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Archive through December 8, 1999

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I'm just going to ask you one(1) guestion. Do you also see on television The US Army bombing Iraq? Or maybe you saw dead faces of Serbian children and elderly people on CNN? I repeat - that was done by NATO(US and Western alies). So what you're saying to me has got to be a top of hypocracy!!! The sad thing is that you most like don't realize it and therefore nothing will make you see how things really are. HYPOCRACY IS ALWAYS BLIND. It is ok for you to bomb the hell out of Iraq, Serbians, etc. and then call it a "humanitarian" war, but, oh, those Russians how dare they? Most of what you're seeing on TV and reading in the papers is a softcore form of influential propaganda. Yes, you did hear me fine, I did used that word. Propagenda is something that is used to influence you opinion in favour of an interested party. You would not be proud of you own country if you knew the TRUTH. By that word I mean what actually happen and whose interests it actually served. And not what they(your Government, for instance) want you to think.

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I bet you know, that, despite how much you're trying to insult us(I am trying to talk to you normally, boy, after you practically called me a Russian filthy pig)you KNOW that we( Russian Federation Army)are gonna destroy chechen militants for what they've done - terrorism. I know that you know that and that is your fear speaking. It is very human, you know.

P.S. Don't fu.cking dare to call us names. You don't want us to swear but you gonna call us names??? I DON'T THINK SO..

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Kim Arx, that anti-miss. defence simply wouldn't work. The funny part of it is that, it's still vulnerable from the supposed enemy ground (to think the enemy's not conducting a research on high-power lasers et. al. is stupid, but OK for gen. pablic to approve of spending.:o)) if any); the "West" is more (even heavy) reliant on satcomm - and one of the defence components is prone to wipe "Western" comminication together with supposed warheads.

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Your saying my goverment lies to it's people through use of the media to sway it's citizen's to believe only what they want us to believe? I would think new's agencies like CNN would cover there new's stories from all sides, not being sensored by anyone or any government. Do you disagree? How do you know or understand "the truth" about our government that I (we) are so blind to see? I see the faces of the inocent women and children murdered by war and I hate it.

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K(I)MARX? German? who knows. K.A- cause its quicker. no mystery- stop trying to be clever.

I was just wondering why you keep resorting to Russian, is there something you are too embarrassed to say in English - But if your English messages are anything to go by you are probably doing us a favour.

Could you please tell me what skobkax means,
-if anything is a made up word that is.


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Let's see. Chechens invaded Dagestan and run what is for all intents and purposes a slave trade, trafficking in the human beings they don't saw the heads off of. They are probably behind the deaths of some 300 innocent people in Moscow, something that used to be called an act of war in the old days. Their "leadership" claims they can't control the bandits, although there's no evidence that they've tried. As far as I'm concerned, the Chechens brought this on themselves. And it's more than a little funny to hear NATO countries going on about civilian deaths, considering all the Serbs they killed.

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to Kim:

u gotta stop being so suspicious..seriosely.I wasn't trying to be clever at all(you're on the other hand were trying so hard to be clever with "famous" Jonnie Rambo;). As I mentioned before- it was a simple curiosity.
As per your inquiry, why I was speaking in Russian - why, why in the hell would I be embarrassed to say something in English????? I was simply refering to my Russian friends in our own language(you probably chose not to notice it, but I actually wasn't the one who started it). It was what you'd call internal affairs between me and my Russian Net buddies and had nothing to do with you, nor other memebers of this board. Seems like that made you rrrealy uncomfortable, huh? Why? You don't sound like the person with low self-esteem.
Skobkax means parentheses.

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Bravo, Christopher Johnson, bravo

Spoken like a person with eyes wide open

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I trully think it is very naive to believe that Network, no matter how global, that belongs to one political side of the world will honestly portray something that they don't approve of. It might not be as obvious as it used to be. There is a lot of psycological preparation behind this though. They have to influence you, now, without saying it out loud( like it was in the Cold War Era, when u called us kommie bastards and we called you...well I'll tell you that later 🙂
On the more serious note - the above mentioned goes not just for US Television, but for any other country's broadcasting news agency. The only difference, now - Russia is doing it for the right cause(see Christopher Johnson's message on this board, slghtly above of this one).


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It seems as though the Soviet Union has changed in name only -- to Russia. Freedom is not something that is valued.

Russia granted autonomy to other regions and the countries of Lithuania, Estonia and others were formed. Why not Chechnyna you may ask???... it is because of the vast oil reserves which are located in the Caucasus Region.

It is the same reason the US still keeps a ridiculous barrage of sanctions against Iraqi civilians who have no control over their own leadership. Did the UN find weapons in Iraq??? Who knows... Are the sanctions effective at keeping the price of oil from dropping... definitely yes. Who cares how many people will die this year in Iraq..... just as long as oil prices remain inflated these stupid inhumane policies will remain intact.

In the most recent wars of late one will find the root of them is greed for oil.

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to LOCC:

man, believe me they know the truth. and they fear it, oh yeah...we are gonna finish that thing and celebrate it along with celebrating a Millenium.

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The Moscow bombings were the work of Russian mafia in the payroll of Kremlin mobsters. The Dagestan uprising was spontaneous revolt by long oppressed peoples of Caucasus who invited their Chechen brethren to intervene. Dagestan and Chechnya is not oil rich Kuwait to attract US and 28 other nations to pounce on Saddam who commited atrocites against civilians and invaded Kuwait. Even Sddam was under CIA payroll when he was used by US against Khomeini. All thes points to the fact that US, Russia and West are partners in war crimes happening in Chechnya.

Grozny was lost and won by brave Chechens in the last war. West NEVER acknowledged the victory of a tiny republic over Russia but kept harping about humiliation of Russsia.
There is no such thing as Chechenya, Dagestan, Tatarstan etc. All are one and will soon be one state bonded by Islam. Russia is trumpeting victory over 5000 fighters with an army of over 100,000 with all kinds of heavy weapons.

What a victory!!! Russia should be ashamed to declare victory against small number of freedom fighters. Grozny was lost and won during the last war. Chechens are not fools to stand in front of superior fire power. They have withdrawn to safer places to return back soon to start making a meat grinder of Russian Army.

It should be noted that the same Russian Army was the reason for NATO's birth. Billions of dollars were spent and millions of soldiers in Europe were mobilized to prevent Soviet expansion. AND WHAT HAPPENED? The the same 'powerful' army of Russia was crushed by light-armed Chechens last time and God willing will be annihilated this time soon.

God is Great.

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to John McShea:

When you enter a discussion such as this one and operate with facts, make sure you know what you're talking about. Another words, know your s..t. Ukraine, Lithuania and all other former republics were separate countries before Soviet Union. Chechnya wasn't. It belonged to Russian Empire long before the Revolution has occured. Therefore obligation to let things go,which is just what medievil-governed Chechnya wants, isn't an option.

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As former President Ronald Reagan once said, "Facts are stubborn things." The fact that the Russians are exercizing their military might against the rebels in Chechnya is not nearly as shocking as is the fact that they're still asking for more money from the IMF. This, in spite of the fact they have not repaid even the first installment of whatever the original repayment schedule was. This, in my opinion, is unthinkable! How is it that on the one hand, a crime (highway robbery) can go relatively unpunishced; while at the same time, Russia continues it's hopeless campaign of escalating its violence and assault against the rebels and innocent citizens of Chechnya. If the IMF loans Russia any more money, they're only going to buy MORE weapons with it, taking more lives and furthering their destruction upon Grozny.
Russia should stop asking the IMF for money to buy weapons and start thinking of a better (more realistic) way of resolving what has now become a battle against time to save human lives.

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