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Archive through February 11, 2000

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"We didn't force anyone to leave, but we aided people who did," Sergei said. Another commander, Gennadi, added: "We don't care if they're Chechens, Armenians, Russians, they are all people who need help. They need food, water and assistance, no matter what nationality they are."

These are the people bringing real credit to Russia, not the racist morons frequenting this board.

It is a wonderful feeling to break through the blindness of nationalism (usually breeding racism) and to appreciate fully that regardless of color or apparence we are deep down all the same, originated from a single source.

Our religions are teaching this to us, now scientiests have proved using genetical studies that human race was originated from South Africa.

There is proof of the existence of God for any person who can see and understand.

35. And We said: “O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in the Paradise and eat both of you freely with pleasure and delight, of things therein as wherever you will, but come not near this tree or you both will be of the Zâlimûn.”

36. Then the Shaitân made them slip therefrom , and got them out from that in which they were. We said: “Get you down, with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be a dwelling place for you and an enjoyment for a time.”

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To : X

You live with your Maddona and I will live with my Muhammed. "Subsequent results" not "Empty Rhetorics" will ascertain the victor from the vanquished.

All the best to you - O Wise and clever X .

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You are my doctor? but my friend - I don't need proctologist..even if he as good as you are..

bezo me cullo juevon!

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""""You live with your Maddona and I will live with my Muhammed""""

wow!!!!!!!as long as your bed is big enough for such activities, more power to you (and your Boyfriend, of course)

turk, look, another "mental desease" case...

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blah blah

blah blah
blah blah
blah blah

just a white noise

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nighty-night wackos!

I'll see all'o'ya in hell...

or tomorrow.

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Putinism: THe Highest Form Of Robber Capitalism
By Andrei Piontkovsky

No discussions are required to define the socio-economic situation that has taken root in Russia over the last decade. Observers from staunch Communist Viktor Anpilov to Anatoly Chubais in Russia, and from George Soros to Laurence Summers abroad, all describe it in more or less the same terms — crony capitalism, family capitalism, oligarchic capitalism, robber capitalism.

Why patriotic Russians are dying in Chechnya? For their country? I didn't think so.

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*had to come back for a brief moment*

take this - bam*!
**sound of a broken nose**

defenitely check out "Boogie nights".

Good night, boyz.

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whatta wacky day this was...and tomorrow?

GOOD NIGHT (for sure this time).

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Sorry, Maddona is not my Maddona...She's a BITCH...BUT BETTER THEN MOHAMMED...

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By Dimitri ( - on Friday, February 11, 2000 - 07:55 pm:
*had to come back for a brief moment*

take this - bam*!
**sound of a broken nose**

Did you hit your nose to a door? Poor fellow. But I always knew you were an idiot. Be careful next time, then again you are a slow learner. You know what we call in West, mentally-challenged.

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The evidence was clear that ‘at times’ during an important axis event - or when the Serbs actually restrained in shelling at a particular time or place - Muslim forces shelled their own areas. [Message posted on America-on-Line by UN Human Rights Officer James Luko on 96-02-11 13:47:01 EST]

An UNMO team near Kosevo hospital near Sarajevo had witnessed a Bosnian government mortar crew set up in the grounds of the hospital and fire over the hospital into a Serb area. They had quickly packed up and gone, only for the UNMO to see a television crew arrive and then record the retaliatory Serb shelling of the hospital. [Owen, p. 106]

Even at that time there was a feeling among some in UNPROFOR that albeit only a small element in the continuous sniping in the central part of Muslim held Sarajevo, was being undertaken by Muslim units firing on their own people. Those suspicions were never confirmed until August 1995 when a French UN team pinpointed some of the sniping to a building which was controlled by Bosnian government forces. [Owen, p. 106]

... a senior ballistic expert in Zagreb had studied a map of likely trajectory patterns produced by UN investigators in Sarajevo and believed the angle at which the mortar had hit the roof of the market stall indicated that the firing point was more likely to be 1,100-2,000 meters from the impact than 2,000-3,000 meters, and that this would tend to indicate that the mortar had been fired from a Bosnian army position. When this highly charged information reached the UN in New York on Tuesday everything was done to clamp down on the number of people who saw it so as to reduce the chance of press leak. [Owen, p. 260].

From contacts in the U.S. intelligence community, I am positive the U.S. government does not have proof of any genocide. [George Kenney: Steering Clear of Balkan Shoals, The Nation, January 8/15, 1996, p. 21])

excerpt from---

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NATO bombed the civilian infrastructure not because it was making a significant contribution to the Yugoslav military effort but because its destruction would squeeze Serb civilians to put pressure on Milosevic to withdraw from Kosovo. Using military force in this fashion against civilians would violate the "principle of distinction"—a fundamental principle of international humanitarian law—which requires military force to be used only against military targets, not against civilians or civilian objects.

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"""By IGOR ( - on Friday, February 11, 2000 - 08:14 pm:

The evidence was clear that ‘at times’ during an important axis event - or when the Serbs actually restrained in shelling at a particular time or place - Muslim forces shelled their own areas. [Message posted on America-on-Line by UN Human Rights Officer James Luko on 96-02-11 13:47:01 EST] """"

Yeah! I confess. We Muslims are self-mutilating maniacs. We kill each other to get Western sympathy. That's the only way we can win the war against Serbia.

In Grozny we did the same. Our planes and artillery destroyed Grozny. But this time it was no use. West waked up to our trick, so they did not care.

Igor, you smart old man, living in Canada on government handouts, tell us what we should do.

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