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Archive through February 1, 2000

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Gonzo I suggest you read a bit more on that subject. Jails in Puerto Rico are just bursting with independence seekers.

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I said I was famous and I am. All because of Gemstone III and my son Kyle. Do search on me with different search engines. Yahoo is lame, got only 2 websites mentioning me. AltaVista got 14. Others got a lot more. Being famous is cool.

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Gonzo I will tell what I feel about what happened in Kosovo. I think that we should have never been there. here are some of my reason.

The biggest reason. Yogoslavia is a soverein country. Nato has no right to be there. U.N yes Nato no! The reason we pursued this with nato is because Russia and China say no way they hold veto power therefore NO U.N. invasion.

My other concerns are they did not ask us to go there.. If the majority of the people serbs and albanians wanted us there that's one thing I don't think they care or give a •••• about democracy. If they want or anyone for that matter wants help with democracy and the majority of the people say yes.. Lets kick some commy butt.. If the majority of the people say nea we should let them kill themselve and we should stand down and soround the borders and makes sure the cancer does not spread!!

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"Owned a village"?? What that suppose to mean? They were Nazis owning jew village?

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Joel, yea Clinton didn't see what a lot of others saw coming , the cycle of violence just seems to spin arround and arround in the balkins. I think hell just devide Kosovo, serbs on one side of the line, Albanians on the other since they can't seem to play nice.

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Yugoslavia is not communist country Jam the Man.

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Joel, his father is Adder21 aka Ukrainian Girl. He's a he/she waiting the operation so that it can hide from things it done in past. may I suggest that you send post to both, see which one responds.

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Gonzo forgive me for sayin this but ... DUH! The cycle of violence was going round and round for 500 years! And Clinton though he could stop it. Heh. But we can understand the guy. Lewinsky thing was on front pages so he decided to bomb Yugoslavia.

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Geez Mary, I thought I really knew. But one never knows. So here goes nothing. Adder21 aka Ukraining Girl, are you the father of my adopted sons Kyle and Kyke?

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Joel You are right my friend I did not mean to be racial there, Kick anyones butt!! If a majority of the people there wanted us to be there. That was not the case there. the Serbs were a majority there and they say nea and we should respect that.

The moral of the whole damn thing is the U.N. should have been there, not NATO.

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Ok Jam the Man. You are right. I am wrong. Clinton shouldn't have bombed Yugoslavia just because Lewinsky asked him to.

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Jamman, Kosovo post especally the 3rd paragraph is right on.

Joel about the independence seakers in jail in Puerto Rico. why are they in jail could it be because the broke the law. I doubt they are in jail just because of there beliefs. Remember, despite the fact these people are in jail. Puerto Rico has had national votes and voted to stay right where they are. So for right now thats what the majorty wants. Personally I don't want Puerto Rico to become the 51st state and the facts they have most of the benefits of being a US citizen and don't pay US taxes I would rather see them become there own country. Now having said that Puerto Ricans have served galently in the US armed forces over the years and if Puerto Rico votes to become the 51st state I won't be out on the street protesting. I would just say oh well go to bed and go to work the next day.

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"By Gonzo ( - on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 - 05:00 pm:
Igor, Russia put Nukes in Cuba? The reason cuba is having economic problems is beacuse the checks have stopped coming from Russia. The world doesn't have to follow US policies but remember The US still holds and does holds the right to spend its money and influence where it sees fit. At the same time remember one other thing the US gives away more economic and humantarin aid to other nations than anybody else. "The US has no balls to challenge Russia in Chechnya." What the, why would the US try to fight a war over Chechnya, doesn't make any sence what so ever."

Why would U.S. try to fight a war in Chechnya? Well why would they fight a war in Kosovo MORON!

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I forgot to tell you. When you search for me I have different nicks. Joel Luttiano, Lord Luttiano, Manniano, beater of Kyle, Lutt, a father who made a mistake, Lut, Leo Jonaittul and many many more! Here's a challenge for you, try to find them all! Oh yeah, don't foget Joel Dezenzio and Luttiano Draghelm.

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