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Archive through February 10, 2000

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ya vobshe oxyel kogda yvidel...blea ladno xot' golovy ne privez...prikalivaeshe pacani priezjaut s kalashami kotorie y chernix zabrali...u y vsex s golovoi ne vse vporadke...

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just a Post Scriptum - I went on You a little rough(as usual:)))..and truly sorry, I am..But..aside of my personal attacks(i.e. "naive", "hypocrite") I stand by every single word I wrote. Israel WAS using tricks(sometimes dirty ones) to survive; with Barak as a Leader, the nation hopefully live prosper, without being afraid, because wherever they look - they see Muslim faces, who can't stand the idea that Israel acually exists. Just one little example - do You remember when US started the whole Gulf War thing? Well, who did Saddam threatened to bomb the first??? That's right - Israelis? What the hell did they do to him? Their troops weren't even present in Persian Golf at that time. And that, my friend, is just one out of thousands..So what do you expect from them? Being as smart as they are(yeap), they managed not only to withstand the Muslim agression (Egypt was the first to attack),
but also managed to come up with great economic system, one of the best Intellegence Sevices ever seen, great turist attraction..well you get the point.
BTW you native country not so long ago did the same thing to Congo..but fortunatelly for Belgium, Congo doesn't have many terrorists, so leaving it along wasn't much of a problem for Belgians..You might argue with me on the basis of Congo being Belgium colony when Lebanon isn't Israeli land, but what is a colony? And how colonialists are different from invaders?
Think about it. I just hope I changed Your mind amout Israelis being the WORST and all..

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>>> privez Chechenskie pamet' otrezal...

Spasibo za info - soobschu kuda sleduet ... Chot vam, kozlam moskovslim, ne zdobrovat' bylo!

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Soobshi...ti zje znaesh baklan shto te tozje otrezjyt 🙂

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