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Archive through December 9, 1999

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70 years? I didn’t leave 70 years under communism rule you ••••••• idiot. I’m sure you remember every year of communist rule and have some unbelievable stories about how you were young and were against communism old fart, but I’m sorry I don’t have time for it.

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We seem to have lost a few idiots and gained a few more. It would seem that russian is the only "sanitised" survivor. Where did the others go I wonder.
Are you sr.lancecelot again. Some guys make it all worthwhile.


I agree with you about the satelite thingy- I also wish they wouldn't build it in my backyard.
I'm wondering where do you see this whole Chechnia mess going for Russia?

Everyone, tone it down,there are kids watching.


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I see the concept of progress has evaded the collective consciousness of the Russian coalition on this board. It's such a dichotomy that these nationalists seek the domination of certain areas of interest(especially in modern times) while the ideology itself is pathetically outdated. The true character of people should not solely be attributed to a accumulated of traits provided by nation or religion. Although these components can influence one's character, they should not DOMINATE a person. This is a very one-dimensional contribution to a person's overall personality. If that were the case, everyone would assume that I am a hater of Christians, Greeks, and Armenians. Not to mention, a traitor of Islam because of Turkey's close correspondence with the West.

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Whore - learn how to spell my name before you address to me. And the only BS you smell is the one that is coming out of your sh1thole that you call a mouth. Creatures like you have no business here.I DO EXPRESS OPINION(I am telling you for the second time, you stupid, arrogant, angry whore, see my messages and stop smelling your assho.le instead). Let's face it - you're here for a casual chat with you buddies. You're also obviously here to provoke people, so stop your dirty business and get the hell out of this board. You most definetely have not contributed ANYTHING to this board, so stop blaming me for sh1t you have done yourself.

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To LOCC, Svoloch, Russian and my other friends
privet muzhiki - etoi suchare kim arx nujno budet hui zasunut'v rot i v jopy

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Do NOT ask me anymore questions(Such as "what is scobkax means"). You just lost your privilege to be refered to as a normal human being. Get it Dummy??? No more favors to hypocrites

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Unicef, I also wish they wouldn't build it in my backyard. Why not? A nice toy for Mssrs. Blare and Chirac: to shoot down the French Beef Ban on the one side and British beef - on the other. Just imagine gaullistic Mssr. Chirac wearing a helmet and downing beef carcasses in Pas de Calais.
Where? If "Western" toughs and toughers are tough, it'll lead to real Cold War style complications. The IMF blah is in reality a political move, it can hurt Russ. Fed., but it causes a stir in 3-rd World undermining IMF's "status" of a purely financial institution as well. Before Kosovo events few cared about Russ. Fed. military, now there's a kind of an outcry "Generals Siezed Power", Army-on-the-rise-blah (leads to Cold War-style titillation for the gen. public, which in turn may be adversely speculated on by politicians, proclaiming the need of some dubious value actions the response to the gen. public demand), - why not? Suddenly Russ. Fed. realized it's naked. Courtesy NATO (if it's not some more far-reaching ploy). Hence the boost in spending, research, You name it. Isn't Russ. Fed a state to rightfully do so? Returning to IMF. - Various bona fides cry about loans, but do not tell, that Russia (not Russ. Fed) honours the debt, incurred by the USSR embracing all former USSR members. What if Russia declares a default on the grounds, that USSR's now defunct? It's not in the best interests of all the lending bodies. (Imagine bills. and bills., and bills. of $ unpaid, and with Russ. Fed. hurt less, than the "West".) Talk about independence and "talks" with the "authorities" from the other side is BS as well. Well, proclaimers of this idea don't specify whom with to talk. Maschadov? He stated once, that he doesn't control the militants within his own land. Khattab? He-he, it's for the criminal court - a total foreigner, armed and dangerous, a sure case for a "foreign-backed & sponsored armed insurgency" indictment. Raduew? "Leader" of the "International Brigade? There're mercinaries again. Basaew? - Same. This "independence" will lead to a total Soviet-era sealed border. And taleeban govt.. I wouldn't venture inside as investor, aid worker or else. Stop. - Georgia. It won't cooperate for now, but Shevardnadze doesn't control the whole territory and got a breakaway movement headacke of his own.

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The question of what I think about the Chechen situation.

If what Russia is saying and they are battling terrorism I am in full support of this. I am an American and I believe that America should be more like Russia when it fights.

It is Unarguable that the United States of America is by far the Strongest militarily and economically in the entire world. But When we set out to war we should set out to war. No stupid rules. I like the way Russia has utterly and completely with full force taken their objectives in Chechnya. No "•••••-footin'" around. They have an objective, they go get it. Period.
When the United States decides to have war we •••••-foot around. Decide on all the rules, beg and plead with them to give up. That's stupid. When we demand something that's right and they don't abide by what we say we should immediately, everytime, without fail bomb the living crap out of them and send ground troups in and take over. Instead we bomb and bomb and beg and bomb and plead and bomb and spend billions and billions of dollars doing almost nothing but spending money.

Yes, I agree with what Russia has done if they are telling the truth and are in the right. Get in, take over.....period.

Russia is a super power...not nearly as super as the United States but Russia would whoop our butts in a war simply because of our stupid, sympathetic, overcareful leaders. War is war. The death and tragedy is horrible. But still, war is horrible and is an unavoidable thing sometimes. When you have to do it, do it right. Like Russia, kick butt and take over...yes, I love it.............

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The Soviet Empire revives?
We see the reconquest of Chechnya, the integration of Belarus, the hailing of the treaty by Kazakhs and Kyrgyz governments , forces in Ukraine and Armenia to join the union. What do you say?

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Chyr i evo v rot eby 🙂 v zjopy sam evo ebi, on syka govnistei navernoe 🙂

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As a communist and atheist I believe the misery of the Chechen and Russian people was caused by religion and nationalism.

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Yidu otsuda, tol'ko u znaete shto karkaete. U bez teba na dyshe toshno, lydshe skazji che nebyd v podderzjky nashei rodini.

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I do not speak russian.
Can you translate please

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Russian are you there?

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Thanks for the reminder.It seems to me we are simply talking or not talking to the same people as before,simply demasked. Bullying of people who come here to ask questions makes my skin crawl. Kim is a provocateuse,yes, but not in that sense.
(I hope).These are individuals(recognised!)that seem very angry and defensive.I think 'cause they are not ready to hear certain things at this time.
Maybe it takes time for people to learn (to use the freedom to) transcend nationalism,when they have been through so much transition.(That's sort of garbled,I hope you understand).
The bully is usually someone who has been bullied themselves, I guess.

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