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Archive through December 9, 1999

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To the Russians,
In my view, Russia is still a considerable power in the world. However, we must understand a few things. Although Russia is exerting her power, look at where the conflicts are. Every imperialistic country can be judged by its involvement in global affairs. Russia's conflicts have been near her border. The United States' conflicts occur all over the world. These "intersts" are what keep a country within the status of the ultimate world power. However, in saying this, I believe Russia is handling its affiars within its sphere of influence. It's not like they're attempting to arm the Cubans or Mexicans to conduct an assault on the American mainland.

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Kissie, I thank you for your vote of confidence.

I don't know Adam, only that he has always been very cordial towards me. I think that he is as entitled to his opinion as anyone else on this board. As I said senseless bullying by two or more individuals,who use another language to discuss someone who can't understand,seems to me at the very least unfair.
And whereas you use examples and facts to refute what Adam is saying,Dimitri and friends resort to insults.

I agree that this has gone too far,and I also recognise the part I played in that.

I have no arguement with the Russian people, although I do think that this war against Chechnia does not stand russia's leaders in good stead.
I also agree to some extent with Icemanix point, that having started military action,the best thing is to get it over as quickly and effectively as possible. I disagreed with both the war in Iraq and Kosovo- I even demonstrated against these wars-but once the disision was made there seemed no way of going back. A conclusive end to these conflicts was never reached, in part because of the West wanting it both ways. To go to war and be everyone's hero.

Having said that I still think more could be done for the civilian and refugee population- who are obviously suffering. And if talking can solve anything, then talk.
Equally I think Russia has to recognise that even when this conflict is over,you can't force the Chechens to respect the law by shooting at them.

If Dimitri or anyone else dissagrees with anything I have said,then I have to say, that I would have a lot more respect for them, if they could point out my mistakes to me, without resorting to verbal violence. In the end my mind is far from made up in this matter and I am here to learn.

I'm going to take a break- I hope tempers will cool.

Kim Arx

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To Kim Arx:

I can personally assure you that when you entered my and LOCC's conversation I had no intentions to use profanity or verbal abuse of any kind to you. Your responce in Dutch was very unclear(I do not speak Dutch). When you speak Dutch with someone and I enter conversation in Russian what would you reaction be? I simply inquired whether it is a joke and you tryin' to be a smarty or you are simply trying to tell us something. Your responce seemed pretty uncool. I felt that you(concisely or not)trying to put me down by saying..well you know what you said. And please, believe me when I say that conversation was not a hate compain, it was my explanation to my Russian friends why I mistook Rambo for Russian. Russian used an american lingo and I assumed that Rambo is trying to provoke everyone against us(like this is a hard thing to do, huh! - Huge majority of people on this board are blindly against us to begin with). Anyway, I hope you get the point. A
In responce to you accusations of me bullying people - well, yes I did attack certain individuals(in my humble opinion the true jerks)who made such clear insults(yes, insults)towards us, that I had to be a jerk to put the real jerk down. Those individuals don't understand normal arguments, and I really felt obligated to get down on their level and straighted them out . I may be wrong, but I felt that I was doing it for a right cause. I am not perfect myself(we already established that). I am a little naive(remember my Russian/Rambo mixup?)..maybe not a little..who knows. But back to the subject - I've listened to people like Abdullah or Suleyman and they seem like intellegent people and express thei point of view without making stupid and unessessary attacks (like Zero, for instance). I might not like their opinion but I won't attack then for it. I don't feel hate, or racism coming from them.
I still leave myself a right to speak in Russian on this board, just like no one can take away your right to speak Dutch, should you find another Dutch speaking person on this or any other board. However I promise you that if we ever get down and dirty again(hopefully that won't happen), I shall express my feelings toward the subject and you in Russian with English subtitles..:) I hope it is fair. And I won't use profanity for as long as I am not being called names. Am I asking for too much?

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that's Cool,

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you were kinda right about one thing though. The way I jumped into a conversation was by responding to an ad I found pretty offensive. I attacked. That was kinda bully of me. I understand now, it would've been a much better of for me to express my point of view. Mea culpa 🙂

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Oh no no no no! It's not suppose to happen this way, where is an intense people (Dimitri, Kim)??? What's next? Are you going to give each other kiss, and embrace each other? Come on let's fight some more!:)

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``It seems Mr. Clinton has forgotten Russia is a great power that
possesses a nuclear arsenal. We aren't afraid at all of Clinton's
anti-Russian position,'' Yeltsin said at a meeting with Chinese
legislative chairman Li Peng.


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to Svoloch:

Bratan, I trully don't think Kim is the one to fight - I had to clerify things with Kim because it seems to me that we really misunderstood each other. And I am very glad we did clerify'em. But don't have any doubts - my point of view on the whole subject will never change. If you have a desire to fight you have to take on real enemy/opponent. You fight people with their own weapon - if they are smart - you use intellect, if they are blind with anger - you might as well bite back.I am certain that from time to time I am not very succeful at it. But I try. At least that's my ideology. Party on...:)

Vsem nashim bratanam privet
I am out for today, good night..

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After viewing "The Independent Information Center Of Chechen Republic I was sickened by what i saw . These militants should die a thousand deaths. theclips I watched you could hear the sounds of the Russian being tortured and another guys finger being chopped off. These Islamic terrorists should be wiped of the map.

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Did you see the one where they cut Russian soldiers throat? We are not only talking about soldiers we also talking about children being tortured.
The worst thing is that after all of this Muslim on this board are talking about some sort of Muslim moral.

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Dear Svoloch,

You are so wrong about Islam. The terrorists are only using this religion to justify their black deeds. They don't believe in any God. This is clearly supported by Head Muftii of Russia and European Countries of C.I.S. Also, this position can be seen in the messages of Abdullah. May I respectfully remind you that Islam is the second largest religion in Russia, and it has been recognized as one of the state religions in 1783? And, it has a strict moral code. It is the terrorists who has none.

Also, the messages you write make you look like you belong to RNE (Russian National Unity Party (read Fascists)). If it true than you are a disgrace to Russia. I have a quote to support my accusations, in one of your messages when you were using Russian you wrote: "Narrow-eyed bastards and Jews should be removed from our cities" (Rus: "Kosyh urodov i zhidov doloi iz nashih gorodov") May I respectfully remind you that spreading religious and national hatred is a punishable offence in the eyes of the law of Russian Federation. I think nationalists (read fascists) are the biggest existing threat to Russian Federation. They should be isolated from the society.

Denis A. Vassiltchev

P.S. I support anti-terrorists campaign of in Chechnya.

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Svoloch, Igor...

Like ICEMANNIX said, war is war. I'm sure atrocities are being comitted by both sides. I bet those scud missiles did quite a number when they slammed into that open air market a couple months back.

You guys forgot to mention the Serbs cutting the throats of Albania children. Why is that? The after action study reported an estimated 10,000 Albanians died during the Yugoslav and Serb occupation of Kosovo. Are you gonna blame all those deaths on NATO or will ya except some blame too?

Don't get me wrong, senseless deaths and torture should never be tolerated and those found guilty should pay the ultimate price but please don't play dumb and say the Russian army or any of those IN the army wouldn't attempt it. And payback is NO EXCUSE! If you argue it is, then that bandit was just getting some payback.

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"May I respectfully remind you that Islam is the second largest religion in Russia, and it has been recognized as one of the state religions in 1783?"
Your point is?

"And, it has a strict moral code. It is the terrorists who has none."
Yeah right! Chechen rebels are Muslim, don't you even tell me about the morals. I would have nothing against them, but not only they don't recognize that what they are doing is wrong they blame everything on us, calling us "filthy pigs"(there is only one exemption Abdulah). What strict morals are you talking about? They don't eve admit that there are terrorists in Checnya, they call them "freedom fighters". STRICT MORALS? I DON'T THINK SO. IF THEY HAD ANY THEY WOULD ADMIT THAT THERE ARE TERORISTS IN CHECHNYA, BUT THEY DON'T, ONLY ONE MUSLIM HAVE ADMITED SO FAR.

"Also, the messages you write make you look like you belong to RNE (Russian National Unity Party (read Fascists)). If it true than you are a disgrace to Russia."
Are you Jew? Trust me you are not the one who will judge me. Well it looks to me like you are ••••••• retard, no offense.

"I have a quote to support my accusations, in one of your messages when you were using Russian you wrote: "Narrow-eyed bastards and Jews should be removed from our cities" (Rus: "Kosyh urodov i zhidov doloi iz nashih gorodov") May I respectfully remind you that spreading religious and national hatred is a punishable offence in the eyes of the law of Russian Federation."

You know what, I did not say a single word to the Jews but hey have crossed the line. All I have heard from them is that they are chosen people and that Russians are "filthy pigs" and don't you ••••••• point finger at me, for every word that comes about of their mouth about Russians or Russia I will answer accordingly. If you ••••••• like the abuse then be my guest take it from them, but not me. I saw this line on one of the buildings in Russia, look around you will see many more like this one.
Law? When was the last time you were outside? I hate to brake this to you but there is no ••••••• law in Russia, I know it, you know it and guess what, everybody knows it. Everything can be bought and everything can be sold in Russia and you are fool if you think our law actually cares about such things as national hatred. Do you read newspapers? Every weak "OMOH" (this is government sponsored special forces so that you know it) go to the markets with so called special operation to catch criminals. Did you ever saw a single Russian standing against the wall during one of this operation and waiting for the bus, which will take them to the jail probably for 36 hours or more. No! All who gets arrested are Caucasians and I have seen it many times. This is what you call "Law" our own government does it and yet you are talking about "national hatred". Every contract murders are usually blamed on the Caucasians even though cops have no ••••••• clue who did it.

"I think nationalists (read fascists) are the biggest existing threat to Russian Federation."
Up to 70% support war in Chechnya, are you telling me people don’t realize that army kills civilians? Of course they do but they have hate to Chechens after all they did to us, should they be locked up too? Nationalists are not the biggest problem of Russia, corruption is, it has been the problem for the past 10 years, where were you? You support Chechen war, should you be locked up?

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Stupid quote of the day:

"Who cares that Chechen kidnapped few people."

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