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Archive through February 1, 2000

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"1000 freedom fighters"
huh! so many freedom fighters died that relain only 1000!!
"fighting against 120,000 scum russians"
Did russian sent new troops? Good news!

"Their martyrs are going to a much better and just place"
Oh, realy the battlefield was such a bad place to be that HELL is sweeter?

"at how little the islamic world did to help them. "
Well said, of course because they know this JIHAD IS MONKEY BUSINESS.

"when israel invaded beirut"
Here you are right.

"As for the russian pigs, I wouldn't be gloating if I were them. "
Do you know the pork production in Russia has slumped 40% while the world production has tripled in 10 Years.
(I know, URN, I'm repaeting the same things that everybody knows for long, but the fact is true anyway)

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I think I would call it economic exploitation. Why so many unemployed in Canada.What is benefit to Canada. Our oil costs us more than it does for Americans.

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Also US found more banana republics in Asia.Pay workers peanuts and make huge profits .Real good system if you are one making money,slave labour if you are worker making 65 cents per hour.

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Igor the "mafi" came from where???? Think again them cock suckers came from your area. from your backyard!! Were is sicily not over here my friend. Granted The money thy had to produce these casinos and crap probably came from US soil.

But they came tried to influnce us but in the end they to crumbled. No one can come to are soil and get away with treating people like crap. People here get respect or they get even!!

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Jamman who is us

But they came tried to influnce us but in the end they to crumbled. No one can come to are soil and get away with treating people like crap.

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Igor, When I refered to Cuba I was making a refrence that during the cold war Cubas economy was proped up by the USSR. The Cuban economy went into free fall after the USSR stopped sending the checks. As far as the embargo if Cuba can't survive economically with out US investment it shows that communisim doesn't work. Personally I think the embargo should be lifted beacuse oncew people see the seeds of freedom the march towards democrocy is hard to stop.

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Amen Brother!! Gonzo the great thank you for your words of wisdom!!

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Gonzo I agree embargo should be lifted.If everyone paid USSR debts Russia would be in good shape.

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The real reason Chechens are losing. Joel Luttiano. Please post some messages there!

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Igor I really hope you do not live hear in the U.S.A.

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Joel Luttiano says nobody cares about either Russians or muslims. We just want your oil. Dirt poor bastards, give us your oil! I want to play GemStone III.

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What is your problem jamman? I say let live Igor in US, or Canada if you like. You yourself go back to your Syria or Iraq, whereever you came from. Actually Igor should go back to Russia.

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Cuba is poor because Uncle Sam like it that way. There's no oil in Cuba that is why we don't invest in it. Communism is just an excuse. And we want to keep Elian Gonzales so he can work in McDonald for 5 bucks. Not because we don't like Castro.

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Igor. Making 65 cents an hour. Whos fault is that in the US we have the minum wage. Asians governments can pass the same type of laws but choose not to do so. Another case of blaming others for ones own problems. Would you feel better if US companies just pull out of asia and the people making 65 cents an hour have no jobs at all. One other thing I would like to point out is that the US is a very capitolistic country ,it makes no sence for the US to want Russia to be an economic mess. This results in lower trade which is no good for anybody . An economically stronger Russia would benefit a capitolistic US more than some type of sphere of influence. "Canadas oil costs more than it does for Americans. Are you saying gas is more expensice in Canada than the US? If so maybe the balme should fall on the Canadian government for taxing gas too much. Once again blameing others for problems one caused themselves.

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Hey Fred smart guy, why Israel invaded Beirut? Probably because Uncle Sam told it to.

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