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Archive through February 1, 2000

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Gonzo why is US there in first place.We see how they help in Kosovo too.Read article by Gervasi

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It's a very sad day today for people all over the world that were cheering for a couple of 1000 freedom fighters fighting against 120,000 scum russians. Farewell to Grozny. for now. The chechnyans will get it back same as they did in 1996.
They fought like heroes for a whole month and we're all proud of them. Their martyrs are going to a much better and just place. I feel bad as a muslem at how little the islamic world did to help them. 1 billion muslems stood silent at the
russian atrocities. Same as they did in lebanon when israel invaded beirut. As for the russian pigs, I wouldn't be gloating if I were them. There's nothnig heroic about 120,000 misfits defeating 2000 lightly armed fighters. But for a screwed up russian army who never won a war, and whom hitler wiped out by the 1000s like sheep, I guess this is a major victory.
In front of the U.S. they act like chickens, but in front of poor unarmed chechnyans they act tough. Their day will come, when russia will be divided into 50 more countries and they will be living on foreign aid from the U.S.

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Maybe Russia should help Cuba and put some Nukes there for Cuba's safety.

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The Russians are not acting like chickens,in fact it is US who has no balls to challenge Russia in Chechnya MORON

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"how Brave Chechen fighters have “tactical retreat for 4 mounts? "
They are regrouping in small units. Smaller and smaller...
about this list: must be Kissie.

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thanks Fred

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To FredLeDingue

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Now if you guys read the link I left why should the world follow US policy.Why can't the people decide for themselves what road they want to take.What happened to democracy or is it Amerika's version of it?

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see the news:
"Russia Denies Chechen Withdrawal From Grozny
, Sergei Yastrzhembsky,
``If they had left Grozny, then we would have informed you,''

Chechens claim to withdraw also to reduce the legitimacy of the bombing of Grozny among the International community, beside they loose ground, battle in retreat too but they will definetly continue to hit and run as they said themself before.

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Igor, Russia put Nukes in Cuba? The reason cuba is having economic problems is beacuse the checks have stopped coming from Russia. The world doesn't have to follow US policies but remember The US still holds and does holds the right to spend its money and influence where it sees fit. At the same time remember one other thing the US gives away more economic and humantarin aid to other nations than anybody else. "The US has no balls to challenge Russia in Chechnya." What the, why would the US try to fight a war over Chechnya, doesn't make any sence what so ever.

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little titbit from link

Thus many parts of Eastern Europe, as well as much of the former Soviet Union, are meant to remain permanently underdeveloped areas, or relatively underdeveloped areas. Implementation of the new division of labor in Europe means that they must be locked into economic backwardness.

For Eastern Europe and the countries of the CIS, the creation of an "integrated" Europe within a capitalist framework will require a vast restructuring. This restructuring could be very profitable for Germany and the US. It will mean moving backwards in time for the parts of Europe being attached to the West.

The nature of the changes under way has already been prefigured in the effects of the "reforms" implemented in Russia from the early 1990s. It was said, of course, that these "reforms" would eventually bring prosperity. This was, however, a hollow claim from the beginning. For the "reforms" implemented at Western insistence were nothing more than the usual restructuring imposed by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund on Third World countries. And they have had the same effects

Thus the extension of the old world order into Eastern Europe and the CIS is a precarious exercise, fraught with uncertainty and risks. The major Western powers are extremely anxious that it should succeed, to some extent because they see success, which would be defined in terms of the efficient exploitation of these new regions, as a partial solution to their own grave economic problems. There is an increasingly strong tendency in Western countries to displace their own problems, to see the present international competition for the exploitation of new territories as some kind of solution to world economic stagnation.

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Cuba is the state it is in because of embargo 40 odd years and was exploited before embargo ie casino's and all the nasty Mafia's from Us. In front of the U.S. they act like chickens, but in front of poor unarmed chechnyans they act tough. Gonzo you posted this give example.

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To FredLeDingue

"they will definetly continue to hit and run as they said themself before"

Yes , they will
But every time number of attakers will be ...
Like you sad before, "Smaller and smaller..."

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Western analysts rightly suppose that the future will bring political instability. So, as Senator Bradley put it recently, "The question about Russia is whether reform is reversible". (17) Military analysts draw the obvious implication: the greater the military power which can potentially be brought to bear on Russia, the less the likelihood of the "reforms" being reversed. This is the meaning of the following extraordinary statement by the Working Group on NATO Enlargement:

"The security task of NATO is no longer limited to maintaining a defensive military posture against an opposing force. There is no immediate military security threat to Western Europe. The political instability and insecurity in Central and Eastern Europe, however, greatly affect the security of the NATO area. NATO should help to fulfill the Central and Eastern European desires for security and integration into Western structures, thus serving the interests in stability of its members." (18)



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Uh "own grave economic problems". Igor are you taling about the US because if you are your theory doesn't hold much water becuase the US is now in its 108th month of economic expansion. The longest period of economic expansion in US history. Things are pretty good.

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