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Archive through February 1, 2000

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Gonzo is an American, he is cool. Gonzo, you think we should kill Chechens or Russians?

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My problem is this I live hear in the country that I was born and raised. I am very greatful for the fruits of our fathers labor. We sit here and enjoy our freedoms. I feel bad knowing that people out there living in our country. The very country the provides the security blanket that they sleep under at night. Just so they can wake up and talk trash. I'll tell you one thing I would be kicking some wanna be russians ass and putting them on a plane back to sorry ass place where they came from!!!

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Anyway, you all should behave. If not, I will send you to lunatic asylum like I did my son Kyle. Kyle was not cool.

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Gonzo obviously you read nothing on that link I posted ,so lets just terminate discussion.You are too closed minded.

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Shut up Jamman. You are an immigrant like they are. I never heard of a true American with a name of "Jamman". Jam the man? What is up with that muhn?

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Hey Ultra Commie Dude, you will be glad to know that we have communist party here in US. It is doing pretty well. Nazi was doing pretty well too in the 30's. Then Hitler kind of ruined it with his invasion of Poland. - - - Kill Commie For Mommie - - -

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Jamman you can not even spell you retard

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xyz33m you are funny. You probably blew up those buildings in Russia. You want all Chechens to be killed, why?

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I know what is up with "I live HEAR ..." Stupid immigrant.

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Turk guy is hellova funny. They've been kissing US' behind for so long we are kind of tired of Turkey. If Greece decided to take back Constantinople, it will be fine with me. I hope Kurds take over your dirty country.

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Joel Luttiano:

Possiamo um con traci?

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Joel, the reason why the US doesn't allow investment in Cuba has nothing to do with the fact Cuba doesn't have any oil. nothing to do with it. The US invests in many countries that don't have oil. There are a couple of reasons for no investment in Cuba. First of which is Castro. There was a lot of investment in Cuba but when he took power he nationalized in all the industries , in other words stole companies that other paid for and worked to build. Of course now since he is no longer on the USSRs dole he would like that investment. Second the very strong Cuban - American population with rabbid anti-Castro feelings are not going to or put up a very strong fight against droping the sancions untill castros government is gone. Which is very interesting the people who want to keep the sanctions the most are cubans (in America). Now another point, communism is not just an excuse for not investing but how can you trust a leader who has stollen companies in the past. Another point how is an economically week Cuba good for the US? It just means more boat people and a lost chance for trade and economic investment that would be bennificial to US investors. If Cuba was a free country with a strong middle class trust me they would be very welcomed to come to the US and spend there dollars as Disney Land. What I am saying is an ecomically sound Cuba would be good for the US as well as the Cuban people.

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GemStone III is the best roleplaying game on line. Though I don't think muslims are allowed. You see, it's christian based dark ages fantasy world. You know the time Christians were whooping Muslims behinds in the name Isa (Jesus for you non-muslims).

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Greece will get back Constantinople in time.

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Hairy Mary go shave. Here in US we like smooth legs. I speak only American you immigrant.

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