax), tak chto ne ochen to y popizdish teper

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to LOCC:
spasibo, drug za preduprezhdenie...budu ostorojen

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I am happy to see that Yahoo is now displaying the I.P. address of persons posting to the message board. I was particularily sick of the sheer volume of garbage being posted by certain puerile individuals, e.g. Kissie, LOCC, Russian.

I will be closely monitoring this board, to see if hateful and disingenuous messages are originating from the same I.P Number, under different names. Any transgression from DMS rules of conduct, will be promptly reported to Yahoo/DMS.

Adam R.
Santa Monica, California

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LOCC, Dimitri,

Sodder mieter op, als je iets te zeggen hebt, dan
zeg het toch.



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if you trying to scare anyone..well.. try again. Belive me YOU DO NOT KNOW what fear is,
Santa-Monica-Boy.You haven't done even a semi-desent research on the subject and I am sure you've never even been close to that region. Just get into your head - as long as you sit tight in the Cali suburbs you'll remain clueless about what's going on there. You might think you know, but trust me boy, you DON'T.

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to K.A./Kim Arx

wow, I belive it now - you're soooo cool and soooo bilingual. Just out of curiosity, what language were you trying to speak? Or was this your way of trying to be funny(e.g. keying in words that don't make sense)?

P.S. Couple of questions - why do you sign as Kim Arx and in your next message you sign with your initials(K.A.)? Second question isn't targeted to offend you, really...just quriosity. Is Arx German?


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I am not trying to scare anybody. I have been reading this message board and I will simply will no longer tolerate any more swearing or gutter class messages, directed at religons,ethnicities etc. All sides have been guility, but the Russians seem to have completely immersed themselves into the semtic sewer in this respect.

As for knowing the region. The haunting images of little children and old women huddled in a cellar, while Russian babarians, relentlessy bomb them - speak them for themselves. I used to like Russia and Russians. Now I hope to see in my lifetime, this terrorist nation destroy itself - from within. As for the iterim, the Russian people will be the living dead.

Adam R.
Santa Monica, California

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Adam R. You're happy with IP showing up?

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The SAD thing about this whole genicidal offensive is that it'll all be forgotten in a few years. The most PATHETIC thing about this "cleansing" is that the Russians will blame the entire thing on the Muslim rebels, although they made up just a very small fraction of the population. I can see it in print now, "They made us wipe out an entire province".

There has still been NO creditable evidence that the rebels did the bombings in Moscow. If so, please quote a source.

So like I said, business as usual. EXCEPT, Russia will have it's hands out looking for aid all the while wondering why no one will do any major business with them.

What a pitiful country who couldn't take a hint.

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So, if the rebels win (they won't) you don't think that they will be looking for any help?
Talk about BROKE!

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What's "international community" anyways? I don't like and am suspicious about those blurry notions. Does it mean EU? EU only? USA? USA & EU? Aulbright alone? Is Japan an "international community" member? China? African countries? Latin America? A good tool to bully gullible common citizens into believing, that all (he-heh) world is behind it. In particular, the chechens will finally resort to more extremism (islamic fundamentalism) As though it was not happening during the so-called independence days. The notion that any country can simply do want it wants within its borders should not be accepted. Be-e-S. When UN was addressed by African countries to help do something about Rwanda, the response was blah. That led later to accusation of Clinton, that HR matters "matter" when color's not black. EU been prancing on the sovereign Serb territory and it was OK. NATO was busy redrawing borders and let everyone with an "independence" on their mind to think "Why not?!". WWII could have been completely avoided would the world have acted early on instead of appeasing the Nazis Who helped Hitler to come to power? He-he!! TNC prototypes of that time. Srebenica would not have happened It just didn't happen. The only solution is the immediate halt of military action and negotiations for peace, full independence for chechnya and the establishment of a common mechanism against further terrorism. Very nice. When some Govt. has five divisions of KLA-style bandits (that are outside of the producing activity), said Govt. should immediately start negotiating. Why not divide Belgium? Let's press Spain into forming an independent Basque state.
P.S. EU is loud about Chechnya, - US is strangely weasely. And not against loans, BTH, and pledged assistance. Blah-blah for nicturos.

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