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Archive through February 12, 2000

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Babitsky case is an Int'l scandal in progress. His arrest by FSB and consequent disappearance are blatant violations of the law. I didn't see any information on his religion and it's not important. Religion doesn't matter, whatever it is, he is a journalist and he is protected by an Int'l law in general and, as Russian citizen, by Russian law in particular.

Regarding the last Chechen war, if I remember right, Maskhadov was one of the commanders credited with taking Grozny back.

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To Turk:

Why half of your country is building Russia. Because they probably get much more than in your ••••••• Turkey. You ••••••• poor motherfucker will answer for this sheet you wrote. I was always sooting your people like dogs and will continue to do so. You are full of sheet uneducated filthy muslim shut the •••• your stinking whole. Don't worry, you are the next. Your country will flame like a candle really soon.

P.S. I will go by myself to shoot like you. You are ••••••• TUKSUZ don't forget your nature. Lick my ass, you moron.

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Turks continue their bullying tactics against everyone in Europe and America who speaks the truth.

Turkey angry at Armenian monument in Assen, the Netherlands

De Volkskrant
February 2, 2000

Turkey is furious at the local authority of Assen (the Netherlands). The local Armenian community in Assen got permission to place a memorial stone. The affaire even reached the Turkish

The Armenians want to place a memorial stone near the cemetery 'De Boskamp' for the 1,5 million Armenians who were killed during the
Turkish domination between 1910 and 1920. Turkey still denies this genocide and thinks the memorial stone -a stone-cross from a Armenian
mountain- is an insult and a deception.

The Turkish community in Assen protested against the plans. In front of the city hall a group of Turks placed a black wreath. ]

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I am well-aware of Constantinople's history and its former conquerors. By merely asking your last question does not dispute the fact of my analogies. What's the history of America? What about England? The Normans conquered the Anglo-Saxons. Do the Anglo-Saxons deserve their rightful land? All I'm saying is that-whether it is right or wrong-the latest conquerors usually get the last rights. Every nation's history has instances where land has been conquered and reconquered. What makes Constantinople (Istanbul) any different? This time, please respond with an answer rather than an ambiguous question.

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