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Archive through February 10, 2000

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US says it is okay to bomb civilians

In Washington, the US came down strongly on Israel's side, saying the IDF was justified in its attacks on Lebanon.

"I think it is clear that the bombing is a reaction to the deaths in two separate instances of Israeli soldiers," said President Bill Clinton.

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said Tuesday night that Hizbullah is violating a 1996 promise not to use villages in Lebanon to launch attacks on Israeli soldiers.

Albright said the attacks from villages on Lebanon's southern border with Israel are contrary to the agreement brokered four years ago by the United States. That pact rules out attacks on civilians or subjecting them to cross-fire.

Albright said that Israel is trying to send "a very clear signal" that it does not want the fighting to escalate. "They want to make sure the message is received," she added.

Envoys from France and the US, and to a lesser extent the EU, who have been busy passing messages among Beirut, Damascus, and Jerusalem in recent days, now all agree that the ball is in Israel's court.

Therefore it must be okay for Russia to do same .No more bull from you US supporters

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Ibn'Umar, Ponder
"During the withdrawal of the Mujahideen from Grozny, and their subsequent moves towards the south of the country, 60
Mujahideen were killed, and 70 others were injured. May Allah accept the dead"...


(can't help it)


Especialy for Igor's sens of humor
By Ponder
"During the bombardment, one of the Mujahideen was killed when he
was prostrating in prayer. May Allah Most High raise him on the day of judgement in the same state in which he died"

HAHAHA! do you imagine his face when he will wake up in the Beyond!?!

Dear Coalition and President URN

I propose IBN'Umar as the 1st this-board imam and minister of islam questions.

As for the capture of the Fortune 500, I agree on the condition the detention doesn't last more than 48 hours and that NO RANSOM are asked.
In the meantime the NYSE will fall the at the release grow up again and at the next kidnaping plunge again.

This will destabilize wall street and as real Ultra Communist and true USSR poeple, the coalition will buy stocks during the captivity and sell them at the release with a 400% gain.

The gain will finance the reconstruction of Grozny, the construction of the Chechen parliament in Gudermes, the safety in the region and the rebuilding of the apartement blasted by chechen terrorists.

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I still think the Russians don't get it. Russia can't stop a separatest movement with a millatary offensive. The attack and bombing of Gronzy is being said to be one of the biggest assualts since WWII. After this last assault Gronzy is said to be in ruin and barelyfit for humans. Nikolai Koshman , chief Russian adminastrator for Russia has even sugested that gronzy should be razed and the capitol moved to eastern Chechnya. After all this the Chechens have not quit.

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Israel sucks!
They are just worst motherfockers than islamists.
In praying the first bang theyr head against the lamentation wall. The second bang theyr head against the ground.
This exercise make them moron by damaging theyr brain.
They should stop it and think about PEACE!
for god sake.

If Israel would stop messing around, maybe islamic Jihad would have no reason to be and therefore no way to appeal naive youngsters to be killed in a guerilla in Chechenya.

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Russia's new military doctrine to face West
MOSCOW: Puckered at incessent poking by western powers, mainly the US, Russia's new military doctrine has come out with proposals to face the ``challenges'' of the noveau unipolar world.

Novosti news agency quoted foreign minister Igor Ivanov as telling the first session of the new Duma that compulsions necessitated by the new challenges, threats, terrorism, weapons and drug smuggling has forced Russia to review its `consolidation of the state' policy, now reflected in the new military doctrine.

Ivanov said the prevalent trend of roughshoding world politics through the unipolar system thrust upon by ``privileged states'' is now being widely opposed. NATO's misadventure in Yugoslavia, its adoption of new strategic conception and expansion of membership right upto the Russian doorsteps are pointers of things to come that relegate times back to the confrontation and Cold War era.

The latest detention of the Russian oil tanker in the Persian Gulf by US forces, done immediately after Madeline Albright left Moscow airport, was done to test Kremlin's nerves and to show the world ``who the real boss was'', Ivanov said. It came in the wake of the smooth passage of Russia's `revised miliatry doctrine' at various stages of the Russian power structure.

Acting president Vladimir Putin, addressing public meetings, also has dealt at length on the country's new doctrine for effective and enhanced defence preparedness. He spoke of the designs of ``certain powers'' to ``Balkanise'' Russia, which incidents of Dagestan and Chechnya have focused.

Referring to Ivanov's policy statement, Novosti agency said while creating a safety belt around its borders under the modified military doctrine, Russia has considerably improved its relations with China, india and other neighbouring states.

But to dispel any negative signals emanating from western capitals, Ivanov told the Duma that adoption of the new military concept does not envisage use of force against any foreign state, even as he spelt out the reasons for updating the doctrine. (UNI)

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Is part of the new military concept accually paying the troops?

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Dear Members of the Coalition,

Since I am somewhat familiar with an art of brokerage, I would like to come up with an alternative idea - following the steps of the famous Russian "Godfather" - Viacheslav Ivankov(aka Yaponchik), we can open an account in one of the US investment banks, a brokerage account perhaps, using our american mole (insider). Then we get a membership on NYSE and conduct into prohibited activities, such as manipulative methods of trading stocks. Next step would be making some false/misleading announcements that would influence the price of US tobacco securities to drop. After the above mentioned securities become penny-stocks, we buy them ALL, again, using our mole as a floor trader on NYSE.

EPILOGUE:We become the ultimate owners of all US tobacco industry.


Your comments on it will be greatly appriciated.


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Posts: 397

Hey wait a minute didn't that URN guy say Russia doesn't help from the US that "Russia has the man power and resources". How come all these plans I see posted seem to involve the US in one way or another. I guess Russia does need help from the US and can't go it alone. Pity

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Dear Director,
Your hypothesis is solid, but I must ask one question: What happened to the price of tobacco company stock after the Federal government's lawsuit brought against the industry? I'm sure it had some impact, but to what degree I am not certain. How would we get stock prices to fall for our advantage to become material? We first must look at the facts: The tobacco industry is in a Federal lawsuit which requires them to pay money to various states as compensation. I don't know if the value of stock will go up after this. However, we are confronted with a desireable (this may seem sadistic to others) aspect of tobacco in that people don't care about dying from its effects. This is a very powerful phenomenon and one that may produce millions before our eyes. Mr. LeDingue must formulate a way to acquire our insider.

Your Humble Advisor

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"""If Israel would stop messing around, maybe islamic Jihad would have no reason to be and therefore no way to appeal naive youngsters to be killed in a guerilla in Chechenya."""


PLEASE!!!!! If Israel would stop messing around, you say? Around what??? Have you ever lived in a country that is incircled by your WORST enemies????
I DON'T think so, otherwise I hope you'd never say a thing like that! Why are the the worst?
Or do you blame them for having a powerfull ally?

Now, don't get me wrong - I was never a pro-Nataniyahu, but Yahud Barak is a very democracy oriented fellow and I am looking forward to see a free Palestine (WITHOUT Jerusalem, as a capital and with a lead of hypo-Arafat). If you wanna call someone a motherfocker, you better be damn sure of it. Cuz, your lebanese non-motherfockers are the ones who fired a missile at Russian embassy not too long ago, those non-motherfockers are the ones that kill civilians, since the Israeli Army is too tough for them..How's that for motherfocker , I ask You, Fred???

And on the final note - don't get offended but I smelled hypocricy from Your post - it's OK with You when Russians start a warfare after terr-acts, but it's NOT OK for Israelis to attack when their citizens are being butchered??? Am I understanding You correctly?

Since I happen to know quite a lot on Israel(been there, and done some of that) - I can discuss it with You firther upon Your request. And, Fred - they are no bandits nor terrorists - if someone attacks them (just like someone attacks Russia) - they better be damn sure that there WILL be consiquences.

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I think there are some certain important differences between what happened recently in Isreal and Chechnya. Bothe Russia and Isreal and the US for that matter said they were striking back at terrorist. The US shoots some tomahawks at mud hits in Afganastan and a milk factory in Sudan. Isreal launches some air stikes into Lebanon and Russia devistates a city that at one time had 400,ooo resedents and is now not fit for human habatation. Is there something that does not look right about this?

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". Russia can't stop a separatest movement with a millatary offensive"
I think you don't get it. It's more than a separatist movement.
If it was just a region to be independent I think the russia would leave after one week and two casualities.
But here, keep in mind there are involved:
1/Chechen mafia
2/Islamic Jihad
3/Oil. not only pipelines but stocks still unexploited;
4/also a wish for independance.

I think Babitsky is held in custody by FSB.

They would not kill him because it would make a scandal.
They would not let him free because he speaks too much.
They would not say they hold him because the US and Press right org would be outraged and would ask for his immediate liberation.

So they said they gave him up to the rebel...

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Fred , one fact that sort of disputes your opinion is the fact the Chechens have wanted there own land for hundreds of years. Long before mafia/jhad/oil.. So the Russian would hold him because he "speaks too much" about what the truth. Wow. Russians don't want the ugly side of this to get out.

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Dear Advisor,

"Right You are, Watson" 🙂
Once again I feel obliged to give you my deepest gratitude for making such wise suggestions..unfortunately I cannot admit to overlooking that obstacle of our dilemma (because someone of my rank can NEVER be wrong in a Soviet world)..
Please inform me how you would proceed about helping the tobacco stocks to go up with the help of American tobacco smokers. Furthermore, consult with our Minister of Economy,Mr. Le Dingue, who seems to have a good grasp on this matter.

"cc" me upon nessesity of the situation.


Noble Member
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Posts: 2221

"""Hey wait a minute didn't that URN guy say Russia doesn't help from the US that "Russia has the man power and resources". How come all these plans I see posted seem to involve the US in one way or another. I guess Russia does need help from the US and can't go it alone. Pity """

Hey, hey Gonzo..That was URN who said it and, as you know the President needs to sound brave when he make publicly held speeches. LOL
..besides our evil Master-plan hasn't come to his attention yet..

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