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Archive through February 1, 2000

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Russian liars and supporters listen to your boss

Saidullayev, speaking in the adjacent Russian region of Ingushetia, said he believed none of the reports of surrenders.

"As far as I know, no fighters have surrendered in Grozny or turned in weapons," he said. "This isn't true. They showed five or six people, but they weren't the ones doing the fighting."

Saidullayev, head of a pro-Moscow Chechen State Council with limited credibility in Chechnya, said talks between Russian authorities and rebels had been confined to removing dead and wounded from Grozny's streets.

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listen to the great liar

General Gennady Troshev, in charge of Chechnya's eastern front, said the war would last "until our victory, no matter how much time this will take -- a day, two days, one month or one year.

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Turk ( - on Monday, January 31, 2000 - 03:12 am:

After or before receiving a bullet on their head?



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This message board stinks.

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All the Russian fags in Chechnia are dying like dogs!!!

Russian army is now in the list of the poorest armies in the world. According to BBC Russian soldiers are paid $5 a month. Also the Russian soldiers are not paid for months. The BBC also said the Russian army is using old soviet weapons. All the Russian soldiers are eating •••• in Chechnia.

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Russia is a piece of S-h-i-t !

Russia is about to be over. Communism is dead and with it Russia is also dead. All the Russian fags will die in Chechnia like the last time.

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urk ( - on Monday, January 31, 2000 - 03:44 am

Could it be that civilization was at a much different (primitive) stage? Surely there was not
many human rights movements at that time!

Exactly. Now I see where I'm getting at. Although some indian tribes did have some sort of a society structure like Mayas and Inkas but they are not applicable to N america

Do you think that just as we can not imagine someone being a slave today, civilized
Western countries (of today's) could slaughter millions of indians to invade their country.

Ah, but you're wrong. Slavery in certain regions of the world is quite present today, INCLUDING Chechnia. In fact, slavery in Chechnia was ever present since 1991 on quite extensive scale.

I don't know much about USA and the indians, but in Canada, many steps are taken to address
the historical wrongdoings, and not many Canadians are proud with what their ancestors did to

Aye, Canada gave indians some autonomy, so big deal, they came up recently with the new North Territory noone cares about. It fails far short from independece issues, isn't it?

I think there is no rights or wrongs in an absolute sense. Depending on each person's
development (we all go through stages!), something right one person, might be wrong for
others. As an example I used to object "Heroin trials", but now, I think it is a good idea to
help the addicts.

Agree, nothin is absolute (even Allakh *wink*)
Btw, the best way to help heroine addicts is to supply them with fresh clean needles.

can see that most Russians don't care if Chechen civilians are get killed (they don't even
care about Russians who got caught in Grozny), but I think future generations will care.

Oh really? Then why 2/3 of Chechnia's population now lives in Russia may I ask you. And why chechen refugees go to the regugee camps made by russians and attend schools there etc......not the greatest place to be but I didn't see during WWII refugees running to Germany. Now, why is that?
Even I care about refugees somewhat and believe me, i'm far more conservative and less pitiful than the average russian.

For me what Russia is doing is absolutely wrong. On the other hand I can see it is very
difficult for Russians to admit what their army doing is a crime against humanity.

Just wonderring, what's you definition of "crimes against humanity"? Btw, did you raise your voice to protest Nato's bombing of civilians in Serbia/Montenegro? Why?


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Turk ( - on Monday, January 31, 2000 - 04:21 am:

as you said, this is a hypothetical question. To start with I am not sure what's the
meaning of being Turk.

To make the life easier for you, your thoughts of Kurdish independence from Turkey?


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I report truth from Chechnya for CIA. I report as Chechens see this war. I eat with Chechens. Sleep with Chechens. Cut throats with Chechens. Oops, forget the last part. Please help me to get out of jail!

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proc ( - on Monday, January 31, 2000 - 09:52 pm:

...they invited Shamil
to be as a military leader, to make Moscow scared. And this is how
got involved in Dagestan. So, I as Dagestani like to say here, that
was no invasion of Chechens into Dagestan. Basaev was invited by Shura
fight against army.

As these people have absolutely no authority of any kind, this kind of "invitation" constitutes an act of agression and according to international laws deserves appropriate actions.

If Dagestani people want independence/not happy with their government, they should demand a peaceful referendum instead. No self-proclaimed garbage.

Then again that should be adressed to "Leo Tolstoy" as it was clearly cut and paiste job


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"By kissie ( - on Saturday, January 29, 2000 - 07:10 pm:
IGOR THE CHILD MOLESTING RUSKIE... .........IGOR IS GAY.........IGOR IS GAY.......IGOR IS GAY...............OGRE IS GAY.........IGOR EATS DOGS........ igor the putin's ••••.........."

Hi all, im back, sorry for being gone soooo long. Im sure you all missed me. To who ever post such filth above, i made it so that you gonna get kicked soon. Enjoy.

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porc ( - on Monday, January 31, 2000 - 10:01 pm:

Saidullayev, speaking in the adjacent Russian region of Ingushetia, said he believed none of
the reports of surrenders.

"As far as I know, no fighters have surrendered in Grozny or turned in weapons," he said. "This
isn't true. They showed five or six people, but they weren't the ones doing the fighting."

Saildullaev is a quite prominent figure in Moscow as he's one of the god fatrhers of Chechen Mafia clan in Moscow (biggest mafia fraction by FAR) that is in control of casinos and drugs (prostitution mostly controlled by azeri mafia).

Saidullaev sits in Moscow and knows jack-sh|t what's goin' on in Grozny (as much as the "author" of and affiliated subhumane sites who resides in LA). Ruslan Gantamirov is the pro-russian chechen leader who's responsible for taking care of Minutka square clearly along with others indicated surrender.

The funniest thing is, as the whiners were crying about that only civilians left in Grozny are only very old ans sick people unable to move, and....OOOOOPS!! we suddenly see young bearded males giving themselves up. Civilians? Probably came out from the crack of the woodwork....I THINK NOT!


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I am sad to inform that in the village of Ermolov (Ermolova), Chechens under the command of brigade general Aslambek Alikhadziev are going to give up. You traitors!

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M. Saidullayev said that chechens didn't give up because he is afraid that Bislan Gantamirov will be president of Chechnya instead of him. But neither will be, HAHA!

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"By FredLeDingue ( - on Sunday, January 30, 2000 - 03:15 pm:
Ultra Rusian Taliban
"ALLAH is speaking to me now. He says that we should kill all women of muslim decent. For they will be the fall of the muslim race if we do not kill them. You are reading this so it must be true. "

Goddamn Hell URN! You got purer than the purest taliban ever distilled!
To be a good muslim a muslim must be a man! Yeah!Women are evil so they shouldn't exist.
Men must have male descend only, own only male animals, have only male relatives and a male whife.

to the others

What's going on on this board. Impossible to talk about other things than "sluts" and "2$ bitches"

Fred, Dont mistake me with all those amateurs out there, its not me who post that.

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