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Archive through December 9, 1999

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To Kim,

The vast majority of Russians on this message are acting like zombies. I suggest you listen to them with a pinch of salt. It is painfully obvious to me that intellectual debate is not part of contemporary brainwashed Russian culture.

I deeply appreciate your perception, objectivity and focus in debate. You also possess the patience to debate with Russians, I do not!

Happy Ramadan to all

Adam R.
Santa Monica, California

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To Kim,

The vast majority of Russians on this message are acting like zombies. I suggest you listen to them with a pinch of salt. It is painfully obvious to me that intellectual debate is not part of contemporary brainwashed Russian culture.

I deeply appreciate your perception, objectivity and focus in debate. You also possess the patience to debate with Russians, I do not!

Merry Christmas and Happy Ramadan to all

Adam R.
Santa Monica, California

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Russia is a super power...not nearly as super as the United States but Russia would whoop our butts in a war...

Thank you for mentioning this ICEMANNIX, I was looking for some good jokes for this years Christmas party!

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To Svoloch:

mne kajetsa chto Kim eto ne mujik, a ebanaya baba..ti kak dumaesh?

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Russia is a super power...not nearly as super as the United States but Russia would whoop our butts in a war...
adam r. <<<YOU
Thank you for mentioning this ICEMANNIX, I was looking for some good jokes for this years Christmas party!

The Yugoslavia ordeal should've lasted about a week....even though I don't think we should've been in the conflict in the first place..but since we were....we P_u-$$_Y footed around so much that we wasted billions of dollars on a useless war when we could've saved billions and taken care of the whole situation in a week....

I am a US Marine my friend. I know what I am talking about when I say we are the super power lead by super WIMPS.

RUSSIA WOULD WHOOP OUR BUTTS BAD....SORRY. It is as hard for me to admit as anybody...we've grown too soft in this country

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Adam R.

The only joke here is You(with an exeption of kiss-ass international prostitute kim arx). Russia is still a super power, whether your lame ass accepts it or not, and militarywise is second to no one. Your(?) country is well aware of it and so should be you. And how about keeping to you promises, you said you have no desire to call us names and then you turn around and call us "plebian" Russians??? YOU ARE A F-U-C-K-I-N-G HYPOCRITE,as you already know. You are no patrician yourself, jackal. You live in the country with a very little culture, my plebian-brained Adam R.,. And it is pertty stupped to call plebians the people who are smater and better educated than you. Or, are you gonna argue that where you live, education is better? Save yourself from humiliation, otherwise I shall proceed with pleasure. Talk to ya, Madam R.

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You are not serious are you? Let's be realistic the only way we Russians can kick your ass is maybe by our nukes but you would do the same thing so nobody wins. But I think your army is much better trained that ours. Can you tell me how did you get your point of view?

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A xyi evo znaet, mozjet u baba, celka navernoe vot ei u ne emetse. Pizda cheshetse vot ona i vilevaet ves' gnev na nas..... 🙂

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I think we pissed them off....

Its amazing how these guys can split hairs, or should I say clutch at straws. I seem to have heard this international whore stuff somewhere, now was it rambo,texan or jake? Can't remember.

Dimwit the limpdick seems mighty riled.

I think Icemannix has a point.


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For you to talk about jihad unlimited is as relevant as for me to say there is an international world wide jewish conspiracy, with jewish control of crime, money, media etc. Keep talking about jihad unlimited and I promise you I will display copious amounts of information about jewish fundamentalism,terrorism and the multi-billion dollar crimes jews commit. Get the message? Dear Adam R., first, prove, that's it's wrong. Then do promise. (You can promise without proving, - I don't expect it.) At least it'll keep You busy, mister bona fide intimidator:o)))) Bye.
P.S. Get the message? Aulbright's favourite.
P.P.S. I remember Your post, where You mention Saudi donations to Russia and wish they include stale food & used toilet paper. You know, those donations go to islamic educational institutions... , get the message?;o))

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to Madam R.
What intelectual debate are you talking about whan all you do her is insult and try to bring us down????!!!what a hypocritical assho1e you and your provocateuse prostitute kim arx are!!! Amazing!!! You here to hate us and this is so obvious.

To a prostitute arx:

the only people I have, do and will bully is racists like you. When a normal person enters this board and asks questions or explains his points of view, I have no other intentions but to argue and defend my point. I have also tried to speak normally to you(BIG MISTAKE)when you intruded my conversation with LOCC with your dutch abrakadabra. Next time mind your own ••••••• business - I have a right to speak whatever language I want, and if that bothers you next time...why don't you suck on something big and juicy :0 It is a discrase for me to act like a gentelman with a rat like you

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Hello everybody, its me again.
My Russian comrades, don't show your
true character by exposing your feelings and
anger to the ones that try to make you mad.
To the ones that are against Russians and military
campaign in Chechnya, stop barking like dogs without owners. Show some restraint and speak like regular people on this debate. If you can't control yourself, just cool off for a few minutes and think of something wiser to say that will make your viewpoint look good.

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to whore arx:
I also happened to think that Icemannix has a point that speaks in my favor..can you read hte whole thing, bitch??? :0) :0) :0)

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Look you're no Kissie,not even a patch.

Its you I don't like,not your country
Johny, sorry dimitri.
And leave my child out of this.
When you use that other language to plan your little hate campaigns on this board,its no longer just your business. There must be some russian chat lines you can go to.

As yet you haven't spoken to me in a normal manner,just mouth,mouth,mouth- but that's you I guess.

Stop yapping at my heels.

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to a two faced prostitute(you know hwo you are*wink*):

you have a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong way to go before you can get to us 😉 DREAM ON, whore..

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