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Archive through February 1, 2000

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More and more bad news! SHAMIL BASAEV lost his LEG while escaping GROZNY!!! the WORST part is that it was one of OUR MINES that blew his leg OFF! Why oh WHy nobody told him where they put their mines?? He is not happy about losing his leg and blames couple of field commanders that he FORCED to REMAIN in GROZNY!

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LOVE the smell of NAPALM. Smells like VICTORY>lolololololololololololololololol

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You know how they have one armed bandits, Chechens have own version"one legged bandit"hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha What do you say BOSNA.

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Iwould pay anything to see video of Chechens running through minefield .What a comedy.

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IGOR do not laugh at this matter. There are thousands helpers, I mean civilians that are suffering because of us, I mean you.

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Zargan Sadulayeva gave birth to 13 future Chechen fighters! She said she will give birth to hundreds more! Beware IGOR!

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Russians are using illegal TOS-1 bombs that sucks oxygen out of people's lungs!

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"By Armenian+ ( - on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 - 01:03 pm:
>>>Everyone, vote for Zyuganov!!!
Shut up you fool. Nobody has a right to vote for Russian president here. May be Svoloch though but he sent you to hell many times. I personally think Svoloch was too soft on you, bloody commie."

Actually you stupid Armenian ass, i havent talked with that svoloch for some time now, but apparently the only one who needs to get his ass kicked here is you with all that shitt that cums out of your mouth. You are the bloody and poor Armenian, greedy clever scum!

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"By IGOR ( - on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 - 01:42 pm:
Ultra do you have link for that story.If true we need to get reception commitee ready for them.What a great day eh BOSNA.lolololol"

Igor, which one>? I have many, LOL.

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NAGALAND rebels in far EAST INDIA promised ANOTHER CHECHNYA there if no support will come from Europe. ANOTHER JIHAD! Allahu hu akbar!

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OK got to go, RUSSIANS are going to interrigate me again. They are torturing me here. Pray to Allah for me my chechens and muslim friends.

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"By b ( - on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 - 02:13 pm:
hahahah, all you can hunt igor is your arse. you bigest nigntmare will be when you will see a chechen knocking on your door and no one is around to help you, no armenian, no ultra, no body.... except igor shitting in his pants all over like arkan did, let me remind you of that story:"

As a matter of fact, if you got anything to say to Igor, or you wanna do anything against him or anyone else thats Russian, i will personally kick your ass. That is if you make it to the door before i snipe your ass with my Dragunov!

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"By IGOR ( - on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 - 02:59 pm:
You know how they have one armed bandits, Chechens have own version"one legged bandit"hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha What do you say BOSNA."

Actually, LOL, thats one of the funniest ive heard LOL!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! What a comedian!! Poor Caucis Blacks!

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Moscow Says Fall Of Grozny In Sight

MOSCOW, Feb 1, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Moscow sensed an end to the brutal war in Chechnya as reports came in that hundreds of Chechen fighters had surrendered, the mayor of Grozny was dead, a top guerrilla leader seriously wounded and the Russian flag flying in the rebel republic's capital.

The top Kremlin spokesman on Chechnya, Sergei Yastrzhembsky, said 140 Chechens had surrendered the besieged city to the much larger Russian force on Sunday.

A pro-Moscow Chechen commander in Grozny said another 34 fighters had laid down their arms on Monday while ORT television reported that federal forces were now in control of 40 percent of the ruined city.

The Chechen presidency heightened the impression of a Russian victory when it announced the death of the mayor of Grozny, Lechi Dudayev, killed in combat Monday while defending the city.

Dudayev, the nephew of former rebel Chechen president Dzhokhar Dudayev, commanded a battalion of 100 fighters.

And the French regional daily Ouest-France reported Tuesday that Shamil Basayev, the top warlord in Chechnya, was "very seriously wounded" and operated on Monday in a hospital at Alkhan-Kala near Grozny.

The latest Chechen estimates said that 1,500 rebels were still holed up inside the capital, with another 3,500 fighters facing the Russians in the republic's southern mountains.

Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev described the Grozny surrenders as the "first sign" that Chechen resistance was waning. Unconfirmed news reports said he might travel to the region on Tuesday.

And Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov told visiting U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright that the Chechen war was "winding down."

Russians also reported finally taking control of the vital Minutka Square, which the overwhelmed Chechens reportedly surrendered without a fight.

The first television footage of Russian flags flying over the nearly leveled and deserted square flashed on Russian television on Monday amid echoes of fighting coming from other quarters of the ghostly city.

"There is a psychological breakthrough" in Grozny, Yastrzhembsky said. "The people who are giving up now were recruited by the Chechens just recently and have little motivation to fight."

Albright for her part underlined the West's impatience with the growing humanitarian cost of the war and accused Russia of using "excessive force" in the conflict.

"Civilians have been indiscriminately targeted," Albright said.

Ouest-France's special correspondent Anne Nivat said some 2,200 Chechen fighters had arrived on Monday morning in Alkhan-Kala, 10 kilometers (six miles) from the suburbs of Grozny.

"Inside the hospital, everyone was bustling. In the corridor leading to the operating room, faces were grave as warlord Shamil Basayev, very seriously wounded, was among others being operated on," the correspondent wrote.

To leave Grozny the 2,200 pro-independence guerrillas, including 200 women, had had to cross minefields circling the capital, a Chechen commander identified as Bashir was quoted as saying.

"Over the first 50 meters (yards) we had already suffered nine dead," the paper quoted him as saying.

Some Chechen fighters however flatly dismissed reports that Grozny was ready to fall, also vowing to take their fight to other regions of the republic.

The Russians at one point had vowed to take Grozny by mid-January.

However a top general on Sunday suggested that Russia was digging in for a longer war, taking seriously Chechen threats to launch a guerrilla hit-and-run strategy once their capital was taken by the government troops.

General Gennady Troshev, in charge of Chechnya's eastern front, said the war would last "until our victory, no matter how much time this will take -- a day, two days, one month or one year."


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2 UNR,
>>You are the bloody and poor Armenian, greedy clever scum!

I like the word CLEVER. It translates to bright, intelligent person, which I certanly am. I am not sure about CRUM. Do you mean foam?
Regarding scambag Lenin. Last research proved he sucked Nadia Krupski di-ck. Did you know?

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