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Archive through February 1, 2000

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I think we will be hunting Chechens Bosna

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I can see why you have so much hatred for chechnyians. it's because they are mulsems isn't it. Remember what the turks did to your people. They slaughtered them like pigs by the 1000s. So I really can't blame you for how you feel. As a muslems I used to feel sorry for your people and didn't particularly like the turks (who are always trying to kiss europe's ass in any way shape or form), but after seeing how much hatred you have towards muslems i am beginning to believe that your people deserved what they got.

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hahahah, all you can hunt igor is your arse. you bigest nigntmare will be when you will see a chechen knocking on your door and no one is around to help you, no armenian, no ultra, no body.... except igor shitting in his pants all over like arkan did, let me remind you of that story:

The London Sunday Times has reported that the foul creature Zeljko Raznatovic,
also known as terrorist Arkan was shot and killed in the Hotel Intercontinental, Belgrade.
The fowl smelling Arkan was shot 3 times in the face.
An unconfirmed report also states that Arkan make strange squealing noises similar
to that of a pig as he died.
Apart from blood on the floor of the hotel lobby, -->there are also exrecment stains<<-
as Arkan dirtied his pants...

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Come on over my 145lb German Shaperd loves to chew on Muslims,however I have to give him Rolaids after cause Muslim meat is a little spoiled.lolololololololololololololololBosna you cow .Kosovo next on world tour must print t-shirts.

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"By xyz33m... By b..."

Aren't you those guys who a couple of days ago under Kissie encouragement had a kinky sex with their own PC keyboards?

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Yeah and I have a nice 303 waiting for them.hahahahahaha Bosna you are a pathetic creature,let me put you out of your misery.

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haahaaaaaahaaaaahaaaaahhaaaaaaaaaaaa what a great day eh Bosna

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When it comes to international forms of terrorism, however, without a shadow of doubt the worst culprit is the United States of America. Surely this point should need no elaboration — the examples are innumerable from the bombings and civilian deaths in Kosovo and Iraq to the arbitrariness of US attacks on Sudan, Libya and Afghanistan to the shocking legacies of what it did in Vietnam and in Hiroshima/Nagasaki and so many other places. No government has come even close to killing as many civilians outside its territory as has the US! If there is one country which deserves more than any other to be declared a terrorist and rogue state it is the US

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Check this muslims out rational?

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I feel just terrible lololololololol

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In other unconfirmed reports, witnesses said rebel forces suffered heavy casualties when a large contingent of the militants blundered into a minefield while fleeing the city. Dozens of rebels were reportedly killed and wounded by Russian artillery pounding the fighters trapped in the minefield.

Another unconfirmed report had top Chechen leader Shamil Basayev badly wounded when his car hit a mine. Britain's Independent newspaper reported that Basayev had had surgery in a village hospital outside Grozny.

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Like I said they breed like rats

With 13 children to feed, bare cupboards, and no bus, taxi or even a donkey to take her to the nearest market, Zargan Sadulayeva trudged 40 kilometres to bring two sacks of food home.

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oh the humanity! oh my pure chechen brothers! MASKHADOV told you to remain in GROZNY untill february 23, WHY ARE YOU LEAVING? Do you not listen to maskhadov anymore? Is he not your president?

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AGAIN TODAY brings many bad news! Leva dudaev was killed yesterday. So was other two generals while they were escaping from grozny.

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